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Advanced Placement Biology
Summer Assignments
Name: __________________
HR: _______
Purchase a composition lab notebook and 3-ring binder to have on the 1st day of school.
In order to prepare you for the upcoming school year, there are some assignments that you will need to
complete for grades.
1. You will need to read, outline, and complete the guided notes found on my website for the following
chapters that will count as two lab grades that will be due on the first day of school in September.
Your first test of the year will be on this material:
Ch. 55- Behavioral Biology
Ch. 56- Ecology of Individuals and Populations
Ch. 57- Community Ecology
Ch. 58- Dynamics of Ecosystems
Ch. 59- The Biosphere
Ch. 60- Conservation Biology
2. You need to sign up and create an edmodo account, if you do not already have one, and enter the
following code for this class that you will receive when you see me.___________________ Please
do so promptly, as this will “lock”, and I will have to issue a new code and become annoyed.
3. Scavenger Hunt: You will be familiarizing yourself with commonly used science terms by
“collecting” assigned items over the summer, by taking a photograph (with your phone or digital
camera). You will post your photographs with appropriate explanations/descriptions.
a. ORIGINAL PHOTOS ONLY! No internet images allowed! You must prove that these are
original so it is best to place a personal item (pen, coin, key, etc.) in all of your photographs
that only you could have added in each time.
b. NATURAL ITEMS ONLY! All items must be from something that you have found in nature
(your neighborhood, yard, shore house, etc.) Research what each item term means and in
what organisms it can be found, then make like Diego and take a pic!
c. TEAMWORK! You may work with other students in the class to complete this project, but
each student must complete his or her own project with a unique set of terms chosen. So
working with other students means brainstorming, discussing, going on collecting trips
together. It doesn’t mean using the same items and taking the same pictures.
Choose 25 of the 50 items listed on the back of this sheet to “collect”. A minimum of 5 items must
be posted to Edmodo every 2 weeks 1st due date is July 1st. Other due dates are: July 15th, 29th,
August 12th, and 26th. You must use a different organism for each item. Each item is worth 4 points
for a total of 100 possible points for a test grade. Incorrect examples of the term/definition or late
submissions will not receive points. You can ALWAYS submit them early, but lateness is not
acceptable so do not procrastinate!!!!!!!
In order to ensure that you get off to a good start, make sure you complete these assignments. If you have any
questions or problems, come and see me. If you need to contact me during the summer my school email is:
[email protected] . Also, my teacher website accessible from the district homepage has resources as well.
Thank you,
Mr. Kozak
1. 1 of the 10 world biomes
25. endotherm
2. Plant carbohydrate
26. enzyme
3. Type of protein
27. eukaryote
4. Evidence of different alleles for the same
28. exoskeleton
29. genetic variation within a population
5. Organism in kingdom fungi
30. genetically modified organism
6. Organisms in kingdom protista
31. hermaphrodite
7. Angiosperm
32. heterotroph
8. Gymnosperm
33. homologous structures
9. Food Web
34. hydrophilic
10. adaptation of an animal
35. hydrophobic
11. adaptation of a plant
36. introduced species
12. altruistic behavior
37. keystone species
13. analagous structures
38. K-strategist
14. anther & filament of stamen
39. r-strategist
15. flower ovary
40. phloem
16. autotroph
41. pollen
17. Batesian mimicry
42. pollinator
18. Mullerian mimicry
43. predation
19. biological magnification
44. prokaryote
20. coevolution
45. radial symmetry (animal)
21. commensalism
46. redox reaction
22. parasitism
47. succession
23. dominant vs. recessive phenotype
48. taxis
24. ectotherm
49. kinesis
50. vestigial structures