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Plant Reproduction
and Response
Chapter Test A
Multiple Choice
Write the letter that best answers the question or completes the statement on the line provided.
_____ 1. In angiosperms, pollen grains are produced in
a. anthers.
b. carpels.
c. ovules.
d. sepals.
_____ 2. Which of the following is NOT part of the female structure of a flower?
a. filament
b. style
c. stigma
d. ovary
_____ 3. When a plant reproduces vegetatively,
a. meiosis produces a new gametophyte.
b. offspring are produced by mitosis alone.
c. only root tissue can be used to produce new offspring.
d. offspring will differ from the parent.
_____ 4. Vegetative reproduction can be a disadvantage when
a. conditions in the physical environment suddenly change.
b. conditions are favorable for growth.
c. the parent plant is not competing with other organisms for resources.
d. the parent plant must reproduce quickly.
_____ 5. Which of the following correctly describes seeds and fruits in angiosperms?
a. Fruits surround no more than one seed apiece.
b. Fruits develop from the endosperm of the seed.
c. Fruits are matured ovaries that contain seeds.
d. Fruits do not protect the seed, so they are not favored by natural selection.
_____ 6. A seed that is dispersed to an area far away from the parent plant will always face less
a. competition for space.
b. chance of self-pollination.
c. favorable conditions for germination.
d. competition with the parent plants.
_____ 7. A period of dormancy can allow seeds to germinate
a. under cold conditions.
b. under ideal conditions.
c. in extreme temperatures.
d. without water.
_____ 8. The plant embryo in a seed begins to grow again during
a. fertilization.
b. dormancy.
c. germination.
d. pollination.
_____ 9. Hormones that stimulate cell elongation and are produced in the rapidly growing region near
the tip of the plant’s root or stem are called
a. auxins.
b. ethylenes.
c. cytokinins.
d. gibberellins.
_____10. What is the source of ethylene gas in a plant?
a. leaf buds
b. root hairs
c. fruit tissues
d. lateral meristems
_____11. When a horizontally positioned plant responds to gravity,
a. auxins in the lower sides of stems cause cell elongation that bends the stem upright.
b. the shoot bends to grow downward, toward the force of gravity
c. all parts of the plant bend upward, away from the force of gravity.
d. auxins in the shoot cause the growth of tendrils to pull the shoot upwards.
_____12. The growth of plant seedlings is usually
a. phototropic and gravitropic.
b. thigmotropic and gravitropic.
c. phototropic and influenced by ethylene.
d. gravitropic and influenced by ethylene.
_____13. When a plant responds to changes in the relative lengths of light and darkness, the plant is
responding to
a. gravity.
b. touch.
c. pigments.
d. photoperiod.
_____14. Which of the following BEST describes how people rely on plants?
a. People get food, raw materials, and medicines from plants.
b. People use plants only for food.
c. Plants break down decomposing organisms and wastes.
d. All medicines come from plants.
_____15. A pollen grain landing on a stigma of a flower of the same species produces a
a. gametophyte.
c. flower.
b. pollen tube.
d. stamen.
Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the underlined word or phrase to make
the statement true.
Figure 24–1
_____16. In Figure 24–1, letter J indicates the carpel of the flower.
_____17. In Figure 24–1, letters D, C, and A point to the female parts of a flower.
_____18. A plant cutting used for propagation should have one or more buds containing meristem
_____19. Ethylene delay(s) the aging of leaves in plants.
_____20. A grain cultivated as a food crop likely would have seeds with a large proportion of seed
Complete each statement on the line provided.
21. In a flower’s stamen, the filament is topped by a(n)
22. Fruit ripening can be stimulated by
Short Answer
In complete sentences, write the answers to the questions on the lines provided.
23. How is angiosperm fertilization different from fertilization in other plants? What two cells does
fertilization in angiosperms produce?
24. How can you tell by looking at a fruit how the seeds it contains are likely dispersed?
25. Briefly describe the development of modern corn from a wild grass.
Using Science Skills
Use the diagram below to answer the following questions on the lines provided.
Figure 24–2
26. Predict Which of the plants in Figure 24–2 would you expect to have the highest level of
cytokinin in the fall? Explain your answer.
27. Apply Concepts Describe the effect that phytochrome has on the bearded iris in Figure 24–2.
28. Interpret Visuals According to Figure 24–2, what will happen to each plant if it receives more
than 12 hours of darkness each day? Why?
29. Infer Why doesn’t the chrysanthemum in Figure 24–2 bloom when exposed to light in the middle
of the night?
30. A plant-nursery owner wanted to sell bearded iris plants that bloom in December. Based on Figure
24–2, what should he or she do in order to produce winter-blooming bearded iris?
Write the answer to each question in the space provided.
31. What advantage does vegetative reproduction offer someone who needs to grow large numbers of
a specific plant variety for commercial sales?
32. Describe the formation of a fruit in an angiosperm.
33. What happens to a plant when a gardener snips off the highest growing tip of a plant? What
phenomenon has the gardener interrupted?
34. How does having a large, sweet fruit benefit a plant?
35. Explain how a forest fire can affect the germination of certain pine seeds and the recovery of the
forest from a fire.