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Sample Midterm 2.
Sample Midterm 2.
Sample Midterm 2.
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (2 points each)
____ 1. Alternation of generations in plants refers to a life cycle that alternates between
a. monoecious and dioecious
c. haploid and diploid
b. male and female
d. all of the above
2. Most of the mass of wood and other plant matter comes from carbon. Where do the plants get this
carbon from?
a. soil
c. fertilizer
b. air
d. water
3. Which of the following are thought to be adaptations to terrestrial life?
a. stomata
c. seeds
b. vascular tissues
d. all of the above
4. Dicots are characterized by having
a. a single seed leaf
b. flower parts in multiples of 3
c. parallel leaf venation
d. none of the above
5. Following double fertilization, the ovule develops into the ________ and the ovary develops into the
a. cotyledon, embryo
c. seed, fruit
b. embryo, seed
d. fruit, seed
6. In bryophytes, the ___________ generation is the dominant life form
a. anthophyte
c. sporophyte
b. gametophyte
d. none of the above
7. The compound that gives wood its rigidity is
a. cellulose
c. microphyll
b. lignin
d. calcium carbonate
8. Liverworts and hornworts share most of their life cycle characteristics with
a. mosses
c. club mosses
b. ferns
d. horsetails
9. Seedless vascular plants possess _______ to transport water and dissolved mineral nutrients and
__________ to transport photosynthate
a. cuticle; xylem
c. phloem; xylem
b. phloem; stomata
d. xylem; phloem
____ 10. Which of the following is not a gymnosperm?
a. Gnetophyta
c. Coniferophyta
b. Cycadophyta
d. Anthophyta
____ 11. For which of the following phyla does Cornell College have the state champion tree?
a. Ginkgo
c. Swamp white oak
b. White pine
d. Cottonwood
____ 12. Monoecious plants have
a. only one economic use
b. mononucleosis
c. separate sexes
d. perfect flowers
____ 13. Pollination occurs on the
a. anther
b. filament
c. stigma
d. style
____ 14. Double fertilization in angiosperms results in
a. triploid endosperm
c. one seed and one fruit
b. twin embryos
d. pollen tube growth
____ 15. Which of the following domains contains more than one kingdom?
a. Archaea
c. Eukarya
b. Eubacteria
d. Protista
____ 16. Which types of characters provide the most useful information about relationships among taxa?
a. Phylogenetic characters
c. Plesiomorphic characters
b. Outgroup characters
d. Synapomorphic characters
____ 17. Using the binomial system of nomenclature, the scientific name of each species consists of which
two parts?
a. Class and specific epithet
c. Genus and specific epithet
b. Family and species
d. Genus and species
____ 18. A taxon that contains a recent common ancestor and all of its descendants is
a. plesiomorphic
c. polyphyletic
b. monophyletic
d. paraphyletic
____ 19. Dolphins and humans both have the ability to nurse their young, whereas the more distantly related
fish do not. The ability to nurse young is
a. plesiomorphic
c. a shared derived character of mammals
b. a shared ancestral character of
d. all of the above
____ 20. The presence of homologous structures in different species suggests
a. that they evolved from a common
c. they represent a polyphyletic group
b. convergent evolution
d. they are likely to form hybrids
____ 21. A dikaryon is
a. the same as a diploid
b. a pair of haploid cells
c. a cell with two different haploid nuclei
d. none of the above
____ 22. Which of the following events occurs in lysogenic cycles but not lytic cycles of viruses?
a. attachment of virus to the cell surface c. incorporation of the viral nucleic acid
into the host's genome
b. penetration of viral nucleic acid into
d. replication of the viral nucleic acid
the host cell
____ 23. Viruses are members of which kingdom?
a. Eubacteria
b. Archaebacteria
c. Prokaryota
d. none of the above
____ 24. Which of the following are likely to be members of the Archaebacteria?
a. Organisms living in highly acidic
c. Organisms living in hot sulfur springs
b. Organisms living in saturated saline
d. All of the above
____ 25. Peptidoglycan is a chemical found in
a. Fungal cell walls
b. Eubacterial cell walls
c. Plant cell walls
d. Archaean cell walls
____ 26. The genome of viruses consists of
a. DNA or RNA
b. protein
c. DNA
d. a plasmid
____ 27. Alternation of generations first arose in the
a. Protista
c. Plantae
b. Fungi
d. Animalia
____ 28. According to the punctuated equilibrium model
a. populations slowly diverge both
c. new species typically form
genetically and morphologically
b. evolution of new forms occurs in
d. fossilization is an unlikely event,
spurts interspersed with long periods
resulting in gaps in the fossil record
of stasis
____ 29. Sympatric speciation may occur in one generation when
a. population become geographically
c. an error in meiosis produces 2N
b. a subpopulation finds a new species of d. all of the above
host plant
____ 30. Because sponges posess _______ they are believed to have arisen from the choanoflagellates
a. amoebocytes
c. spongin
b. spicules
d. collar cells
____ 31. A coelom is a completely surrounded by
a. ectoderm
b. mesoderm
c. endoderm
d. spines
____ 32. In sponges, amoebocytes serve as
a. the skeletal tissue
b. incurrent pores
c. skin
d. the circulatory system
____ 33. Unique features of cnidaria include
a. nematocysts
b. polyps
c. medusae
d. all of the above
____ 34. Among the platyhelminthes, cross-eyed forms are found in the class
a. Turbellaria
c. Trematoda
b. Cestoda
d. Crossopterygia
____ 35. Nematodes move by
a. cilia
c. expanding and contracting their
metameric body segments
d. somersaulting
b. squirming
Complete the table with brief descriptions and identify the entities described in the remaining questions. (1
point per response)
36. Complete the table below (10 points total):
Number of flower parts
Vascular bundle
arrangement in stem
Leaf venation
37. Ingestive multicellular motile heterotrophs
38. Eukaryotic multicellular photoautotrophs
39. Infectious strands of RNA that cause diseases in plants
40. Spherical bacteria
41. Protozoa that move and capture prey using pseudopodia
Short Answer (5 points each)
42. List the taxonomic levels of the Linnaean system in order from most to least inclusive.
43. Viruses are considered by most biologists to be non-living, yet they exhibit many of the
characteristics of life. Which characteristics do they share with living things and which
characteristics of living things do they lack?
44. Sketch a cladogram for the taxa below. Indicate the most parsimonious points of origins of features
A-L on the cladogram by writing the letter or letters at tick marks crossing the appropriate branch.
(12 points)
A. 3-lipped mouth
B. bilateral symmetry
C. cephalization
D. coelom
E. corona of cilia
F. nematocysts
G. one way (mouth to anus) gut
H. pseudocoel
I. radial symmetry
J. spicules
K. three germ layers
L. two germ layers
Essay: Choose ONE
(10 points)
45. Discuss three of the major evolutionary novelties in the plant kingdom. For each, include a
description of the structure, the group in which it appears to have arisen (or at least to have become a
common feature), and why the structure may be considered an adaptation for terrestrial life.
46. Explain why reproductive isolation is crucial to the process of speciation. In your explanation, be
sure to distinguish between prezygotic and postzygotic isolation and provide at least two different
forms each type of isolation can take.
Practical Questions. See the numbered specimens on the side table to answer these questions. (2 points each)
47. To which phylum does this specimen belong?
48. How many germ layers does this specimen have?
49. What type of symmetry does this specimen have?
Extra credit (2 points each)
50. The cells that control the opening and closing of stomata are called:
51. Liverworts, such as Marchantia, belong to which phylum?
52. Complete the following limerick
One day while admiring a Gnetum...