Download Language Arts 8 Syllabus 2016 2017

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Eighth Grade Language Arts Syllabus
Academic Year 2016-2017
Mrs. Deborah Ocot
[email protected]
Grammar work sheets will be provided
Vocabulary Workshop Level D ISBN #978-0-8215-8009-7
September: Across Five Aprils......................................... Irene Hunt
October: The Hound of the Baskervilles ........... Arthur Conan Doyle
November: All Quiet on the Western Front Enrich Maria Remarque
December: Animal Farm............................................George Orwell
January: Twelfth Night ...................................................Shakespeare
February: Night ............................................................... Elie Wiesel
March: Red Scarf Girl .......................................................Ji-Li Jiang
April: Of Mice and Men ............................................ John Steinbeck
May: A Man For All Seasons .......................................... Robert Bolt
Course Perspective:
The eighth grade Language Arts class has four components: grammar, writing and literature,
oral recitations, and vocabulary. Grammar will build on the sentence structure lessons from last
year as well as introduce gerunds, infinitives, participles, parallel structure and how to fix
dangling participles and misplaced modifiers. Students will review topics most pertinent to
COOP testing in the fall early in the year. Students will be expected to continue to use all stages
of the writing process for every essay and will be held responsible for their own revision.
Writing assignments will include narrative, persuasive, and informative essays, as well as other
writing styles and poetry. Literature will include reading comprehension and critical reading
skills, as well as close examination of theme, setting, plot, and character development.
Vocabulary workshop introduces students to 20 new words a unit and provides practice with
synonyms, antonyms, and using words in context. Recitations include poems, excerpts from
famous speeches, individual and group presentations, and participation in a school play.
For each student to:
 Continue to improve study skills, note taking, and organization independently.
 Distinguish between run-ons, fragments, simple, compound, and complex sentences and
be able to use each effectively in writing assignments.
 Demonstrate the ability to write a variety of essays including but not limited to narrative,
informative, persuasive, and dialogues
 Demonstrate ability to revise and edit written work independently and thoroughly
 Demonstrate an understanding of verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and noun syntax
 Demonstrate a strong voice in a variety of writing assignments
 Show an ability to identify and use figurative language in poetry and prose
Use effective oral communication skills through public speaking and memorization
Continue to enhance and build upon reading comprehension and test taking skills
Course Content:
Instruction will include all types of learning styles: visual, auditory, and tactile. Students will be
expected to come to class prepared with paper, pen, pencil, and books. Note taking is very
important and will be guided to help develop study skills; however, students are expected to
complete study guides and take notes on independent reading unless specifically directed
otherwise. There will be outside reading and homework every night in order to provide practice
for what is taught in class. Class discussions, class projects, and group activities are all part of
the learning process. Assessments will take a variety of forms including response journals, tests,
quizzes, essays, illustrations, creative projects, recitations, homework, and plays.
Grading Policy:
Class Participation
Tests, Essays, Projects
*Midterm and Final exams are averaged and count as 20% of final year-end grade.
Attendance/Behavior: Rules and procedures are fundamental for a safe, productive life. We
follow rules and procedures in every area of our daily lives – playing sports, driving and even
composing a letter. There are also rules and procedures in schools and individual classrooms.
These rules and procedures promote a positive atmosphere. They contribute to a controlled
learning environment for everyone. Here are some of the rules for this class:
 Respect others (students and teachers) at all times.
 No derogatory language, comments, or innuendos.
 Negative or hurtful comments to another student will not be tolerated. Maintaining a positive
and safe learning environment is paramount to fostering student confidence needed to share
ideas or speak in front of an audience.
 All students are expected to participate in each class, maintain a positive attitude, and behave
in a constructive manner.
 Academic honesty is expected and required. Talking during tests or quizzes, plagiarism, or
copying of another student’s work will result in a zero grade and parents will be notified.
All essays must have the student’s name and date in the upper left hand corner. Titles should be
centered. Final drafts should be typed or neatly written. Directions for homework will appear on
the homework board and all assignments must be written in the assignment pad daily.
Homework must be completed neatly and on a timely basis. Points are deducted for late work,
and parents will be notified for missing assignments.