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Subject / Course: BIOLOGY
Grade Level: Grade 6
Topic: What are parallel and series circuits?
TC Name: Ms Sayer
Date: 2011-2012
Duration of lesson: 50 minutes
1. Objectives and Skills
Make models of simple circuits.
Measure voltages and amperages in circuits.
Explore Ohm’ s Law.
Explore parallel and series circuits
2. Materials
1. Compatible Computer
2. Access to
3. Activities
-Hello students My name is Heather and I will be your Science Instructor. I am so glad to
meet all of you and I hope that we will have a lot of fun.
-Lets go through a couple class rules real fast.
a) If you have a question just raise your hand no talking when someone else is talking.
b) If you need to go to the washroom just tell me.
c) While in the lab we need to make sure we aren’t being too goofy, we need to have fun but
we can’t be fooling around too much.
Ok students today we are going to investigate electricity and how it works in Parallel and
series Circuits
-First off What is a circuit?
-Before getting started what do you think a series circuit and a parallel circuit are?
3. In this lab you will be making and investigating parallel and series circuits. Which of the following
diagrams would be considered series? Parallel? And in which circuit design do you think the lights will
burn brighter? (explain your reasoning)
4. Build the following series circuit with the Circuit Phet simulation to you:
a) What happens when you complete the circuit?
b) Remove one of the Light bulbs to break the circuit. What happens to the other light bulb when the
wire is reconnected?
c) Replace the light bulb back into the circuit. What happens? (Notice how bright each bulb burns)
d) Detach one of the wires to break the circuit. Reconnect the wires so that there is only one light
bulb connected as seen below:
In which scenario did the light burn the brightest? Why do you think this happened?
5. Build the following parallel circuit with the materials supplied to you:
a) What happens when you complete the circuit?
b) Remove one of the wires to break the circuit. What happens to the other light bulb when the wire
is reconnected?
c) Replace the light bulb back into the circuit. What happens? (Notice how bright each bulb burns)
d) Detach one of the wires to break the circuit. Reconnect the wires so that there is only one light
bulb connected as seen below:
In which scenario did the light burn the brightest? Why do you think this happened?
6. Build the following series circuit (the batteries are in series) with the materials supplied to you:
Ok so lets define a series circuit. Can anyone give me a definition of a series circuit? Current passes
through each load in turn so voltage is shared, there is only one path that the electrons can go, each
component has the same current.
Were the lights in series brighter then a single light? No because each had to share the voltage, so
the voltage decreased for each light in series.
When you unscrewed the light bulb in series what happened? The other light went out because the
circuit was broken.
Can anyone give me a definition of a parallel circuit? Separate current for each path so each load gets
a full share of voltage, there are multiple roots the current can go.
Were the lights in parallel brighter then a single light? No they were the same as each light got the
same voltage.
When you unscrewed the light bulb in parallel what happened? The other light stayed on because the
current had another path to take.
When the batteries were in series did the light glow brighter? yes because the voltage was combined
and as voltage increase so does current
When you unscrewed the battery in series what happened? The light went out because the circuit was
When the batteries were in parallel did the light glow brighter? No they were the same as the
voltages were ina different path and thus could not be added together. l
When you unscrewed the battery in parallel what happened? The light stayed on because the current
had another path to take.
What are the advantages of a series circuit? Simple to construct (less wires) Use less energy (the
voltage is shared thus each load uses less electricity).
What are the advantages of a parallel circuit? Flexibility in operating loads together or separately
(if one goes out the whole string doesn’t go out)
What are the disadvantages of a series circuit? lack of flexibility in operating loads together or
separately (if one goes out the whole string goes out)
What are the disadvantages to a parallel circuit? not simple to construct (more wires) and uses
more energy (the voltage is not shared so each load uses the entire voltage)
Electric Circuit Design Challenge
See if students can use their knowledge to create these puzzles
1) Make a light bulb light brightly using 4 batteries.
2) Add an on/off switch.
3) Make 3 light bulbs light brightly with all 3 with the same brightness
(same current, measures the same number of amps- use the non-contact ammeter to prove that the
current is the same).
4) Have a switch that turns on/off 2 of the 3.
5) Have a switch that turns on/off all 3 lights.
6) Make a circuit with one main on/off switch that will turn on/off 3 bulbs, each with a different
7) Change the circuit so 1 switch will turn on/off all the lights and a second switch will change the
lights from all being the same brightness to all being different brightness’.
4. Curriculum Connections
1-Investigate, with guidance, the nature of things, demonstrating an understanding of the procedures
2-Recognize pattern and order in objects and events studied; and, with guidance, record procedures
and observations, using pictures and words; and make predictions and generalizations, based on
3-Construct, with guidance, an object that achieves a given purpose, using materials that are provided
4-Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in
responsible ways.
5-Describe the appearances and life cycles of some common animals, and identify their adaptations to
different environments.
6-Identify requirements for animal care.
7-Use, safely, a variety of tools, techniques and materials in construction activities.
8-Construct structures, using a variety of materials and designs, and compare the effectiveness of
the various materials and designs for their intended purposes.
9-Evaluate the suitability of different materials and designs for their use in a building task.
5. Reflections (Effectiveness of Lesson and as a Teacher)