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Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Science
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110 068
Assignments 1, 2 & 3
2005 – 06
Dear Student,
As explained in the Programme Guide, you will have to do 3 assignments for the Plant Diversity Course. All
the Assignments are Tutor Marked (TMA). The blockwise distribution of assignments is as follows:
Assignment – 1 (TMA) Block 1 & 2
Assignment – 2 (TMA) Block 3A, 3B
Assignment – 3 (TMA) Block 4
The instructions for doing the assignments are provided in the Programme Guide under Section 7.1
Assignment. You should read the instructions carefully before you start doing these assignments.
Please submit your assignments as follows:
Assignment No.
Assignment – 1 (TMA)
Assignment – 2 (TMA)
Assignment – 3 (CMA)
Date of Submission
6 weeks after receiving the
printed material with
10 weeks after receiving the
printed material with
14 weeks after receiving the
printed material with
Where to Send
The Coordinator of your study
The Coordinator of your study
The Coordinator of your study
Answer sheets received after the due date shall not be accepted.
We strongly suggest that you retain a copy of your assignments.
Wishing you all good luck.
(Tutor Marked Assignment)
Course Code: LSE-13
Assignment Code: LSE-13/AST-1/TMA-1/2005-06
Max. Marks : 100
Note: This assignment is based on Blocks 1 and 2.
1. Fill in the blanks:
i) Most of the gymnosperms lack ..................... in their secondary xylem.
ii) In gymnosperms usually ........................ endosperm is found.
iii) The ovules and seeds of gymnosperms are .......................... .
iv) .................... ..................... is a resin that is used for mounting microscopic objects.
v) The alkaloid ...................... is extracted from Taxus brevifolia.
2. Match the items in Column A with those of Column B.
Column A
Coralloid roots
Winged seeds
Longitudinally ridged stem
A prominent feeder in embryo
Wedge-shaped leaves
Column B
Ginkgo biloba
3. Draw a vertical section of a leaflet of Cycas and describe its xerophytic characters.
4. a) Describe with the help of a simple diagram the anatomical peculiarities of secondary xylem of
Pinus sp.
b) Describe the development of male gametophyte in Ephedra sp. with the support of clear and labelled
5. Write short notes on the following:
i) Reproductive cycles in gymnosperms
ii) Unique features of Welwitschia
6. Compare and contrast the female gametophytes of Gnetum and Ephedra.
7. State whether the following statements are True or False?
i) In the old stems of angiosperms the hollow cylinder of the cambium is formed by fascicular
cambium only.
ii) Viscum album is a partial parasite.
iii) Casparian strips are characteristic of endodermis.
iv) In oranges, the edible juice sacs arise from the endocarp.
v) The Yucca plant and its pollinator moth together exemplify loose coevolution.
8. Give one example of each of the following:
i) A versatile tissue
ii) Pneumatophores
iii) False fruit
iv) Parthenocarpy
v) Thermogenic flower
9. i)
How will you differentiate between angiosperms and gymnosperms?
ii) What features have enabled the angiosperms to occupy diverse niches of the world?
10. i) Define the term complex tissue and give an example.
ii) Describe the anatomical features of the various elements of a complex tissue with suitable diagrams.
11. i) Discuss the phylogeny of carpel.
ii) Discuss the common adaptations found in angiosperms that prevent self-pollination.
12. Write short notes on the following:
i) Specialized leaves
ii) Floral meristem
(Tutor Marked Assignment)
Course Code: LSE-13
Assignment Code: LSE-13/AST-1/TMA-2/2005-06
Max. Marks : 100
Note: This assignment is based on Blocks 3A & 3B.
1. Prepare a list of important cereal plants. Write their botanical names and families.
2. i) Name any five pulses, specifying their botanical names.
ii) Discuss the importance of legumes in crop rotation and the economy of the country.
iii) Describe the ecological conditions, botanical features and uses of any one pulse of your choice, with
proper diagrams.
(2½  4)
3. Make labelled diagrams of the following:
i) L.S. of mango fruit
ii) Bisexual flower of banana
iii) Juice vesicle of Citrus sp.
iv) A potato plant
4. i) Differentiate between the following:
a) Non-drying and semi-drying oil
b) Vegetable and essential oils
(2½ + 2½)
ii) Describe the process of hydrogenation of oils.
5. i) Write the botanical names of any five sugar yielding plants.
ii) Describe the propagation of sugarcane plant.
iii) Describe the manufacture of sugar from its source plant.
6. Diagrammatically represent any five plant parts used as spice. Write their botanicals names as well. (5+5)
7. i) How do the following types of tea differ with respect to their processing:
Black tea, Green tea, and Oolong?
ii) What are the common adulterants of coffee and cocoa?
8. Give the botanical names of any four medicinal plants and describe the chemical composition and uses of
any two of them.
9. i) Differentiate between Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana rustica.
ii) What are narcotics? Classify them in different categories giving one example of each.
10. Depict the uses of wood in a chart-form under the headings of fuel, construction materials, containers,
and chemical products.
(Tutor Marked Assignment)
Course Code: LSE-13
Assignment Code: LSE-13/AST-1/TMA-3/2005-06
Max. Marks : 100
Note: This assignment is based on Blocks 4.
1. Briefly explain the following terms and name the family where these structures are found:
i) Cremocarp
ii) Diadelphous stamens
iii) Gynobasic style
iv) Protogynous flowers
v) Jaculator
2. Describe the important vegetative and floral characters of the family Lamiaceae.
3. Write the botanical names of following families:
i) The Buttercup family
ii) The China-rose family
iii) The Legume family
iv) The Spurge family
v) The Milkweed family
4. Give details of the following aspects of family Cucurbitaceae:
i) Diagnostic features; and
ii) Common and botanical names of ten members having economic value.
5. How will you distinguish between the members of following families?
i) Apocynaceae and Asclepiadaceae
ii) Musaceae and Arecaceae
6. Tabulate the similar and dissimilar features of the members of families Malvaceae and Poaceae.
7. Depict the following through clear and labelled diagrams.
i) Female inflorescence of Zea mays in longitudinal section.
ii) Flower of Syzygium aromaticum in longitudinal section.
iii) Ovary of Cucumis sativus in transverse section.
iv) Floral diagram of Asclepias curassavica.
8. Write the type genus for the following families:
i) Solanaceae
ii) Amaranthaceae
iii) Fabaceae
iv) Apiaceae
v) Liliaceae
9. Define the following terms and name the families in which these structures are found.
i) Monadelphous stamens
ii) Replum
iii) Tendril
iv) Verticillaster inflorescence
v) Phylloclade
10. Assign the following genera to their respective families and mention the economic use of
each genus.
i) Delphinium sp.
ii) Gossypium sp.
iii) Capsicum frutescens
iv) Sansevieria sp.
v) Sorghum vulgare
11. i) What are carnivorous plants? Give their two examples.
ii) Describe the mechanism of procuring ‘food’ in any carnivorous plant of your choice.
iii) How are carnivorous plants different from saprophytes?
12. Describe the unique features of the following plants:
i) Cuscuta sp.
ii) Victoria amazonica
iii) Stinging nettle
iv) *Traveller’s tree