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Department: Science Team Member: Debbie Snarr Unit/Arc: Evolution Crockett High School Course: Biology Date: Monday/Tuesday, March 18/19, 2013 Skill: to analyze and evaluate how natural selection has led to the diversity of life and adaptation Enduring Understanding: Evolutionary theory is a scientific explanation for the unity and diversity of life Essential Questions: What is natural selection? How does natural selection play a role in adaptations and diversity? Assessment: Quiz Level: Pre-­‐AP 9th grade Objective: Students will be able to describe the process of natural selection and the vocabulary with it by discussing the terms with another classmate Time 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes Learning Strategies Activity Warm Up Warm Up: Students will work on warm up about evidence of evolution Objective: Students will be able to review evidence of evolution by writing 2-­‐3 sentences Review Cougar races: Students will play cougar races to review Teacher will have pre-­‐set groups for cougar races and tell students what group they are in. Teacher will go over rules to be sure students know how to play Objective: Students will be able to review evidence of evolution by playing cougar races Evaluate Evidence Assessment: Students will put everything away and take quiz Teacher will have students put everything away and answer any last questions then hand out quizzes Objective: Students will be able to analyze and evaluate evidences to determine common ancestry among organisms Engagement HHMI natural selection video: Students will watch video and take notes on what they think natural selection is based on the video Teacher will instruct students on what is expected during the video and play video Objective: Students will be able to Grouping Think-­‐Pair-­‐
Share Resource(s) Teacher: PPT with warm up Student: notebook, pen Class, groups Teacher: Cougar race questions, cougars, board set up, markers, boards, erasers Student: N/A individual Teacher: Copies of quiz Student: pen Individual, class Teacher: Video Student: notebook, pen 30 minutes Explore define/describe natural selection by watching the video and recording their observations Natural Selection Bean Lab: Students will groups go through lab with group. Whatever they do not complete in class will be homework Teacher will go over instructions for lab, expectations, and goals for lab. Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate the process of natural selection by completing the bean lab Teacher: lab handout, beans, scissors, forks, test tube holder, straw, knifes, forks, Student: pen Based on your daily assessment, what adaptations will be made if no/some/most students are successful? (include higher level questions if appropriate) Repeated/ clerifying instruction , facilitating peer collaboration enabling student self-­‐checks easy access to full notes, peer tutoring (all students) through question and answer, Study aids (for all students) such as guided notes, Emphasis on major points, Extra time for responses How is the lesson differentiated for GT, SPED, and/or ELL students? Repeated instruction, Check for understanding Extra time for work completion, Graphic organizer, Visual aids visual/oral demonstrations (for ELLs) Clarify instructions Peer Tutoring Verbal and written instructions Extention activities for fast paced learners TEKS that can be covered with this lesson Biology C.7.E analyze and evaluate the relationship of natural selection to adaptation and to the development of diversity in and among species Lesson Overview/Teacher Notes: (attached: lab) Things to remember • No organism or population of organisms is perfectly adapted to its environment. Natural selection does not produce perfectly adapted organisms. • Adaptations are heritable traits that help an organism survive in its environment. • Natural selection happens when there are variations in characteristics, the characteristics are heritable, and the characteristics make some individuals in a population more fit for survival and reproduction. • Survival of the fittest refers to an organism’s ability to survive, reproduce and pass on its traits. The most fit is not always the biggest or the strongest. • Evolution occurs in populations, not individuals! Vocabulary to remember • Adaptation: a trait that helps an organism survive and/or reproduce. • Heritable: traits that can be passed on from one generation to the next are heritable. Heritable traits are the only ones that natural selection can act on. •
Natural Selection: a process of evolution where nature chooses the most fit organisms to survive. A fit organism is one who can best survive in its environment and produce offspring. Species: Interbreeding population of organisms that does not breed with other populations even when there is an opportunity to do so Variation: differences; Variations can be in color, ability to produce offspring, size, etc… Divergent evolution: the process where organisms within a species become very different and will no longer interbreed. Each species continues to change over time until they look very different. Convergent evolution: the process where unrelated species become more and more similar in appearance as they adapt to the same kind of environment. Coevolution: the process where two unrelated species become so dependent on each other that they cannot survive or reproduce without the other.