james k. polk - OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center
... to accomplish the objectives. Previous administrations proved unable to settle domestic or foreign issues due to political intrigues among cabinet members. For example, President Jackson used indirect advisors known as the “Kitchen Cabinet” to accomplish goals when appointed cabinet members were unw ...
... to accomplish the objectives. Previous administrations proved unable to settle domestic or foreign issues due to political intrigues among cabinet members. For example, President Jackson used indirect advisors known as the “Kitchen Cabinet” to accomplish goals when appointed cabinet members were unw ...
Industrialization And The Making Of Early American Trade Policy
... that my family provided to me, and I dedicate this dissertation to them. My academic dreams and goals came later in life, requiring many significant sacrifices by my wife and children. I appreciate their unwavering encouragement over many, many years. My wife Nona willingly supported my academic mid ...
... that my family provided to me, and I dedicate this dissertation to them. My academic dreams and goals came later in life, requiring many significant sacrifices by my wife and children. I appreciate their unwavering encouragement over many, many years. My wife Nona willingly supported my academic mid ...
... its aristocratic origins created a ruling planter class intent on preserving its slave-driven way of life as well as its political and social dominance. These attributes created a radical element that advocated disunion earlier and with more vigor than any other Southern state. This element produced ...
... its aristocratic origins created a ruling planter class intent on preserving its slave-driven way of life as well as its political and social dominance. These attributes created a radical element that advocated disunion earlier and with more vigor than any other Southern state. This element produced ...
Economic voting and the Great Recession in Europe
... protest the government’s plan to levy the pensions of public sector employees to make up for declining government revenue (BBC News 2009). Irish banks were heavily damaged by the global financial crisis and later in 2009, the Irish government was forced to nationalise the Anglo-Irish Bank to prevent ...
... protest the government’s plan to levy the pensions of public sector employees to make up for declining government revenue (BBC News 2009). Irish banks were heavily damaged by the global financial crisis and later in 2009, the Irish government was forced to nationalise the Anglo-Irish Bank to prevent ...
Negotiating Agreement in Politics
... The breakdown of political negotiation within Congress today is puzzling in several important respects. The United States used to be viewed as a land of broad consensus and pragmatic politics in which sharp ideological differences were largely absent; yet today politics is dominated by intense party ...
... The breakdown of political negotiation within Congress today is puzzling in several important respects. The United States used to be viewed as a land of broad consensus and pragmatic politics in which sharp ideological differences were largely absent; yet today politics is dominated by intense party ...
The Tea Party Movement: Right-Wing
... opening for their opponents rather than for themselves. In this sense, most right-wing movements are reactions against gains by lower status groups. Most explanations for right-wing and conservative mobilization have focused on the importance of status politics; efforts to restore the prestige of sa ...
... opening for their opponents rather than for themselves. In this sense, most right-wing movements are reactions against gains by lower status groups. Most explanations for right-wing and conservative mobilization have focused on the importance of status politics; efforts to restore the prestige of sa ...
Library Inventory - The Historic New Orleans Collection
... Committee on Naval Affairs. February 13, 1815. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States. ...
... Committee on Naval Affairs. February 13, 1815. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States. ...
Identity To Be Determined - JMU Scholarly Commons
... identity. These contesting visions were championed by two political parties: The Federalists and the Republicans. Both Federalists and Republicans held firm to their respective visions of what America should be. Between the late 1780s and early 1800s, these political parties attempted to shape the n ...
... identity. These contesting visions were championed by two political parties: The Federalists and the Republicans. Both Federalists and Republicans held firm to their respective visions of what America should be. Between the late 1780s and early 1800s, these political parties attempted to shape the n ...
PDF-1 - RUcore - Rutgers University
... love and esteem—for my wife Esther, who has been so important a part of all of my endeavors during the past third of a century; and, if some of those efforts have proven meaningful and of value, no small credit is due to Esther for her comradeship and help, patience and endurance. Of course, she doe ...
... love and esteem—for my wife Esther, who has been so important a part of all of my endeavors during the past third of a century; and, if some of those efforts have proven meaningful and of value, no small credit is due to Esther for her comradeship and help, patience and endurance. Of course, she doe ...
... into the western territories, Californians organized a new party that had as its chief goal opposition to the extension of slavery. ...
... into the western territories, Californians organized a new party that had as its chief goal opposition to the extension of slavery. ...
PDF - UNT Digital Library
... from New England, some from the mid-Atlantic states, and a scattering from Ohio and Indiana most frequently opposed war measures; and even they did not consistently oppose all bills. ...
