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Earth and Space Science Note-Taking Worksheet: TEKs 9a-b
1. Define each of Earth’s subsystems:
 Lithosphere
 Atmosphere
 Hydrosphere
 Biosphere
2. By what three ways is heat energy transferred?_______________, _____________________,
3. A substance that is not a good conductor of heat energy is also called a ____________________.
4. In which subsystem is conduction most efficient?______________________.
5. How does the biosphere experience conduction?
 ______________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________
6. Which two subsystems are least efficient at conduction?_________________, _______________
7. Which two subsystems are most efficient at convection?_________________, _______________
8. How is the biosphere indirectly influenced by convection?
9. Label and describe the thermal structure of Earth’s
 Crust
 Mantle
 Outer Core
 Inner Core
10. Once radiant energy strikes the Earth’s surface,
how is it transformed?
11. Of the % incoming solar radiation, how much is
absorbed by Earth’s surfaces?
12. Of that % which is absorbed, how much is
redirected back to space as infrared?
13. Briefly describe each of the processes of the hydrologic cycle:
 Evaporation
 Condensation
 Precipitation
 Infiltration
 Transpiration
 Runoff
14. Where on the Earth do the most perpendicular rays of the Sun strike?
15. Where on the Earth do the Sun’s rays strike at a most shallow (small) angle?
16. How does the above influence the temperatures on Earth?
17. Deep ocean currents are a product of _______________ instead of temperature.
18. How are surface currents on the ocean different from deep ocean currents?
19. Describe how global warming could actually cause the continents in the Northern Hemisphere to cool.
Earth and Space Science Note-Taking Worksheet: TEKs 9a-b (Part II)
20. What oceans tend to be saltier? Which ones less salty? Why?
21. How do convective atmospheric currents determine biome placement on Earth?
 Tropics
 Poles
22. Radiant energy moving through the Earth’s atmosphere belongs to the ___________________ end
of the electromagnetic spectrum.
23. Thermal energy moving up from the Earth and into space belongs to the __________________ end
of the electromagnetic spectrum.
24. Describe how the Greenhouse Effect affects Earth’s temperatures.
25. Is the Greenhouse Effect good, or bad, and why?
26. What happened to Mars?
27. How does the Earth’s crust vary under the oceans and continents?
28. What are the top four main elements that compose the Earth’s crust?
29. How is the Earth’s structure like an egg?
30. What are the names of the biggest 8 tectonic plates?
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
31. The lithospheric plates ride on top of the ______________________________________.
32. Describe and sketch the three types of plate boundaries:
 __
 __
33. What forms along these plate boundaries?
34. Describe the chemical and physical nature of the mantle.
35. Describe the chemical and physical nature of the Earth’s core.
36. Why is the Earth’s outer core so important?