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Children >Jged between nine a."ld eigh:-een years otd go tbrough a phase of rapid
grm'II"Jl, development, and mailli<!l:ion. In Lite beginning of this process they are children
and at the end of it they are physically, sexwlly, ar1d psychologically young adults. The
renns of puberty and adoiescem:e are o:fu:n u ed confusingly, to describe this time of
The word "puberty" describes the psychological and
physical cha."Jges, while "adolescence" is the complete
period of a P'"!1lon's phy4-hlical and psychological
transition between childhood and adulthood. (Walker,
Puberty changes
during teen>Jgers, which also influence the
psychological, in this case children begin to change into an adull Adoiescence is the
whole process of changing until the children become adults.
Adolescence coo be
11. difficult
time, especially if children and their parents are
not prepared for what is going to happen. Hurlock staicd thai teenage is the length of
time thai fill with the endless argument, upset, and turmoil. Puberty-from Latin word is
pubertas, meaning, ">Jge of manhood". (1999). JIA"anhood is ti}e time that people reach
adulthood and become matllfe.
As the body shape changes and develops sexually, so that emotions change and
adolescents mature mentally. Although tb." ge eral patterns of adoiescence !l!"e tire
no two individuals shmre the same experiences. During adolescence and puberty,
children b?gin to undernnmd themselves "!d one anoth'*", they tend to become less
iocUsed Oil their flm:i!ies rn:!G P.l.Ofe focused Oll their friends.
Puberty is happened in both sexes, man and woman, in a period of a
grovv1h; body
m!lfuration pn;cess
system and it is ended in sexual
Puberty typically takes bet>veen two and five
years, and proceeds
a series of stages that
vary in length from mdividual to the next
(Vialker, 1996, p. 48)
According to Hurlock (1999, p. 120) on average girls sta.'i, l!l1d
complete, puberty· before boys. 111ese are the main physical changes that
occur in both sexes during puberty: (Hurlock, 1999)
L The body eJ<.-perience a period of rapid growth. Changes in body size and
body proportions, increase in certain areas and decrease ill others, for
childh.ood the heart is small, veius md arteries are large,
after puberty it reverse.
2. The primary sex orgru:(the testes in boys md ovaries in girls) are
changed more active and start releasing more sex hormones.
3. The secondary sex organ characteristics appear, these are fe!lfures of
adult body, iudic!lfe the matunrtion is under way. In girls, !he one that
develop during puberty include breasts, pubic ood armpit hair, ood the
changes to the vulva, and
boys include pooic, facial, m:mpit hair, penis
ood t.sstes increas> in size, skin on the scrotum dark, the voice breaks and
become deeper.
However, the changes do not begin in the same age to everyone, and
not take the sa.;ne amount of time.
girls, !he sign that the body attaining
sexual maturity is men!!rche, the first menstrual bleeding, while in boys, the
size of testes increased and the ejaculation
semen, often "wet dreams".
But this does not mean they are comp!et.e!y sexua!iy mature.
Puberty actually is the important proces:! in the human lives, we
begin to el.1Jerience new feeling a.od changes of physics and mental. We are
stepping to a new stage of live. According to Wal!rer (1996), it mey become
a wom!erfu! time, starting to become adults.
Every parent's attitude will irrfluence a vital part iu every aspect of a
child's development, including sexual development
It is important for the parents to he open, well
informed !md have positive attitudes towards
sexual matters to ensure that their child reaches
adulthood with well-balanced and healthy
perception about sex. (Walker, 1996, p. 43)
Sexual development does not occur in isolation, but it is an integral
part ofthe development of a gender role and personality (the clmrncteristic
demand towm-ds the behavior of a persoa Man bas to act following certain
behaviors that !ire made by the society (such as be should work and be
strong, should not cry), so he will be called as male. Woman has to act
following Cii'rtairr behaviors (such as she sho;Aid stay at hom" and could
cook), so she will be c3lied as female.
their teenage, girls llilually more interested to themselves, they
wmt to know more dearly about melh.'<truation, ruJd for boys most of them
have already beard about it :from friends and other people who know about
sex, surprise their parents. According to Wimpie Pmgkahila , if
parents beru-d their children talk 2hout sex in a
perception or m
negative way, they should give more explanation. (1998, p. 41) .
