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Chapter 13 Outline
Patterns of Inheritance
Advanced Placement Biology
Roslyn High School
Mendel solved the mystery of heredity.
What were early ideas about heredity?
What was the assumption entitled “Constancy of Species”?
What was the assumption entitled “Direct Transmission of Traits”?
How did Koelrueter demonstrate hybridization between species?
Why did the classical assumptions fail?
How did Knight study heredity in peas?
Why did Mendel choose the garden pea?
How did Mendel design his experiments?
What were Mendel’s results?
F1 Generation
F2 Generation
Why were Mendel’s results a disguised 1:2:1 ratio?
What was Mendel’s model of heredity?
How did Mendel interpret his results?
For the F1 Generation?
For the F2 Generation?
How can the laws of probability predict Mendel’s results?
What was Mendel’s first law of heredity?
Why use a testcross?
What was Mendel’s second law of heredity?
Why is Mendelian inheritance not always easy to analyze?
Why does continuous variation occur?
How does pleiotropy affect phenotype?
How does incomplete dominance affect phenotype?
How does the environment affect phenotype?
How does epistasis affect phenotype?
Why was Emerson’s ration modified?
What are other examples of epistasis?
Human genetics follows Mendelian principles.
Why are most gene disorders rare?
Which genetic defects are not recessive?
How is the ABO blood group determined by multiple alleles?
What is the Rh blood group?
How can patterns of inheritance be deduced from pedigrees?
How can gene disorders be due to simple alterations of proteins?
How can gene therapy cure some genetic defects?
What were the early successes?
Why was there a rush toward Cystic Fibrosis?
Why are there problems with the vector?
Which vectors are more promising?
Why is there success with the AAV vector?
Genes on chromosomes.
How was the chromosomal theory of inheritance developed?
Why is there a problem with the chromosomal theory of inheritance?
Why is Morgan’s white – eyed fly important?
How does sex linkage play a role in inheritance?
What is genetic recombination?
What is crossing over?
How can recombination be used to make gene maps?
What is the importance of a three – point cross?
How has the human genetic map been unlocked?
What are the human sex chromosomes?
Do all organisms determine sex the same?
How is sex determined in other organisms?
What are Barr bodies?
Why are X and Y chromosomes so different?
How can nondisjunction involve autosomes?
What is Down Syndrome?
Can nondisjunction occur in sex chromosomes?
What types of nondisjunction can occur in the X chromosome?
What types of nondisjunction can occur in the Y chromosome?
How can genetic counseling be used to detect genetic defects?