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Review Sheet II
Building blocks of proteins - _____________________
How many are there? __________
Give the general formula for the dehydration synthesis of proteins:
_______________ + _______________ + . . .
_______________ + _______________
Draw the general formula for an amino acid:
What do all amino acids have in common? __________________ and __________________
Material acted upon by enzyme - _____________________
Operates on only one kind of chemical reaction, therefore they are ___________________
Type of organic compound - _______________________
They cause a chemical reaction to speed up, therefore they are a ____________________
Kind of organic compound
Digested into
The bread is _______________________
The mayonnaise is _______________________
___________ and ______________
The meat is _______________________
In each of the above, what does the E stand for? ________________________
What process is occurring in all three of the above? _________________________________
Interpreting Diagrams
The diagrams below show organic and inorganic molecules. Answer the questions that follow by
writing the letter(s) of the correct diagram(s) in the space provided.
_____1. Which molecule is a building block of protein?
_____2. Which molecule has the formula of C6H12O6?
_____3. Which molecule represents a glycerol molecule?
_____4. Which two molecules contain carboxyl groups?
_____5. Which two molecules are the building blocks of a lipid?
_____6. Which molecule is inorganic?
_____7. Maltose is produced when two of which type of molecule are bonded?
_____8. Which molecule functions as a solvent in the cell?
_____9. Which molecule has 20 different forms in the cell?
Identify the following by looking at their structural formulas:
Empirical formula - ________________
What organic compound? ___________________
Empirical formula - ________________
Empirical formula - ________________
What organic compound? ___________________
What organic compound? ____________________