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Name _____________________
L ea rn i n g Obj e cti v e
Today, we will identify1 subjects and verbs that are in agreement.
find and name
What are we going to do today?
What does identify mean?
Acti va t e ( o r p r o vi de ) P ri o r K n o wl edg e
When a noun (person, place, or thing) is singular, it names only
one thing.
When a noun (person, place, or thing) is plural, it names more than
one thing.
Which noun is singular? Which noun is plural?
1. a. lizards
b. lizard
2. a. pencil
b. pencils
action word
A verb is an __________________.
Which word in the sentence is a verb?
3. The dog chased the cat.
4. The cat climbed the tree.
Teacher models problems 1 and 3. Students complete problems 2 and 4. Students, you already know how
to name plural and singular nouns. You also know that a verb is an action word. Today, you will use your
knowledge of singular and plural nouns and verbs to help you identify subjects and verbs that are in
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Co n c e pt D ev el opm e n t
A subject is the word that names who or what does the action.
• Examples:
Maria runs fast. The bell rings.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule:
The subject and verb must always match in number.
Singular Subjects Take Singular Verbs
Plural Subjects Take Plural Verbs
Singular verbs usually end with an s. Plural verbs usually do NOT end with an s.
The girls run.
John runs.
The boys eat ice cream.
Mary eats.
The dogs sleep.
The dog sleeps.
Not examples of subject-verb agreement:
The boys plays with the dog.
The boy play with the dog.
Which verb is singular? How do you know?
A sleeps
B sleep
Which subject is plural? How do you know?
A girl
B girls
In your own words, what is the subject of a sentence? The subject is ______________________.
What is the rule for subject-verb agreement?
The rule for subject-verb agreement is _____________________________________.
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
A subject is the word that names who or what does the action.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule: The subject and verb must always match in number.
It is important to identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement
1. identifying subjects and verbs that are in agreement will help you
speak and write correctly.
The baby cry every night. (incorrect)
The baby cries every night. (correct)
2. identifying subjects and verbs that are in agreement will help you do
well on tests.
Does anyone else have another reason why it is important to identify subjects and verbs that are in
agreement? (pair-share) Why is it important to identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement? You
may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more important to you? Why?
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Ski l l Dev el o pm en t /G u i ded P ra cti c e
A subject is the word that names who or what does the action.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule: The subject and verb must always match in number.
Singular Subjects Take Singular Verbs
Plural Subjects Take Plural Verbs
Singular verbs usually end with an s. Plural verbs usually do NOT end with an s.
The girls run.
John runs.
The boys eat ice cream.
Mary eats.
The dogs sleep.
The dog sleeps.
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement.
Step #1: Identify the subject in each sentence. (underline)
Step #2: Determine if the subject is singular (write S over it) or plural (write P over it).
Step #3: Identify the verb that is in agreement with the subject. (circle)
Hint: Subjects and verbs in the same sentence will not BOTH end in the letter s.
Step #4: Read the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.
1. My aunt (own, owns) a big car.
2. Our dog (sleeps, sleep) in the hot sun.
3. The boys (hides, hide) under the bed.
4. The runners (race, races) in the park.
5. Jenna (likes, like) to hide under the bed.
6. Billy (measure, measures) the fence.
7. The girls (dance, dances) to the beat.
8. The players (practice, practices) for the big game.
How did I identify the subject? How did I determine if the subject was singular or plural? How did I identify
which verb was in agreement with the subject? How did you identify the subject? How did you determine if
the subject was singular or plural? How did you identify which verb was in agreement with the subject?
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Cl osu r e
1. In your own words, what is a subject?
2. In your own words, what is the subject-verb agreement rule?
3. Identify the subjects and verbs that are in agreement below.
4. What did you learn today about identifying subjects and verbs that are in
agreement? Why is that important to you? (pair-share)
Step #1: Identify the subject in each sentence. (underline)
Step #2: Determine if the subject is singular (write S over it) or plural (write P over it).
Step #3: Identify the verb that is in agreement with the subject. (circle)
Hint: Subjects and verbs in the same sentence will not BOTH end in the letter s.
Step #4: Read the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.
1. The baby (smile, smiles) at her mother.
2. Our dogs (like, likes) to run across the yard.
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Name _____________________
In d ep en d en t P ra cti c e
A subject is the word that names who or what does the action.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule: The subject and verb must always match in number.
Singular Subjects Take Singular Verbs Plural Subjects Take Plural Verbs
Singular verbs usually end with an s. Plural verbs usually do NOT end with an s.
