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True or False: Place a T on the line in front of the statement if it is True and an F if it is not true.
____ 1. When voting rights were changed in the 1820’s and 1830’s, more women and African Americans
gained the right to vote.
____ 2. President Andrew Jackson was seen by many as a leader of the common people.
____ 3. In 1832 the South Carolina state legislature passed a resolution declaring that it would support
any tariffs passed by the U.S. Congress.
____ 4. President Jackson strongly supported the Second Bank of the United States.
____ 5. Jackson moved funds from the Second Bank of the U.S. to state banks.
____ 6. To help the economy, President Jackson ordered Americans to only use gold and silver to buy
government-owned land.
____ 7. The winner of the 1840 presidential election was William Henry Harrison.
Organizing Information: Complete the following chart that compares John Quincy Adams and Andrew
Jackson during the 1828 presidential election.
Political Party
Candidate’s Differences
John Quincy Adams
1. ________________
2. ___________________
Andrew Jackson
3. ________________
4. ___________________
Reviewing Facts: Answer the following questions about the American Indians.
1. What Native American Tribe was forced to move during the Trail of Tears? _________ How far
was the forced march? _______________
2. List the states that made up what became known as the Indian Territory!!
a.)_______________________ b.) ________________________ c.)____________________
3. List the four states besides the Carolinas that the Five Civilized Tribes lived in before the Indian
Removal Act.
a.) ________________ b.) __________________ c.) ________________ d.)_______________
Identifying Concepts: Match the letters of the descriptions with the appropriate terms.
_____ 1. Nominating Convention
_____ 2. Democratic Party
_____ 3. Spoils System
_____ 4. Kitchen Cabinet
_____ 5. Tariff of Abominations
_____ 6. States’ Rights
_____ 7. Nullification
_____ 8. McCulloch v. Maryland
_____ 9. Whig Party
_____ 10. Panic of 1837
Supreme Court ruling that said the Second Bank of the United States was Constitutional
Meetings to select a party’s presidential and vice presidential candidates
Political party whose members supported a weak president and a strong legislature
Nickname that southerners gave to a protective tariff they opposed
Belief that state power should be greater than federal power
The practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs
Financial crisis that led to an economic depression
Political party that supported Andrew Jackson
Informal group of trusted advisors to President Jackson
Idea that states had the right not to obey any federal law with which they disagreed
Reviewing Facts: Choose the correct item from the following list to complete the statements below.
Indian Territory
Indian Removal Act
Trail of Tears
Black Hawk
1. ___________ and his followers left the Indian Territory and went back to Illinois.
2. Congress passed the ___________________, which authorized the removal of Indians who lived
east of the Mississippi River.
3. The U.S. Congress established _______________________ as a new American Indian Homeland,
an area containing most of present-day Oklahoma and parts of Kansas and Nebraska.
4. A Cherokee named _______________ produced a writing system for the Cherokee language.
5. In the case Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Georgia had no legal
authority over the _____________________.
6. The 800-mile forced march of the Cherokee from Georgia to Indian Territory is known as the
7. Led by ____________________, the Seminole won many battles against the U.S. Army.