... from New England, some from the mid-Atlantic states, and a scattering from Ohio and Indiana most frequently opposed war measures; and even they did not consistently oppose all bills. ...
Stephen S. Harding : A Hoosier Abolitionist
... Mormon church. This opportunity was rejected. Just what influence this trip to the East had on Harding with respect t o slavery is not known. Only this is known, that, being widely traveled for a youth of his backward Indiana community, Harding a t once stood out among his neighbors as a leader. He ...
... Mormon church. This opportunity was rejected. Just what influence this trip to the East had on Harding with respect t o slavery is not known. Only this is known, that, being widely traveled for a youth of his backward Indiana community, Harding a t once stood out among his neighbors as a leader. He ...
Coalition-Building and the Politics of Electoral Capture During the
... southern Democratic legislators. Although African-American voters strongly rebuked Nixon at election time, prominent Republican party leaders continued to believe that any new majority coalition had to have a place for significant portions, if not the majority, of the black vote. Further complicatin ...
... southern Democratic legislators. Although African-American voters strongly rebuked Nixon at election time, prominent Republican party leaders continued to believe that any new majority coalition had to have a place for significant portions, if not the majority, of the black vote. Further complicatin ...
Oxford Handbooks Online APD and Rational Choice APD and Rational Choice
... approach was in many ways the polar opposite of the prevailing behavioral approach of the time. While both approaches took the individual as the base unit of analysis (or theoretical building block), the RC approach replaced behavioralism’s “passive man,” nudged by his surroundings toward some outco ...
... approach was in many ways the polar opposite of the prevailing behavioral approach of the time. While both approaches took the individual as the base unit of analysis (or theoretical building block), the RC approach replaced behavioralism’s “passive man,” nudged by his surroundings toward some outco ...
Political Hobbyism: A Theory of Mass Behavior
... is the language of hobbyism too light to capture this engagement? No. Common pastimes like sports entail contributions of time and emotional energy equivalent to political engagement among active participants. The degree of a participant’s emotional commitment is not what separates politics from oth ...
... is the language of hobbyism too light to capture this engagement? No. Common pastimes like sports entail contributions of time and emotional energy equivalent to political engagement among active participants. The degree of a participant’s emotional commitment is not what separates politics from oth ...
The electoral victory of John Bell and the constitutional Union
... secession of southern states from the Union. A wealth of historians have focused on the role of Lincoln and the rise of the Republican Party in the election. Many have also examined the Democratic split as northern Democrats backed Illinois Senator Stephen Douglas and southern Democrats gave their s ...
... secession of southern states from the Union. A wealth of historians have focused on the role of Lincoln and the rise of the Republican Party in the election. Many have also examined the Democratic split as northern Democrats backed Illinois Senator Stephen Douglas and southern Democrats gave their s ...
research - MOspace Home
... perspectives to their group. This new cohort is made up of younger voters who are coming of age in an environment rife with short-term forces that influence their political identities. It may also include formerly disenfranchised voters who migrate to a freer environment and adopt a new pattern of p ...
... perspectives to their group. This new cohort is made up of younger voters who are coming of age in an environment rife with short-term forces that influence their political identities. It may also include formerly disenfranchised voters who migrate to a freer environment and adopt a new pattern of p ...
The Magic Bullet? The RTAA, Institutional Reform, and Trade
... have helped to produce more liberal policy outcomes ex post facto, they fail to provide an adequate explanation for just how the institutional innovation was achieved and sustained in the face of protectionist opposition. Instead, a closer examination of the changing nature of the underlying trade p ...
... have helped to produce more liberal policy outcomes ex post facto, they fail to provide an adequate explanation for just how the institutional innovation was achieved and sustained in the face of protectionist opposition. Instead, a closer examination of the changing nature of the underlying trade p ...
Frontier Democracy: The Turner Thesis Revisited
... Turner's interpretation; but neither challenger has so captured the public mind.2 Hartz's argument for pervasive liberalism proved to be a period piece heavily influenced by the solid anti-communist front of the 1950s as well as that era's vanilla image of Americans as "Ike"voting, "Lucy"-watching, ...