The girls run.
John runs.
The boys eat ice cream.
Mary eats.
The dogs sleep.
The dog sleeps.
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement.
Step #1: Identify the subject in each sentence. (underline)
Step #2: Determine if the subject is singular (write S over it) or plural (write P over it).
Step #3: Identify the verb that is in agreement with the subject. (circle)
Hint: Subjects and verbs in the same sentence will not BOTH end in the letter s.
Step #4: Read the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.
1. My little brother (play, plays) with his toys.
2. The big bug (crawl, crawls) slowly.
3. The furry kittens (plays, play) together.
4. The whales (swim, swims) next to each other.
5. Mary (laugh, laughs) loudly when she hears a joke.
6. Jenny (eat, eats) too much candy.
7. The ducks (bathe, bathes) in the pond.
8. The tigers (growls, growl) through the cage.
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Name _____________________
P eri odi c R evi ew 1
A subject is the word that names who or what does the action.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule: The subject and verb must always match in number.
Singular Subjects Take Singular Verbs Plural Subjects Take Plural Verbs
Singular verbs usually end with an s. Plural verbs usually do NOT end with an s.
The girls run.
John runs.
The boys eat ice cream.
Mary eats.
The dogs sleep.
The dog sleeps.
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement.
Step #1: Identify the subject in each sentence. (underline)
Step #2: Determine if the subject is singular (write S over it) or plural (write P over it).
Step #3: Identify the verb that is in agreement with the subject. (circle)
Hint: Subjects and verbs in the same sentence will not BOTH end in the letter s.
Step #4: Read the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.
1. The waitress (wipe, wipes) the table.
2. My classmates (vote, votes) for a school president.
3. My sister (drive, drives) a new car.
4. The old food (smell, smells) strange.
5. My new backpack (hold, holds) a lot of books.
6. The stories in this book (make, makes) me laugh.
7. Mr. Lopez (jog, jogs) every morning of the week.
8. The raccoons (steal, steals) the food from the campground.
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Name _____________________
P eri odi c R evi ew 2
A subject is the word that names who or what does the action.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule: The subject and verb must always match in number.
Singular Subjects Take Singular Verbs Plural Subjects Take Plural Verbs
Singular verbs usually end with an s. Plural verbs usually do NOT end with an s.
The girls run.
John runs.
The boys eat ice cream.
Mary eats.
The dogs sleep.
The dog sleeps.
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement.
Step #1: Identify the subject in each sentence. (underline)
Step #2: Determine if the subject is singular (write S over it) or plural (write P over it).
Step #3: Identify the verb that is in agreement with the subject. (circle)
Hint: Subjects and verbs in the same sentence will not BOTH end in the letter s.
Step #4: Read the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.
1. The phone (ring, rings) too often.
2. The students (raise, raises) their hands.
3. My brother (ride, rides) a motorcycle.
4. The jam (taste, tastes) too sweet.
5. My new pen (write, writes) very well.
6. The book (tell, tells) an exciting story.
7. Mr. Smith (walk, walks) to the park each day.
8. The cat (sit, sits) on our backyard fence.
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Name _____________________
P eri odi c R evi ew 3
A subject is the word that names who or what does the action.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule: The subject and verb must always match in number.
Singular Subjects Take Singular Verbs Plural Subjects Take Plural Verbs
Singular verbs usually end with an s. Plural verbs usually do NOT end with an s.
The girls run.
John runs.
The boys eat ice cream.
Mary eats.
The dogs sleep.
The dog sleeps.
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement.
Step #1: Identify the subject in each sentence. (underline)
Step #2: Determine if the subject is singular (write S over it) or plural (write P over it).
Step #3: Identify the verb that is in agreement with the subject. (circle)
Hint: Subjects and verbs in the same sentence will not BOTH end in the letter s.
Step #4: Read the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.
1. The big posters (make, makes) my room look better.
2. My friends (eat, eats) lunch with me every day.
3. The policeman (blow, blows) his whistle to stop traffic.
4. The car’s brakes (squeal, squeals).
5. Hannah (watch, watches) the game.
6. The falling leaves (keep, keeps) me busy in October.
7. Mr. Garza (sing, sings) in the shower every morning.
8. The clowns (scare, scares) the small children.
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Blank Page
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 •
©2011 All rights reserved.
Comments? [email protected]
3rd Grade Writing Conventions 1.2 (1Q)
Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns,
adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.