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Web Quest on Mesopotamia and Gilgamesh
Go to the following website to answer the following questions:
1. What does the word Mesopotamia in ancient Greek mean?
2. What two great rivers are found in Mesopotamia?
3. The three distinct regions of Mesopotamia were called what?
4. In addition to providing the king with a place to live, why were other purposes why palaces were built?
5. Why did Assyrian kings place carved stone reliefs of magical creatures on doorways and corners of rooms?
6. Who was the only person allowed to adjust the calendar?
7. Why did priests use the calendar?
8. How many days were in the Babylonian calendar?
9. What was the astronomer Aplum's primary job?
10. What goods did Babylonians trade to other nations for their products?
11. What products did the Babylonians import?
12. What was the best way to transport a large amount of grain?
13. What is a coracle?
14. What is bitumen?
15. Draw a picture of a ziggurat.
16. Who was C. Leonard Woolley and where did he do most of his work?
17. Why was the primary purpose of ziggurats?
18. Gilgamesh was the king of what city?
19. Who is Enkidu?
20. Who is Humbaba?
21. According to Mesopotamia myth, how and why were humans created?
22. What are some similarities between the Mesopotamia myth about the creations of mankind and the Bible's
23. What god is so powerful that the other gods can't even look at him?
24. What are the Tablets of Destiny?
25. What is the gods' punishment for Gilgamesh and Enkidu killing the Bull of Heaven?
26. What goddess represents the planet Venus?
27. How is the god Shamash similar to Apollo?
28. What is the Scorpion people's job in the epic of Gilgamesh?
29. What ruler was the king of Babylon from circa 1792-1750 BC?
30. Draw the earliest cuneiform symbol for the grain of barley.
31. Draw the cuneiform symbol for an ox in 2800 BC.