Download Hampton AP World History Syllabus

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AP World History 2012-2013
Brady Cooper
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 817-480-8055 (Cell Phone)
Tutorials: Tuesday and Friday (subject to change), 4:30 – 5:30 (and by appointment)
Course Overview
In AP® World History you will develop a greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts
including interactions over time. The course highlights the nature of changes in international frameworks and their
causes and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies.
Students write practice DBQ essays as part of required review sessions and as part of the course
assessment. Skills appropriate for student success on the DBQ will be introduced and reinforced
throughout the course.
Students write change and continuity over time (CCOT) essays as part of the course assessment. Skills
appropriate for student success on the CCOT question will be introduced and reinforced throughout the
Students also write comparative essays and answer multiple choice questions as part of the course
Course Requirements
• All students will take the AP Exam on Thursday, May 17
• Actively participate in class and complete all assignments thoroughly and promptly
• Attend class daily and on-time
• Make up work when absent—make prior arrangements for planned absences; any work assigned previous to
the absent will be due when the student returns. Assignments given during the absence will be due the day after
the student returns (or the number of days that the student was absent).
• Keep a well-organized and complete notebook for the entire year; bring to class daily. Use the charts and lecture
and reading notes in your composition notebook to study for tests. Ask for help if your notebook is incomplete.
• Form a study group for tests and other large assignments, use resources like the vocabulary sheets and study
guides to help you master the vocabulary you will encounter in the multiple-choice questions.
• Ask instructor for help if needed—I am committed to supporting your efforts!
• Challenge yourself to work hard and maintain high standards.
• Take advantage of opportunities to attend tutorials.
The Five AP World History Themes
We will use the following AP World History themes throughout the course to identify the broad patterns and
processes that explain change and continuity over time.
1. Impact of interaction among and within major societies.
2. Impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment.
3. Systems of social structure and gender structure.
4. Cultural, religious, and intellectual developments.
5. Changes in functions and structures of states and in attitudes toward states and political identities, including the
emergence of the nation-state.
UNIT I: Foundations & Classical Period
c. 8000 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.
 Paleolithic Era
 Transformation from nomadic to sedentary life
 Agricultural Revolution
 Neolithic Era
 Bronze Age
 Issues involving using “civilization” as an organizing principle
 Early Civilizations
 Iron Age
 Birth of Classical Civilizations
India (Mauryan, Gupta)
 China (Zhou, Qin, and Han)
 Greece (Classical, Hellenistic periods)
 Rome (Republican, Imperial periods)
 Decline and collapse of classical civilizations
 Inter-regional networks
 Migration patterns
 Major belief systems
UNIT II: The Post-Classical Period
600 C.E. to 1450 C.E.
 Rise of Islamic Empires
 Growth of inter-regional and global trade net works
 Conversion efforts (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam)\
 Spread of Islam to Southeast Asia and Africa (Dar Al Islam)
 Development of African tribal societies
 European and Islamic contacts
 Europe (Byzantine Empire, Medieval Europe)
 Development of Mesoamerican civilizations (Aztecs, Mayans, Incas)
 China(Sui, Tang, Song dynasties)
 Spread of Chinese civilizations (Japan, Korea, Vietnam)
 Nomadic Invasions (Turks, Mongols)
UNIT III: Early Modern Period/The First “Global” Age
1450 C.E. to 1750 C.E.
 European Explorations
 Transformation of European society (Renaissance, Reformation, Rise of dynasties, technological
advancement, Enlightenment, Scientific Revolution, Atlantic trade network (slave trade),
 Rise of major empires (Ottomans, China, Portugal, Spain, Russia, France, England, Tokugawa,
Mughal, African empires)
 Japanese shoguns
UNIT IV: The Age of Revolutions
1750 C.E. to 1914 C.E.
Industrial Revolution
Changes in patterns of world trade (Suez and Panama Canal)
Political Revolutions and Independence movements (American Revolution, French
Revolution, Latin America, Caribbean, China, American Civil War)
Rise of Nationalism
Development of mass democracy
Urban social concepts (Socialism, Marxism)
Decline of empires (Ottomans, Islamic heartlands, Quing China)
Rise of Industrialization
Decline of coercive labor systems (serfdom, slavery)
Transition from colonialism to imperialism (Africa, Asia, South America, European arms
UNIT V: The Age of Crisis & Reorganization
1914 C.E. to the present
Major world wars and conflicts (World War One, World War Two, Cold War)
Global independence movement
Social ideologies (socialism, communism, democratic capitalism)
Collapse of European global empires (new patterns of nationalism)
Social reform and social revolution (women’s liberation movement, family structure, religious
Development of global communication, science, and technology
Rise of global capitalism (WTO)
Rise of global organizations (WHO< UN< League of Nations, EU)
Economic cartels (OPEC, NAFTA, EU)
Resurfacing of internal warfare (Africa, Southwest Asia)
Rise of communism (China, Russia, Southeast Asia)
Collapse of communism (Russia)
About the Tests & Quizzes
There are summative assessments in every unit covered, which include AP World History-level questions
and essays. Multiple choice questions focus on more “higher thinking” query versus simple “fact-based.”
Essays will match those seen on the AP national exam (Compare and Contrast, Change and Continuity
over Time, and Document-Based Question).
Extra Credit
Extra credit opportunities are available for all students that do not have a 0 in the grade book for a
missing assignment. No extra credit beyond what is detailed below will be given unless these
requirements are met:
1. Students come to available opportunities for feedback on essays, after school. Students will earn points
back on their essays for showing up to receive feedback, during tutorials. Students must sign up to take
advantage of this opportunity. The signup sheet will be posted in the class when appropriate.