When children are aware fu!li a topic of sexual subject is taboo, they
will fee! inhibited so tl:tat they can uot talk freely about it Children also can
understand iftheir parents do not waut to talk about sx and answer que!liion
related to sex. Tins can affect the gender development ofthe children.
Develop a habit to talk about sex in an easy way communication that
pretty hard topic imo relax situation from time to time, rather than malcing a
special time fur "aex education".
Genernlly, el!Fiy or late maturmion appears to have greater effect on
males than on female. Early maturing in boys makes them more confidence
:md good use
athletics, while girls, feel more secure less mxious, and
more relrured, they are better adju..'>ted. Late matures ofbotb sexes are likely
to have poorer self-concepts and fueling of being rejected (Hudgins, Phye,
.:><!DI<W, Thessen, Am<"s,
Ames, 1983, 120)
order to minimize the psychological effects of !!lie m!liuratio!l,
people arow:!CI them sll<mld treat adolescents suit as their age. Pm-ents should
inform their children by saying that slow maturation is normal and will reach
iull physicaiaud seJ.'Ual matlll"ity.
P2:rents become
development, including the sexual development
Wheu the physical changes happened, then mental and emotional
attribute> are chllnging too. There are so many worries for teenagers dming
t.his time, such as seeking self-image; they can be so moody and
argumentative with their family. They need much more privacy, do not close
to their family <18 they were, and SOl!l$times form a group of dose friendship,
at first with friends of their own, ai!d later with the opposite sex, these one
may develop intc sexual relationship.
&elf-image am:l body imag0
Adolescents are aware of !heir self-image, their own at!rn.ctiveness
md others; this is connected with body image, how they see their bodies,
worry about their body shape, weight and height They are concern with
other peoples' opinion about the!118elves. If adolescent differ in any wey
from their age-mares, they wonder if they are normal. (Hnrlock, 1999, 121)
When the deve!opmeut of secondary sex chars£teristics are jnat the
same with others they will feel accepted. For example, llllual!y girls are
offueir breast development, the boys will also notice of girls' breast
development far so many reliSO:Ill, both sexual znd social.
n seems tlmi there
is a relationship be!:'#een personal <rttractiveuess with socilll acceptance
during adolescence. (Walker, 1996, 68)
Tncy are sr.arting to become aware of their self-image and people
opinion about their appearance, especially the look and body.
Cm: llmllmic til:!i!: with Parents
Teenagers often characterized
a. being egocentric ood seifish
(Waiker, 19%, 69). The conflicHhai usuaily happened between parentll and
children during adolescence
bec2llSe of simple things, a different point of
view on some things, for example, messy bedrooms and loud music,
communication does not worked out Both parts should try to adjust to the
changes, it is i!nportllnt for them to develop a worki.11g relatiollShip so the
children grow up following the family mles. lt is important to let children
having their own opinion !llld rights to discuss on something.
Parents and teenagers almost all !he time argue about each other
opiniollS, parents being strict md teenagers do things they want and '1/Wlt to
have adventure without being brid!l;d
J!.l'rie ddllps
Adolescents feel thai ftieudship is very important and it allows them
to have a different identity outside the :fumily, having new experiences,
socialized with new environment Walker said !hat the first ftiendships
during &1oiescence are ooually wilh the sam? sex. Good friends m:e people
who shared 3nd U\'J.denllimd the similar things toge!her. (1996, p. 68-70)
They are usually more dose v. th their ftiends than with their p&rents
because they share almost the same experience dntiug puberty.
