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 Avoid poly-unsaturated omega 6
fats from sources like vegetable
oils that can damage the body.
 It’s fine and safe to eat large
amounts saturated and monounsaturated fats.
 When choosing red meats look
for sources that are organic,
wild, outdoor bred & fed on
 Saturated and mono-unsaturated
fats are not the main cause of
weight gain or block arteries.
 We should aim to consume at
least 50% of our daily energy
from mono and saturated fats.
 Medium and short chain fatty
acids found in coconut oil and
butter are particularly good for
health and energy, aim for 2-4
tablespoons a day to improve
ketone adaptation.
The “Why” Consuming More Fats
Saturated and Mono-unsaturated fats are essential to
consume in your daily diet if you wish to have; low
body fat, lean muscle, constant energy levels and
perfect health. However we must limit our consumption
of polyunsaturated omega 6 fats to as little as possible
in order to achieve these goals, as research indicates
that they not only damage our the health of organs like
the liver but also hinder fat loss.
The prescribed fat intake in this paper is much more
than advised from current mainstream and government
guidelines. My exhaustive research has shown not only
are there no adverse effects to health consuming this
level of saturated and mono-unsaturated fat but in fact
numerous health benefits. Here are just a few;
Benefits of Saturated & Mono-unsaturated
Fats in diet
 Saturated & mono-unsaturated
fats are a less toxic and more
stable and a preferred energy
supply by the body and brain
compared to glucose from
 Saturated on mono-unsaturated
fats improve good patterns of
cholesterol which prevent heart
 Muscle is made up of protein and
fats, the consumption of
saturated and mono-unsaturated
fats have been found to increase
muscle mass density, thus
boosting metabolism, strength
and muscular endurance.
 By increasing our saturated and
mono-unsaturated fat intake it
allows us to have more energy
and consume less carbs so
reducing the risk of type 2diabetes.
 Saturated and mono-unsaturated
fat do not make you gain fat but
in fact make you more efficient
at burning it (ketone adapted).
My research indicates that it is in
fact excessively high levels of
the hormone insulin that causes
fat to be stored around internal
organs and adipose tissue.
Therefore if we replace much of
our carbohydrate and sugar
consumption with saturated and
mono-unsaturated fats we will
reduce our insulin levels, which
not only prevent us from storing
fat but allow us to use our fat
stores for energy (ketone
Dangers of Omega-6 Poly-unsaturated Fats
Saturated fats have long been demonised as a “bad fat”
however it is in fact polyunsaturated omega 6 & man
made Trans fats we must consume less of in order to
protect our health. This means preparing more home
foods and eating less processed foods were companies
have added unnatural fats that our bodies find hard to
process. Here are just a few of the dangers of such fats;
 Excess polyunsaturated fats in
diet increase the risk of liver
disease. Several studies found
that when polyunsaturated fats
when consumed with sugars like
fructose and alcohol cause high
levels of oxidative stress and
lead can to “fatty liver”. This is
thought to be due to the fact that
the human body does not have
polyunsaturated omega 6 fats, so
has to work hard to process it
when consumed. The liver also
has to work extremely hard to
process fructose and alcohol
when consumed by converting
them into other nutrients. So
consuming a sugar like fructose
and a polyunsaturated fat at the
same time send your liver into
overdrive. Your liver is the main
processing plant for all your
nutrients, damage to it can cause
serious health issues, this is
easily done in the modern day
diet: think Big Mac and coke, or
orange juice and fish and chips.
 Excess polyunsaturated fat in
arteriosclerosis which can cause
heart disease. Poly-unsaturated
fats have been shown to cause
peri-oxidative damage to LDL
cholesterol in the blood stream.
When the LDL molecule is
oxidised it changes shape at a
molecular level. High levels of
these bad patterns of LDL can
lead to arteriosclerosis which can
lead to heart attacks in the future.
 Excess polyunsaturated fats in
the diet increase risk to obesity.
Again when polyunsaturated fats
are consumed in high levels with
sugars and carbohydrates studies
have found higher levels of
obesity. This may be due to the
liver having to over process
these and store these nutrients
due to their toxic nature.
 Increase risk of chronic health
conditions such as asthma, and
inflammatory to the human body
they can distort the immune
system when eaten in excess.
This leads to the increase of
pathogens that lead\to allergies
and a weaker defence response
to invading bacteria and viruses.
The “How” Increase your good fat intake
In regards to how much saturated and monounsaturated fat we should consume, first we will
identify the total daily calorie consumption needed for
your preferred body composition goal, and then we will
aim for 50% of this total to come from saturated and
mono-unsaturated sources. So if you’re total calorie
target is 1500kcal in your first weight loss phase aim to
consume 750kcal from these fats (10% more if you are
insulin resistant and only consuming 50grams of carbs).
Cook with:
 Organic grass fed butter
 Coconut oil
 Ghee
 Beef tallow
Eat Foods Like:
 Extra virgin olive oil
 Sour cream
 Thick double natural cream
 Organic eggs
 Olives
 Avocado
 Nuts (brazil, almonds, macadamia, and cashews
are best)
 Full fat raw cheese (unpasturised)
 Oily cold water fish (salmon, tuna, sardines,
kippers, herring)
 Sushi
 Grass \ foraging style fed animal meat especially
on the bone and wild
 Hummus
 Pate; liver, tuna, mackerel
 Guacamole
Fats to Avoid/Limit (Polyunsaturated
omega 6)
Don’t Cook with:
 Vegetable oil
 Sunflower oil
 Rapeseed Oil
 Corn oil
 Safflower oil
 Soybean oil
 Peanut oil
 Canola oil
Limit / Avoid Foods Like:
 Foods cooked in the above oils
 Overly processed ready made meals
 Fast food deep fried in vegetable oils
 Margarines
 Animals fed corn feed rather than grass
The “What”- Higher Fat Meal
The following meal example is of someone
consuming 50% of their total daily calorie intake
from saturated and mono-unsaturated fats from
1500Kcal. The example also contains 50 grams of
Breakfast-Scrambled Eggs with smoked salmon and
Scrambled eggs should be: 2 eggs whisked with 2
tablespoons of double cream and cooked in a knob of
grass fed butter.
Lunch- chicken salad
Chicken trimmed off the bone (2 thighs), lettuce,
spinach, carrots, avocado, olives, table’s spoon of
vinegar, and 2 table spoons of olive oil.
Dinner- Venison Casserole with rice
Venison meat, beef bone stock, carrots, onions,
celery, and thyme, served with 100grams of cooked
white rice.
Supplement-Tablespoon of coconut oil
Don’t be scared of natural saturated fats is my main
point here. It is a far more stable nutrient than glucose
from carbohydrates, fructose from fruit, and
polyunsaturated fats from man made vegetable oil. So
instead of avoiding all saturated fats instead look for
natural sources that have not been tampered with in
laboratories by humans. I promise they won’t block
up your arteries, you’ll have stable energy levels,
great skin, great immune system and will lose loads
of body fat.