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Culture Around the World in the 1920’s
The 1920’s were a time of major changes all around the world. After WWI people were
struggling to deal with the devastation left by the war and find a way to move forward with life.
This led to a very trying time intellectually and socially. Your abounding interest in this time
period has led you to accept a position as a museum curator in the 1920’s world culture wing.
Your first task as curator is to develop informational tri-fold brochures on a wide range of topics
including science, music and entertainment, literature and philosophies, and art movements. In
this assignment you will pick one of these topics and create your first brochure!
General Requirements:
 Works Cited Page (MLA Format) at least FOUR sources (only two can be internet)- (5
 All six panels contain information INCLUDING a back and front cover.
o Front Cover (3 pts)
o Biography (10 pts)
o Content (20 pts)
o Connection (10 pts)
o Back Cover Interest Section (5 pts)
 Correctly folded and formatted (2 pts)
 Mechanics and Grammar (10 pts)
Total: 65 pts
Basic Brochure Set-up:
Front Cover:
Graphics/ Pictures
Introduction to contents in some way
Inside Front:
Biography of some person related to your topic (scientist/ author/ musician/ artist)
Inside Center and Back:
Main topic explanation
Detailed, academic explanation of the topic you choose to explore.
Inside Flap:
Cultural connection and historical significance
Answer the questions:
How did this change people’s lives?
Why is this event/person important to history?
How did this event/person contribute to humanity?
Back Cover:
You Pick!!
Use this area to include important information from your research that did not fit into the
other areas of your brochure that you found interesting or unique.
MUST contain substantive information and add to the overall value of the brochure.
Topics Overview:
Science Suggested Topics:
 Tutankhamen’s tomb and
 Scopes Trial
 Penicillin
 Communication
Music/Entertainment Suggested Topics:
 Any composer from the 1920’s
 Jazz in America
 Changes in the entertainment industry
 Movies/ Movie Stars (if you pick a movie star be sure that they made a significant
contribution to culture)
Literature and Philosophy Suggested Topics:
 Hemmingway
 Faulkner
 Kafka
 Nietzsche
 Sartre
 Kierkegaard
Art Suggested Topics:
 Surrealism
 Cubism
 Architecture
 Dada movement
James Joyce
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Paul Klee
Wassily Kandinsky
George Barque
Pablo Picasso