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Coloring Flowers!
Coloring the Main Flower
The receptacle is the part of
the branch on which a flower forms. Color the receptacle (B)
brown. Sepals are leaf like structures that surround and protect
the flower before it blooms. Color the sepals green. Petals are
the colorful part of the flower that attracts insects and even
other small animals, such as mice, birds, and bats. Color the petals
a bright color of your choice. All flowering plants have flowers,
but some are not brightly colored. The petals of these flowers
are reduced or absent and the plant relies on the wind or water
for pollination. The
flower has both male and female reproductive parts. The female reproductive structures are called
carpels. In most flowers, the carpels are fused together to form a pistil. Color the pistil in the flowers
pink. The male reproductive structures are called the stamens. Color the stamens of the flowers blue.
Coloring the Pistil & Stamen
The pistil has three parts. The stigma at the top is often sticky
and is where the pollen attaches. Color the stigma purple. The style is the long tube that attaches the
stigma to the ovary. Sperm from the pollen will travel down this tube to the ovules. The ovules, or eggs,
are stored in the ovary until they are fertilized. Plants can only fertilize eggs of the same species. Special
chemicals prevent sperm from fertilizing the eggs of flowers that are not the same kind. Color the style
red, and the ovary pink. Color the ovules black.
Each stamen consists of an anther , which produces pollen, and a
filament, which supports the anther. In the stamen off to the left
side (the one next to the pistil) color the anther dark blue, and the
filament light blue. Pollen produced by the anther is carried by
insects or other animals to the pistil of another flower where it
may fertilize the eggs.
Plant Reproduction
Sexual reproduction in plants occurs when the pollen from an anther is
transferred to the stigma. Plants can fertilize themselves: called selffertilization. Self-fertilization occurs when the pollen from an anther
fertilizes the eggs on the same flower. Cross-fertilization occurs when
the pollen is transferred to the stigma of an entirely different plant.
When the ovules are fertilized, they will develop into seeds. The petals of the flower fall off leaving only
the ovary behind, which will develop into a fruit. There are many different kinds of fruits, including apples
and oranges and peaches. A fruit is any structure that encloses and protects a seed, so fruits are also
"helicopters" and acorns, and bean pods. When you eat a fruit, you are actually eating the ovary of the
Use the following information to identify the 6 roots at this station.
The first structures to appear on a germinating seed are the roots.
In a taproot system, the primary root grows longer and thicker than the
secondary roots. Due to the greater mass & volume than the other roots the
taproot is more likely to be a food source.
In a fibrous root system, the secondary roots continue to grow, and
eventually all the roots are of equal or nearly equal size.
Adventitious roots grow from parts of the plant other than the roots.
Aerial roots are roots that are suspended in the air.
Roots anchor the plant in place, absorb water containing dissolved minerals
from the environment, and act as storage areas for excess food.
Plant structures that grow between the roots and leaves are called stems.
Although stems usually grow above the ground in vertical positions, they can
also grow under the ground in horizontal positions. All stems begin growing as
soft, tubelike structures. If the stem remains soft, and usually green, for
the entire life of the plant, it is a herbaceous stem. A woody stem becomes
Stems conduct water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves,
and food from the leaves to the rest of the plant. Stems may also functions
as food storage areas, supporting structures, and places for the growth of
new plants.
Flower Dissection
Introduction Flowers, which are unique to angiosperms, function in reproduction. The flowers of many angiosperms
have adapted in ways that attract pollinators (animals such as birds or insects that carry pollen between flowers). As
a bird or insect feeds on a flower’s nectar or pollen, pollen sticks to the animal. When the pollinator moves on to
another plant of the same species, it pollinates the second plant. Pollination may lead to fertilization and the
development of a new generation of plants.
Flower Structure
Hummingbirds prefer flowers with a tubular shape
that fit their long, slender beaks.
Hummingbirds as well as many other birds, are most
attracted to red flowers, but will also drink nectar
from flowers with colors that contain red such as
orange or pink.
Hummingbirds respond to color and shape, rather than
Hummingbirds have a limited sense of smell. Smell
has little impact on food choice.
Bees prefer cup-shaped flowers in
which they can nestle while
gathering pollen or nectar.
Bees, as well as other insects, respond
mostly to blue and yellow flowers.
They cannot detect red.
Bees are attracted to flowers with
“runaway” lines or dashes that lead
the bee to pollen or nectar.
Bees have a strong sense of smell and
are attracted to fragrant flowers.
1. Based on the information in the table above, use colored pencils to sketch a flower in the boxes on
your sheet that you think would attract a hummingbird and a flower that you think would attract
a bee.
2. Monocots and dicots are two groups of angiosperms. One way to recognize monocots is to count
the number of sepals or petals. If this number is a multiple of three, the plant is a monocot. If the
number is a multiple of four or five, and if the leaves contain branched veins, the plant is a dicot. If the flower does
not fit the monocot or dicot description, it likely belongs in one of other several groups of angiosperms. Observe your
flower. Answer Question #1.
3. Flowers have structures with specialized shapes that allow sperm in pollen to reach the
eggs in the ovaries. Follow the directions below to take the flower apart and identify its
reproductive structures.
a.Gently pull off the petals and set them aside. Look for the yellow, dusty pollen.
b. Identify a stamen. A stamen consists of a stalk called the filament and a structure at
the tip called the anther. Pollen is produced in the anther.
c. The stigma, style and ovary make up the pistil—the female part of a plant. Identify the
style and stigma. Look for a centralized stalk (the style) with a sticky end (the stigma).
