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1. Three Social Sciences
2. The Social Science
Inquiry Method
3. What is Anthropology?
4. Archaeology
5. Cultural Anthropology
6. Ethnology
7. Schools of Thought in
Cultural Anthropology
8. Rites of Passage
9 Culture and Identity
10. Socialization
11. Kinship and Marriage
Unit 1 Review: Anthropology
Key Questions and Terms (key terms are in bold font)
What are the origins of the Social Sciences? (enlightened thinking, reason, rational
What are the three social sciences? (Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology)
How do social scientists conduct research? What are the steps of social science
What is Anthropology? (culture)
Major subdivisions in Anthropology – cultural anthropology  archaeology,
linguistic anthropology, ethnology
Physical Anthropology  paleoanthropology, primatology, human variation,
forensic anthropology
Review text work p. 15  Lewis Henry Morgan, social evolution, Franz Boaz,
gender role, modern careers in anthro.
What is archaeology? What do archaeologists study? What is the difference between
organic and inorganic remains? How do archaeologists study the past? (ie: making
hypotheses based on evidence…refer to Mystery Cemetery activity)
What is culture? What are the aspects of culture? (norms, mores, values, beliefs,
folkways, and laws)
Describe the research tools of cultural anthropologists.
What is ethnology? What topics do ethnologists study? How do ethnologists make
their observations? (ie: participant observation). What is an ethnography? What
ethical issues are involved in writing an ethnography? What are some challenges faced
by ethnologists? What is the significance of the work of Bronislaw Malinowski,
Margaret Mead/Derek Freeman, Ruth Benedict, Richard Lee? What are some of
the problems of participant observation? Key terms: subjective, objective, reflexivity.
What are the schools of thought in cultural anthropology? (ie: Cultural Relativism,
Functional Theory, Cultural Materialism, Feminist Anthropology,
Postmodernism) What are some of the differences between these approaches to
studying anthropology? Which approach is most interesting to you? Why? List some
examples of the various schools of thought.
What is the significance of the work of Franz Boas and Bronislaw Malinowski to
cultural relativism and functional theory? Key terms for cultural relativism include:
Social evolution theory, ethnocentrism, moral relativism.
What is a rite of passage and a ritual? How are rites of passage related to
socialization? Who/what are the various agents of socialization? What are some
reasons for rites of passage? Give some examples of rites of passage (eg. from text
such as Mehendi party, Vanuatu land diving). What is the significance of the tattoo in
Polynesian society (ie: Samoa)? Why are rites of passage meaningful? What are the
usual steps for rites of passage?
How does culture help to shape identity? What is the significance of the tattoo to
Samoan identity? Describe the ritual. How have perspectives on tattooing changed?
What is the role of anthropologists in judging other cultures?
How does culture produce diverse forms of human behavior? How are children
socialized in different cultures (consider the Babies film)? Who are the agents of
What is meant by the term kinship systems? (ie: patterns of descent) What are some
of the key roles of marriage, according to anthropologists? How is marriage in Canada
changing? List and define and global forms of marriage (ie: monogamy, polygamy,
polyandry, polygyny). What are the family types? Describe the key difference
between a patrilineal and matrilineal system. What is the significance of the family
institution in earlier societies? In modern societies? What is an arranged marriage?
What are the pros and cons of an arranged marriage? Should polygamy be legal?
12. Gender and Our
Sense of Self
13. Linguistic
14. Physical
15. Human Variation
16. Primatology
17. Forensic
*may not be on test
2016 due to snow days
18. Environment and
19. Ethical Issues in
What are some gender stereotypes in Canadian culture? What is the difference
between sex and gender, according to anthropologists? How is gender culturally
constructed? (ie: symbols, classifications, values, ehavior patterns). What is the
early impact of gender? Describe some recent changes to gender roles. Why are some
societies more accepting of the third gender / alternate gender identity?
What are the various subfields? Key terms: Broca’s area, language as open, discrete.
What is the importance of body language? What is the significance of the SapirWhorf hypothesis? What is a euphemism? List a few.
What is paleoanthropology? What do paleoanthropologists study? (ie: fossil
evidence, skeletal remains) Why was the age of exploration in the 15th and 16th
centuries significant to evolutionary studies? What is evolution, or the Theory of
Natural Selection? Who are Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel, and Linnaeus? What
did they contribute to our understanding of physical anthropology? What was the effect
of climate conditions in Africa on human evolution, according to latest research? How
are the molecular clock and endocasts used to study ancient fossils? What is the
significance of fossils like Salaam, Lucy, and “Tumai” on our understanding of ancient
ancestors? Who are the Leakeys? What discoveries have been made in the Turkana
Basin? (review Australopithicus anamensis, homo habilis, homo erectus). What
makes us human, according to paleoanthropologists? (key term: bipedalism) What are
field conditions like for paleoanthropologists?
Where did early humans originate? When did humans leave Africa to populate the rest
of the world? What drove humans to leave Africa? What route did they take? How can
we trace the human journey? (ie: refer to the route taken by early humans out of
Africa) What earlier theory does this contradict? Why is this a particularly interesting
time in human history to trace our lineage?
What is primatology? Who are some famous primatologists (ie: Jane Goodall, Dian
Fossey, Birute Galdikas) Where did they conduct their research? How do
primatologists conduct their research? What significant discoveries were made by
Goodall about chimpanzees? (key terms: social grooming, alpha male) What are
some similarities and differences between chimp society and our own? What are some
of the key differences between humans and animals?
What is Locard’s Exchange Prinipal? How is it useful to the field of forensic
anthropology? How do forensic anthropologists conduct their research?
How do humans cultures evolve or adapt to the physical environment? Give examples
of climate adaptations (eg. From Human Planet films). What are some economic
systems that have developed through history (ie: foraging societies, horticultural
societies, agricultural systems, industrial societies, postindustrial societies)?
What should the attitude of an anthropologist be when conducting fieldwork? What is
the difference between explicit and tacit cultural knowledge? How do we become
aware of our own beliefs and view of reality? (ie: having an etic perspective vs an
emic perspective). List some of the ethical guidelines for conducting research in
anthropology. How has ethics in anthropology changed over time?
Test format: Includes multiple choice questions, short answer, and long answer