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A. Monosaccharides ( Simple sugars and the building blocks of di- and polysaccharides.)
ex. Glucose and fructose (isomers)
B. Disaccharides ( These sugars are produced by the reaction called condensation.)
ex. Maltose - malt sugar
ex. Sucrose - table sugar
NOTE : Disaccharides are broken down to monosaccharides ( simple sugars ) by
the reaction called hydrolysis.
C. Polysaccharides ( These complex sugars, which are made up of three or more simple
sugars, are formed by the reaction of condensation and broken down by the reverse
reaction of hydrolysis.)
ex. Starch - A storage polysaccharide of plants.
ex. Cellulose - A structural polysaccharide found in the cell walls of plant cells.
ex. Glycogen - A storage polysaccharide of animals; this complex sugar is found
in the liver and in muscle cells.
NOTE : Be able to describe how the reaction of condensation and hydrolysis
A. Proteins are made up of twenty different amino acids; amino acids are the building
blocks of the proteins. Proteins are also called polypeptides.
B. Amino acids are attached to each other by the reaction of condensation and broken
apart by the reaction of hydrolysis. Be able to describe how these reactions take
C. Also, know what is meant by a peptide bond, a dipeptide, and a polypeptide or
A. Two types of lipids are fats and oils.
B. Both are produced by the reaction of condensation using a molecule of glycerol and
three fatty acid chains. Hydrolysis breaks down the fat or oil into the building blocks
of glycerol and three fatty acid chains.
C. A saturated fatty acid is one that contains as much of the element hydrogen as it can
possibly hold. In a saturated fatty acid there are only single bonds holding the
carbon atoms together in the fatty acid chain.
D. An unsaturated fatty acid is one that does not contain as much hydrogen as it can
possibly hold. In an unsaturated fatty acid there are one or more double bonds
holding the carbon atoms together in the fatty acid chain.
E. In general, fats are made up of glycerol and saturated fatty acid chains while oils are
made up of glycerol and unsaturated fatty acid chains. Fats are solid at room
temperature while oils are liquid. Fats are derived form animals while oils come from