In most flower species, there is only one style. Pollen carried by pollinators or wind sticks to the stigma and absorbs
fluid. Then a tube called the pollen tube grows from the stigma through the style, toward the ovary. A cell in the
pollen divides, and two sperm nuclei travel down the pollen tube toward the ovary.
d. Remove the stigma and style from the flower and locate the ovary. Using forceps, or your thumbnails, pull open
the ovary to observe the ovule or ovules. Each ovule contains an egg cell. If available, use a hand lens or
stereomicroscope to observe the ovule(s). One sperm that travels down the pollen tube fertilizes the egg cell and forms a
zygote. The other sperm fertilizes a large central cell in the ovule, which develops into a tissue called endosperm that
nourishes the growing embryo. After this double fertilization takes place, the ovule develops into a seed with the
embryo and endosperm inside.
Xylem and phloem make up the big transportation system of
vascular plants. As you get bigger, it is more difficult to
transport nutrients, water, and sugars around your body. You
have a circulatory system if you want to keep growing. As
plants evolved to be larger, they also developed their own kind
of circulatory systems. The main parts you will hear a lot about
are called xylem and phloem.
It all starts with a top and a bottom. Logically, it makes sense.
Trees and other vascular plants have a top and a bottom. The
top has a trunk, branches, leaves, or needles. The bottom is a
system of roots. Each needs the other to survive. The roots
hold the plant steady and grab moisture and nutrients from the soil. The top is in the light, conducting
photosynthesis and helping the plant reproduce. You have to connect the two parts. That's where
xylem and phloem come in.
The xylem of a plant is the system of tubes and transports
water and dissolved minerals. As a plant, you have roots to
help you absorb water. If your leaves need water and they are
100 feet above the ground, it is time to put the xylem into
action! Xylem is made of vessels that are connected end to
end for the maximum speed to move water around. They also
have a secondary function of support. When someone cuts an
old tree down, they reveal a set of rings. Those rings are the
remains of old xylem tissue, one ring for every year the tree
was alive.
The fun never stops in the plant's circulatory system. Most plants have green leaves, where the
photosynthesis happens. When those sugars are made, they need to be given to every cell in the
plant for energy. Enter phloem. The phloem cells are laid out end-to-end throughout the entire plant,
transporting the sugars and other molecules created by the plant. Phloem is always alive. Xylem
tissue dies after one year and then develops anew (rings in the tree trunk). What is the best way to
think about phloem? Think about sap coming out of a tree. That dripping sap usually comes from the
1. Observe the prepared slide of a cross section of a Dicot Stem under low power of
the microscope (it is the picture on the bottom of the slide. Draw the cross section
as observed under low power in one of the circles provided.
A vascular bundle is the xylem and phloem put together. You can see a picture
of a single bundle on the right. The vascular bundles are arranged in a ring
toward the outside of a dicot stem. Switch to the high-power objective and
focus on a single vascular bundle. Observe the thick-walled xylem cells. Notice
the smaller, thinner-walled phloem cells within the bundle.
2. Switch back to the low-power objective and observe the arrangement of cells within the stem cross section. The
pith is the large area in the middle of the ring of vascular bundles. Surrounding the ring is the cortex. The cells on
the outside rim are the epidermis. Label the xylem, phloem, pith, cortex, and epidermis in your drawing.
3. Observe the prepared slide of a cross section of a monocot stem under the low-power objective of the
microscope (It is the picture on the top of the slide). Draw the cross section as observed under low power in one
of the circles provided.
Note the general arrangement of the cell and position of the xylem and phloem.
4. Examine the epidermis, cortex, and pith in the monocot stem cross section. Label the xylem, phloem, epidermis,
cortex, and pith in your drawing.
1. Observe the prepared slide of a cross section of a dicot stem under low power of
the microscope (it is the picture on the bottom of the slide. Draw the cross section as
observed under low power in one of the circles provided.
A vascular bundle is the xylem and phloem put together. You can see a picture
of a single bundle on the right. The vascular bundles are arranged in a ring
toward the outside of a dicot stem. Switch to the high-power objective and
focus on a single vascular bundle. Observe the thick-walled xylem cells. Notice
the smaller, thinner-walled phloem cells within the bundle.
2. Switch back to the low-power objective and observe the arrangement of cells within the stem cross section. The
pith is the large area in the middle of the ring of vascular bundles. Surrounding the ring is the cortex. The cells on
the outside rim are the epidermis. Label the xylem, phloem, pith, cortex, and epidermis in your drawing.
3. Observe the prepared slide of a cross section of a monocot stem under the low-power objective of the
microscope (it is the picture on the top of the slide). Draw the cross section as observed under low power in one of
the circles provided.
Note the general arrangement of the cell and position of the xylem and phloem.
4. Examine the epidermis, cortex, and pith in the monocot stem cross section. Label the xylem, phloem, epidermis,
cortex, and pith in your drawing.
How much Water is in a Plant?
All living organisms consist mostly of water.
The adult human body is about 60% water, by weight, and 75% by volume.
As much as 95% of the weight of some plants is due to the water they
1. We already weighed each of the plants. Then we set the plants on a
newspaper to dry overnight. The Fresh weights were:
Record the Fresh weights in your table.
2. Find the Dried (g) weight of the grass, grapes, and carrots. Record the data in
your table
3. To calculate Total Water Lost subtract the Fresh column from the Dried
Fresh (g) – Dried (g) = Total Water Lost
Do this for each plant and record the number in the table.
5. To calculate Percent Water divide Total Water Lost by Fresh then take that
number and multiply it by 100.
Total Water Lost (g)
x 100 = Percent Water
Fresh (g)
Do this for each plant and record
the number in the table.