2. If a student receives a failing grade on a quiz, the student must prove competency on failed objectives
during the afterschool remediation sessions, in the week that the quiz is failed, unless there are
extenuating circumstances, (as determined by the instructor). Competency will be judged by the
instructor using alternative assessment strategies. Students that prove competency are eligible for bonus
points. Bonus points given will never exceed the minimum passing grade on the quiz.
All students are eligible for remediation if they do not pass a chapter/reading quiz. No remediation is
available for students that do not complete homework assignments. No remediation is provided for
summative assessments (chapter tests) or any other daily work assignment. In other words, since
chapter quizzes are the most frequent indication of whether or not students master concepts, students
are highly encouraged to sign up for and attend tutorials for remediation if they fail a quiz. Students that
receive a failing grade on quizzes are eligible for remediation if they submit their chapter homework, on
time. Students that do not complete the aforementioned assignments will not receive any points back;
but, they are welcome to attend the tutorials. Students that successfully complete an alternative
assessment on objectives that they missed on a quiz will be eligible to earn a minimum passing score on
the failed quiz.
Common Assessments and Procedures
Q1- Q4 Grades
Exams and Quizzes: 40% Classwork: 30% Engagement: 15% Homework: 15%
Semester 1 Grade = Q1: 40%, Q2: 40%, Midterm Exam: 20%
Semester 2 Grade = Q3: 40%, Q4: 40%, Final Exam: 20%
Year 1 Grade = Semester 1: 42.5% Semester 2: 42.5% End-of-Course Exam: 15%
Examples of Engagement Grades
Do Now Assignments, Participation, Oral Presentations, Group Work
Examples of Exams and Quizzes
Reading Quizzes, Unit Exams, Essays, Objective Quizzes
Examples of Classwork Grades
In-class assignments, In-class writing prompts, Exit Tickets
Examples of Homework – (Please Expect Around One Hour of Homework per Night)
Vocabulary Assignments, Reading Outlines, Reading Study Guides, Take-Home Writing Assignments
CAUTION: Grades in this class are weighted by points. Important assignments are awarded more points
than minor assignments and this judgment is at the instructor’s discretion.
Materials Needed
1. 1 Binder (2 inches)
2. College ruled notebook paper to put in the binder
3. 5 tab dividers (also to put in the binder)
4. Black or Blue pens (do not use any other color because I grade in other colors)
5. Red pens (for grading chapter quizzes)
6. 1 Composition Notebook
Optionally, you may want to purchase an AP review guide. Over the years, students have found these to
be very useful. Please see Mr. Cooper for his data and suggestions.
Academic Honesty
I take academic honesty very, very seriously. Please reference the student handbook for all details. But
be aware that I have absolutely no tolerance for cheating.
Plagiarism: Advice on how to comply with HP policy
1. Use to cite all documents. Never quote word for word from a source without
citing. Textbooks and other documents that I give you do not need to be cited, unless you are using them
word for word. There is never a reason in AP World History to ever quote secondary sources, (textbook),
word for word.
2. I do not accept typed work, unless specifically asked for in the assignment directions. The AP
exam administered in May must be handwritten, and I want students used to handwriting their essays in
preparation for this exam. In the event that you use a computer for your work, I will not accept it; late
policy will apply for said work. If I suspect that any part of your work is plagiarized, will be
used to determine its authenticity and no credit will be given until authenticity is verified using this
In the event of any school closing, students will heed deadlines on class website and be aware of their
responsibilities. No exceptions unless prior written approval is received from Mr. Cooper.
It is your responsibility to pick up your quizzes from me if I do not return them to you, no excuses.
When you are absent, I expect you to be working at home. Make sure you are doing your part to stay upto-date.
Students that have an excused absence on the day of an assessment, (quiz, essay, exam, or project),
will take the assessment on the day that they come back to school, during class. If you are present on the
day of any assessment, (quiz, essay, exam, or project), you will take the assessment. Absolutely no
exceptions, unless prior, written approval is received from Mr. Cooper.
Bathroom Policy
Students may use the restroom during passing periods only. Classes this year are only 55 minutes, so
students are expected to use the restroom during the extra passing periods created from this schedule. If
special medical considerations exist that make this rule impossible to follow, Mr. Cooper must be notified
in writing within 24 hours of the receipt of this document.
Dear Mr. Cooper,
I have read the course description for Advanced Placement World History program. I understand my
responsibilities in this course, the requirements to be successful, and that there will be more work than in
a typical class. I will do my best to abide by class expectations.
I/we have read the course syllabus for Advanced Placement World History. I/we understand the longterm benefits of the intellectual development offered by this course, and support my/our student’s
enrollment in this course. I/we have also read the class rules and will do my/our best to have our
student abide by class expectations. I/we understand that this syllabus is a working document and, as
such, it may be amended at any time. I/we understand that it is my responsibility to check the website
for amendments and updates.
Contact information clause:
I/we will check with the school to ensure that our email addresses and phone numbers are current and
accurate, in lieu of writing them down on this form. I understand that if Mr. Cooper does not have access
to my current email address and phone number that it is my responsibility to contact him, immediately.
Mr. Cooper assumes no personal responsibility for contacting parents that are not current with the
school. I understand that I need to contact Mr. Cooper directly at [email protected] for course
information, student information, or questions about the syllabus. I understand that Mr. Cooper has 24
hours to respond to all correspondence, according to HP policy.