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Mrs. Iglesias’/Mrs. Shurr’s Class
Homework for October 24th – 28th, 2016
Word Work
Spelling – Take a pre -test to see what you need to study
Vocabulary – Study
Read AR 20
Spelling – Arrange spelling words in ABC order
Vocabulary – Write five sentences using first five
vocabulary words
Spelling – Do an activity on the ones you struggle with
Spiral Math
Vocabulary – Write five sentences using last five
5.6 EVEN
vocabulary words
Vocab – Study for test tomorrow
See Planner
Extra Practice Spelling – Study for test tomorrow
Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Comprehension
Read AR 20
Spiral Math
5.3 EVEN
See Planner
5.4 EVEN
Spelling List
1. spark
2. prepare
3. cheer
4. tear
5. scarf
6. scare
7. repair
8. earring
9. scarce
10. weird
11. sharp
12. rear
13. spare
14. gear
15. hairy
16. compare
17. alarm
18. harsh
19. upstairs
20. square
Challenge Words
1. finally
2. conclusion
3. synonym
4. antonym
5. comprehension
Read AR 20
Read AR 20
Read AR 20
Target Vocabulary
1. Text Structure – The way an author organizes the ideas and details in a
piece of writing.
2. Cause and Effect – A text structure explaining the relationship between
things or events, in which one thing – the cause – brings about, or causes,
something else – the effect.
3. Compare-Contrast - A text structure that describes the similarities and
differences between two or more things.
4. Chronology – Chronological text structure is a text organization in which
events are told in the order in which they happened.
5. Problem-Solution – A text structure or text organization that describes
problems and solutions.
6. Firsthand Account – Something written about an event by a person who
witnessed the event or who took part in it.
7. Secondhand Account – Something written about an event by a person who
did not experience it, but heard or read about the event.
8. Context Clues – Words, phrases, and sentences around an unknown word or
phrase that help us to determine the word’s meaning.
9. Simile – Figurative language that uses the words like or as to compare two
dissimilar things.
10. Metaphor – Figurative language that compares two things that are not alike,
without using the words like or as.
Parents/Guardians/Students: This week we will continue to focus on using Context Clues
to help us figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases. We will also learn
more about Text Structures in Informational Text such as: Cause-Effect, CompareContrast, Chronology, and Problem-Solution. We will dive deeper into how to
Compare and Contrast Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts of the same event or
topic to help us develop a better understanding of what happened. Our grammar skill will
be working with verb tenses. In math, we will continue working with factors and
multiples, identifying and explaining the rules for prime and composite numbers, and
determining the rule a number or shape pattern follows.