Sex is a word used to define whether a person is biologically male or
female. A child with. male sex organs and male sex chromosomes, is a boy,
and a child wilh female sex organs and few.ale sex chromosomes is a girL
Gender involves a
conveys .gender identily
femaleness or maleness, behaviour that sociatly
or female. (Walker, 1996)
Sex is the difference between man and
gender is !he certain behaviour that demanded tow>£rds
the society.
biologically, and
and woman by
should be strong and thought, never cry, work
cook at home, gentle.
2.2.2. BecomiE:g a Sexu £f Reing
Walki'r (1996, p. 41) stated
ili<"re is a diffenmt point of view
between the. 191h century and the 20u' century about becoming a se::rual being,
which is when it is started. In the 19th, a person become a sexual being Wll<'ll
they are fl!cing puberty, hut in 20th, since baby, a person is a sexual being, it
is just that baby sex organ is not fully develop.
We are called as t!!e sexual being since we are born, we already have
our own sex organs even though they are no!completely develop. We are
not sexual !l'.achines, but individuals eooll with our own sexual agenda,
experience, ani.! expectation.
Reproductive orgcdlls :first appear in t'le developing embryo during the e?.r!iest
weeks ofpregn&llcy. Initially they are identical L'! both nmle and female embryos, but as
weeks pass, the reprocfuctive organs follovv separnre developmental routes for each sex.
(Walker, 1996, 13)
Femaie and male have two parts of reprodu<.-1ive system, the internal and the
external reproductive orgllllil.
Tne l1:J.temal Reproductive Organs
A woman's reproductive organs are protected within bones ood
pelvis. They of two ovaries, two fallopian rubes, the uterus, the
cervix, and the vagina_ (Walker, 1996, p. 14-16}
a. The ovaries
The ovaries release eggs and produce sex hormones that cou!rols
womait's fertility. They resemble almond in both size and shape, lie on
each side of uterus. Each ovary releases one egg on alternate month. The
ovaries stop relea.qing eggs around the time of menopa!ISe.
b. The :fil!lopioo tubes
the passageways that connect the owries to the uterus and
along which an egg !ravels after avu!atiotL The fallopioo tubes are the
site of fertilization, which may occur if egg me<:>ts a sperm wifuin 24
hours of ovulation.
c. Thuterus
Th.e uterus is a hallow, pear-sli2ped ll!ld pear-sized organ that houses,
protects, !llld nouri&'les the developing fetml during pregnancy. Its thick
muscular walls stretch during pregnancy, if fertilization does not occur,
the inner lining is shed during the wo!lllW's meustrual period, and grows
again the following months.
d. TI1o cervix
lt is the lower pert ofthe uterus.
e. The vagina.
111is muscular tube connect the cervix to the outside of the body, carries
a r.: enstrual flow during the period, passageway for the baby during
TI1e Reproductive Organs (Wclker, 1996, 16-18)
a Tne mons pubic
This pubic mound is the only pert of vulva clearly visible from the front
At puberty, the mons becomes covered by pubic hair.
b. The !abiamaJorn
It enclosing :>..nd protecting the rest of tile external genital.
c. The labia minora
The inner lips oft. e "lrulva are hairless.
d. The clitoris
It is a small semlitive organ that has the same component as the penis
though much smaller.
e. The vestibule
It is behind the clitoris, lies inside a!ld bet\'leen th0 labia minora
f Breru;ts
Female breasts sta.rt to develop during p1berty.
The explanation above is to give a brief difference sex organ between male
and female, of course both of them are different in function, shape and placed.