... Turner's interpretation; but neither challenger has so captured the public mind.2 Hartz's argument for pervasive liberalism proved to be a period piece heavily influenced by the solid anti-communist front of the 1950s as well as that era's vanilla image of Americans as "Ike"voting, "Lucy"-watching, ...
party polarization in the us congress
... In 1976, Gale McGee, Chairman of the Post Office and Civil Service, sought a fourth term for his Wyoming Senate seat. McGee was legendary in using his committee power to send money back to Wyoming. His opponent, Malcolm Wallop, turned McGee’s position into a liability when he asked voters, ‘How effi ...
... In 1976, Gale McGee, Chairman of the Post Office and Civil Service, sought a fourth term for his Wyoming Senate seat. McGee was legendary in using his committee power to send money back to Wyoming. His opponent, Malcolm Wallop, turned McGee’s position into a liability when he asked voters, ‘How effi ...
Presidential Facts and Trivia
... NICKNAME: "Old Man Eloquent" DIED: February 23, 1848 (Age - 80) - Two days after collapsing on the floor of the House of Representatives where he was serving as a Congressman from Massachusetts. LAST WORDS: "Thank the officers of the House (of Representatives). This is the last of earth. I am conten ...
... NICKNAME: "Old Man Eloquent" DIED: February 23, 1848 (Age - 80) - Two days after collapsing on the floor of the House of Representatives where he was serving as a Congressman from Massachusetts. LAST WORDS: "Thank the officers of the House (of Representatives). This is the last of earth. I am conten ...
... we have come to be the great Botany Bay of the world,” claimed one nativist journal. 9 The Know Nothing Party pushed for stricter naturalization laws, requiring immigrants to wait twentyone years before being naturalized as a citizen. One reason for this strong fear of immigrants was that Pennsylvan ...
... we have come to be the great Botany Bay of the world,” claimed one nativist journal. 9 The Know Nothing Party pushed for stricter naturalization laws, requiring immigrants to wait twentyone years before being naturalized as a citizen. One reason for this strong fear of immigrants was that Pennsylvan ...
US History - The College Board
... in the interests and quarrels of other nations, if you tangle her in the intrigues of Europe, you will destroy her power for good and endanger her very existence. . . . No doubt many excellent and patriotic people see a coming fulfillment of noble ideals in the words “league for peace.” We all respe ...
... in the interests and quarrels of other nations, if you tangle her in the intrigues of Europe, you will destroy her power for good and endanger her very existence. . . . No doubt many excellent and patriotic people see a coming fulfillment of noble ideals in the words “league for peace.” We all respe ...
Raging Moderates: Second Party Politics and the
... House in 1824, and the resulting pro-Jackson sentiment overwhelmed doubters. By 1832, Williamson County like most of the counties that surrounded Nashville, seemed destined to remain a bastion of Democratic Party sentiment. Except that it did not. Neither did approximately half the others, and neith ...
... House in 1824, and the resulting pro-Jackson sentiment overwhelmed doubters. By 1832, Williamson County like most of the counties that surrounded Nashville, seemed destined to remain a bastion of Democratic Party sentiment. Except that it did not. Neither did approximately half the others, and neith ...
... President, he was expected to continue those policies and practices. But he regarded the position quite differently and chose to interpret the Constitu tion literally to “act as its President,” even to the point of issuing an Inaugural Address. The Whig Party, which had put him and Harrison into off ...
... President, he was expected to continue those policies and practices. But he regarded the position quite differently and chose to interpret the Constitu tion literally to “act as its President,” even to the point of issuing an Inaugural Address. The Whig Party, which had put him and Harrison into off ...
Second Party System
Historians and political scientists use the phrase Second Party System as a term of periodization to designate the political party system operating in the United States from about 1828 to 1854, after the First Party System ended. The system was characterized by rapidly rising levels of voter interest, beginning in 1828, as demonstrated by Election Day turnouts, rallies, partisan newspapers, and high degrees of personal loyalty to parties.Two major parties dominated the political landscape: the Democratic Party, led by Andrew Jackson, and the Whig Party, assembled by Henry Clay from the National Republicans and from other opponents of Jackson. Minor parties included the Anti-Masonic Party, an important innovator from 1827 to 1834; the abolitionist Liberty Party in 1840; and the anti-slavery Free Soil Party in 1848 and 1852. The Second Party System reflected and shaped the political, social, economic and cultural currents of the Jacksonian Era, until succeeded by the Third Party System. Towers specifies an important ideological divide:Democrats stood for the ""sovereignty of the people"" as expressed in popular demonstrations, constitutional conventions, and majority rule as a general principle of governing, whereas Whigs advocated the rule of law, written and unchanging constitutions, and protections for minority interests against majority tyranny.↑ ↑ ↑ ↑