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ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
Spring 2017
Internet Scavenger Hunt Lab
Due Date: 04/16/2017
Student Name: Huy Dai Nguyen
Score: ____________________
In the history of humanity, nothing has grown bigger, faster or better than the World Wide Web. In just
about a quarter century, it has become an economic and political force with immeasurable impact. The
Internet is a magnificent, unparalleled success story. It’s origins date back to research commissioned by the
United States federal government in the 1960s to build robust, fault-tolerant communication via computer
networks.The primary precursor network, the ARPANET, initially served as a backbone for interconnection of
regional, academic and military networks in the 1980s.
The funding of the National Science Foundation Network as a new backbone in the 1980s, as well as
private funding for other commercial extensions, led to worldwide participation in the development of new
networking technologies, and the merger of many networks. The linking of commercial networks and
enterprises by the early 1990s marks the beginning of the transition to the modern Internet, and generated a
sustained exponential growth as generations of institutional, personal, and mobile computers were connected
to the network. Although the Internet was widely used by academia since the 1980s, this rapid
commercialization incorporated new services and technologies into virtually every aspect of modern life.
The protocol for computers to communicate with each other on the Internet is know as: Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol or as TCP/IP. The TCP/IP standard controls how computers and electronic
devices should be connected to the Internet, by defining how data should be transmitted between them and a
common language to do so.
Every computer connected to the Internet has a unique identity. You can refer to any Internetconnected device in either of two ways it’s IP address or it’s host name. All hosts using the Internet have
registered IP addresses. This number consists of two parts, a network ID and a host ID. Internet Protocol
version 4 otherwise known as IPV4 consists of 4 bytes or 32 bits. Providing an addressing capability of 232 or
approximately 4.3 billion addresses. The next generation protocol is Internet Protocol version 6 IPV6 which
consists of 128 bits theoretically allowing 2128(approximately 3.4×1038) IP addresses. IPV6 is currently in production
and many companies are using it alongside IPV4.
The main website for Temple University has an IP address of Each of the four sections
represents an octet, 1 byte or 8 bits. Each octet has a value from 0-255 or 256 unique values of 0, 1. Part of
the IP address identifies the network as the Temple network, and part of the IP address identifies the actual
computer on the Temple network. 155.247.166 is the Temple network address. 60 identifies the individual
or host computer on which the Temple website is located. The IP address must have the network portion to
allow the routers to send the packets to the proper network. The router sees the 155.247.166 as
10011011.11110111.10100110 as the network address. The router uses built in algorithms to discover the
possible routes and then selects the best route to send the packets from one network to another. Once the
ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
Spring 2017
packets arrive at the destination network, it is sent to the correct host as indicated by the number 60 or
00111100. All Internet communications including emails, IMs, audio and video downloads require IP
addressing to connect.
The Domain Name System or DNS translates between Domain Names and IP Addresses. The Domain
Name refers to the human readable identifier of the Web site where each name must be unique. There are
specially designated computers which hold tables that map domain names to IP addresses, in either direction.
Without the DNS system, one would have to know all the IP addresses of the websites you wanted to visit.
Some examples of domain names include, and
ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
Spring 2017
There are several network settings which are necessary to ensure an Internet connection. You are going on an
Internet scavenger hunt to discover what those settings are. Have fun!!
For each of the following items, answer the following questions using an Internet search engine and provide
the URL where the answers can be found.
Live video of Philadelphia Skyline or Temple University’s Webcam.
2. A picture of earth from space.
Domain Names: To answer the following questions, you will need a computer with a network connection and
a command prompt. You can do this on your own computer. To get to the command prompt:
A. Go to start
B. Select run
C. Type in “cmd”
d. Press enter. You should be at a c: > prompt. This is called the command line. You use commands instead of
clicking on icons in the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
The path will look something like c:\directory name >
e. You will now type at the c:\directory name> prompt, the command, nslookup Press
What is the host name or domain name for the IP address
What is the host name or domain name for the IP address
What is the host name or domain name for the IP address
ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
Spring 2017
Instead of using the IP address with nslookup, use the domain name.
What is the IP address of
What is the IP address of
What is the IP address of
Go to the following site: If you wanted to register a domain name, you can do a
search to see what is available. There are many similar websites which help you create your own domain
name and Web site. Domain name registration is coordinated globally through the non-profit group ICANN
(Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers).
List three other Web sites in which you can register a domain name.
Ping is a utility which helps in troubleshooting network communications. It sends four (by default) packets to
a specified address, expecting to have the packet “echoed” back to itself. This tests for the most rudimentry
connection between two hosts. If you have lost your network connection at home and you call tech support,
they will use the ping command to test if your computer is still on the network.
A. Ping and follow the procedure described below to record results.
To record response:
1. Use cut and paste method to put in this document.
2. Right click and select mark.
3. Then left click your mouse to highlight what you wish to copy. Then right click in this
document and paste results in the space provided.
4. Or you could create a separate text file by using the exact syntax in the screen shot below.
The file temple.txt will be saved in the same directory in which it was created. In this case, the
text file is located in my documents. You may attach that file to this assignment.
ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
Spring 2017
Record your results here:
9c-f3-87-d1-37-5a:~ Huy$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=252 time=4.019 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=252 time=5.076 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=252 time=37.500 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=252 time=4.887 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=252 time=3.608 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=252 time=4.902 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=252 time=6.171 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=252 time=118.717 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=252 time=62.749 ms
--- ping statistics --9 packets transmitted, 9 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 3.608/27.514/118.717/37.661 ms
B. The screen display the results of pinging
When a computer pings another computer, it sends typically four ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
echo request messages. If the connection is made, the receiving computer replies with the same number of
bytes. In the screenshot, Bytes=32 refers to the number of bytes sent, time =7ms refers to the round trip time
of the packet in milliseconds, and TTL=242 refers to the time to live for each packet. TTL acts as a counter and
will disappear after 47 hops. The ping statistics summarizes the information. The ping command can be very
helpful if you are trying to troubleshoot a lost Internet connection (demonstrated later in this lab.)
ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
Spring 2017
TRACERT is another network troubleshooting utility that checks the responsiveness between two hosts and
traces the path the packet takes between the two hosts. It discovers the routes or paths that the packets
actually take. This is shown in Fig. 1. Note that the times shown are actually the time it takes for a packet to
move from the last router to the current router and back to the last router. This is called the RTT (Round Trip
Figure 1
A. At the c:\name of directory>prompt, type in the tracert and press enter.
To record response:
1. Use cut and paste method.
2. Right click what you wish to copy. Select mark.
3. Then left click your mouse to highlight what you wish to mouse. You may then right click in the
document and paste results in this document in the space provided.
4. Or you could create a separate text file by using the exact syntax in the screen shot below. The file
temple.txt will be saved in the same directory in which it was created. In this case, the text file is
located in my documents. You may attach that file to this assignment.
ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
13. Record your response here:
9c-f3-87-d1-37-5a:~ Huy$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 3.689 ms 4.661 ms 2.500 ms
2 ( 3.593 ms 4.174 ms 4.766 ms
3 ***
4 ***
5 ***
6 ***
7 ***
8 ***
9 ***
10 * * *
11 * * *
12 * * *
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 * * *
16 * * *
17 * * *
18 * * *
19 * * *
20 * * *
21 * * *
22 * * *
23 * * *
24 * * *
25 * * *
26 * * *
27 * * *
28 * * *
29 * * *
30 * * *
Below are the results from tracert
Figure 2
Spring 2017
ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
Spring 2017
14. Studying Figure 2 above, how many hops (really routers or networks) did the packets travel? (Hint look at
far left column. Does the number of hops really end at 25 or at 30? ) Routers connect many networks
The packets actually traveled to 25 hops. Unless you stop the command or put a limit on the number
of hop, it will just continue to have asterisks and “Request timed out”.
15. When an asterisk (*) appears, it usually means that there is a firewall at that router location.
This prevents the public and thus hackers from seeing the networks.
On Figure 2, at what hops, do you see this occurring?-(Hint: There are six.)
2, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Can you tell what network are these routers located? Why or Why Not?
You can’t, because the target’s firewall have blocked the request.
16. To what three states do the packets going to travel?
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York
IPCONFIG - This is one of the most useful commands in troubleshooting your network and Internet access. If
you have lost Internet access, this is the first command to use. This command will help you determine if you
are receiving an IP address. If your computer is not receiving an IP address, then your computer is not
connected to the network and will not get Internet access. There are two ways to receive an IP address:
a. A static IP address which is assigned and is manually typed into network properties.
b. A computer receives an IP address dynamically from a special server called a DHCP server which provides an
IP address when a computer is connected to it’s network.
ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
Spring 2017
You are going to type in several commands and record each response. The first command you will type at the
prompt is ipconfig /all. This command will display all TCP/IP network configurations.
When you type in this command ipconfig /all from the command line, the following identifiers will appear if
you have a wireless connection. At the top of the network configurations is the type of network interface card
(NIC card) used in the network connection. In the example below – “Ethernet adapter Wireless Network
Connection” indicated a wireless connection. Something like Figure 3 appears. (Note there maybe some
variation to Figure 3)
Figure 3
Or if you might have a wired connection which would have Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection and
Answer the following questions using your results of using the IPCONFIG /ALL.
Find the physical address of your computer. This is frequently referred to as your MAC address. It is a 12 digit
hexadecimal number which is unique to your network interface card (NIC). Each network interface will have
it’s own MAC address. For Example, If you have a wired Ethernet NIC card and a wireless NIC card, you will
have two different MAC addresses. When you setup your computer to access Temple’s wireless network,
you have to register your unique MAC address. Since the MAC address is unique, it is used for authorization.
17. Your MAC address is: 9c:f3:87:d1:37:5a
18. Is DHCP enabled? Yes
19. What is the DHCP IP address?
20. What is the IP address of your computer?
21. What are the DNS servers’ IP addresses (if present)?,
ENGR 0832: Digital World 20/20
Spring 2017
Note: The DNS servers need to translate all domain names IP addresses. Your ISP provides two DNS servers, in
case one fails.
22. What is its IP Address of the default gateway?
The default gateway is the first router to which your local LAN to which your computer is connected. The
default gateway is literally a gateway to other networks to which your LAN is connected. The Internet consists
of many millions of networks that are all connected. If you are not getting any IP address, you would use the
ping command to see if your computer is communicating with the router. If it is not communicating, you will
not have Internet access. You may also want to ping the DNS servers and the DHCP server to see if your
computer is communicating with those essential services. If there is a failure of communication, you will not
have Internet Access.
More Fun
Go to
Type in in WHOIS/IPWHOIS lookup
23. List the technical and administrative contacts.
1. Adam Ferrero
2. Temple University, 3rd floor Telecommunications, 1101 W Montgomery Avenue, PA
24. List the Temple’s DNS (name server)