2.3.2.The M:de Repmductive System
The Internal Reproductive Organs (Walker, 1996, p. 23-24)
a The epididymis
This is a highly coiled tube thal: lies arowd part of each testis. Immature
sperm pass from the testis, where they are !llil!lufactured, irtto the
epididymis, where they m-e stored for about 20 days and reach maturity
also start moving.
b. The vas deferens
Also lmov;m as •the ductus deferens, it is to carry sperm from the urethra
and to store sper'm prior to ejaculation.
c. The urethra
It is the final part of lfre duct system that links the vas deferens to the
d. The semina! V<'sicies
They produce a secretion -which forms about 60 percent of the semen.
These secretions llll.d sperm mix together
the vas deferens.
e. The prostate gland
Prostate s cretions activate spern:L
The bulbourethal glands
It is below me pros"cate gland.
The External Reprodm:tive Symem
a. The penis
This tube-shaped organ consists of a root,. which anchors it inside the
body, and a shaft, which hangs outside the body and which ends in an
expanded tip call eel me glans.
b. The testes and scrotum
Evecy day, between puberty and old age, the testes manufacture million
Se:lrn'llilly Trammitted Dise:ue
Se:rually 1rm:Jsmitted diseases (SIDs) are passed from one person to
a11oilier by se:rual contact Specially, S'ID could be passed on to someone
they are uncovered to infected body fluids, such as semen or vaginal fluid
an.d blood during sexual intercolll"se. Some STDs coo be present, without any
!>jl!lptoms, esp<>cially women. (Walker, 1996)
a Hrv ood AIDS
HIV {b.u!Wm immunodeficiency virus) is a virus !hat attacks the immune
system which can eventually canse AIDS (ooquired immune deficiency
syudrome), a syndrome that was fmrt identified in 1981.
HIV commonly passed by sexual intercourse thmug:h blood, semen,
and vagi!'.ai secretions,
" and can be passed by injecting equipment (needles ood unsteri!ized
syringes) sh!lled by drug users, infected blood in lrnnsfusions, from
infected mothers oo new born babies,
" and less commou pa;;sed by b1ood contact through open cuts.
b. Chlamydia
Tl>is is the gene <rl name for infection caused by the bacteria-like
organism Chlamydia trachomatis, occur
men and women are mainly
transmitted by sexual intercourse.
c. Genitru herpes
The virus, herpes simpiex can not be e!iminn:ted Not like other disease
genital herpes sometimes does not give any symptom that only occur
periodically. Blisters appeoc on fue penis or vulva, and burst open to
leave painful ulcers t'ln:t wil.l heal within 10-2! deys. Sufferersmay
experience a burning feeling during urination. Genital herpes passed
from a mother oo her new born baby can coose severe illness and
possibly death, so the mother should be delivl.'£ed lire baby by caesarem
operation and give drug a£yciovir to the infant
d. Gonorrhea
Also imovrn as "the clap;' is highly infectious disease coosed by the
bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, wmch infected more men tha:l women
wd prelllllen:t a.rnong teemgers and young adults, especially those with
numerous sexual partners.
e. Syphilis
Syphilis is coosed oy the bacterium Treponema pallidwn, which is
remain in the body indefinitely if not !readed, and it is c211sing a disease
thai. foi!o N'E lhree district stages. Primary syphilis appears behveen 10
and 90 days after infection, is pai;IIess ulcer !hat appears at the site of
exposure, on genitals or m-ound mouth and heals within 6-10 weeks.
Secoudruy syphilis develops in the following weelrn, skin rnllhes,
headache, sore throat, enlarge lymph nodes, mild fever, hair loss, and
flattened, wart!ike growths tlmt occur on moist areas l'!rolllld the genitals
and rums. After these symptoms disappear williin few weelrn or months,
then a person moves into the latent, symptomless phase of the disease. If
syphilis dillg!losed (by a blood test) in its primary, secondery, or latent
stages, the disease can be treated by !llltibiotic penicilliiL
The most dangerous STD is HIV, the cure lms not been found ll.!!d it
attacks the peoples' immune, so they become weak and easily gat sick But
other SIDs have !he same danger :if it does not handle in the specialist
Genital herpes can not be cured too.