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BK CANCER AWARENESS PROGRAM 10/18/08 Planner: Julia Wainger
~Copies of petition
~One Copy of the story
~teddy bears
~googly eyes, hot glue, pipe cleaners, ribbons, little hats, etc
~game prizes
Ice Breaker
~sit in a circle, go around and say your chapter, grade, school, and favorite Hannah Montana
~”Hi guys! Thanks for coming to the program blahblahblah lots of fun learning yaya”
~Can anyone guess how many types of cancer there are? Over 200! Each one of us in this room
could potentially get a different kind. Each one of us in this room could be affected or have a
loved one affected. However, each one of us in this room could also make a huge difference
and help out victims, survivors, and families where cancer has taken its toll.
Signing the Petition
~ Cancer is not just a medical issue, it is a political issue as well. Through advocacy, we as
members of BBG can make a difference and we can ensure that cancer remains a top local,
state, and national priority.
~ Maryland currently has the sixth highest cancer death rate in the United States.
5 out of every 1,000 Marylanders will develop cancer each year.
Approximately 24,000 Marylanders are diagnosed with cancer each year.
Although anyone can develop cancer, regardless of age, race or gender, many cancers can be
prevented and/or treated if detected early.
Lung cancer accounts for the majority of cancer deaths in Maryland, mainly due to smoking.
As the average age of Marylanders increases, the number of new cancer cases diagnosed each
year in Maryland is expected to increase as well because the risk of developing cancer increases
with age.
~These are just some of the details describing cancer’s impact on our state, our community. We
can help greatly reduce this impact by simply signing a petition.
~I have printed out a petition supporting the establishment of the MD cancer treatment
program. This program will help low-income individuals receive treatment for cancer and it
will hopefully save some peoples’ lives.
(Distribute petitions and give a few minutes for people to sign…recollect)
Double Dare 2008
~Split group into two teams
~Ask the teams to each come up with a name and send one representative for each question/dare
1. Rock Paper Scissors to decide who goes first
2. 1st team gets asked a question
3. They can either:
-answer correctly to receive 25 points (or incorrectly to lose 25)
-“dare” the other team to answer the question for fifty points
4. If a the 1st team chooses to dare the second team, the 2nd team can either:
-answer the question for fifty points
- “double dare” the 1st team to answer the question for one hundred points
5. If the 2nd team “double dare’s” the first team, the 1st team can either:
-answer the question for one hundred points
-do a physical dare
6. If a team chooses the dare option but then backs out, they lose 25 points. If the dare is
successful, they gain 150 points.
Make Teddy Bears for Local Children With Cancer
~not much explanation needed, just decorate with fun art stuff
~Turn off the lights, read Melissa’s story
~Ask discussion questions and talk about Bikur Cholim (commandment to visit
the sick)
-Tobacco is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. What percent of high school students today
smoke tobacco or other substances?
A 8%
B 46%
C 23%*
D 15%
-True or false? Screening for breast cancer, aka Mammography usage has increased since 2000?
FALSE…The number has remained almost the same. In 2005, 66.5 women ages 40 or older, the
recommended age for a mammogram, reported getting a screening within a two year period
-Which virus is a known cause for cervical cancer?
A cytomegalovirus
B potexvirus
C human parechovirus
D human papillomavirus*
-Name three preventative behaviors that can help prevent many types of skin cancer.
Options: avoiding sun exposure at peak hours of the day, avoiding tanning beds, using
sunscreen, wearing protective hats and clothes
-True or false: The government can levy taxes on cigarette use, a known cause of many different types
of cancer. TRUE
-Approximately what percentage of cancer deaths in the US can be attributed to poor diet, physical
inactivity, being overweight, and obesity?
A none this has nothing to do with cancer
B 60%
C 30%*
D 15%
-What does BMI stand for?
A Botanical Medicine Information
B Biological Memphus Ilness
C Body Mass Index*
D None of the above
Bonus: What does this have to do with cancer?
A) by having a healthy bmi level, you can prevent some forms of cancer*
B) bmi has no effect on cancer
C) the lower your bmi, the greater your risk for cancer is
D) healthy people don’t have a bmi
- Which of the following is the fastest increasing cancer in women in the US?
A) breast cancer
B) cervical cancer
C) melanoma (skin cancer)*
D) lung cancer
- Name two risk factors for melanoma
options: light skin, family history of melanoma, personal history of melanoma, presence of
moles and freckles, history of severe sunburning occurring early in life
-Beginning at age fifty, it is recommended that individuals with an average risk for colon cancer
A) begin chemotherapy
B) get a colonoscopy*
C) get a mammogram
D) get a psa test
-What type of cancer is the top killer of women?
A Breast
B Colon
C Lung*
D Ovarian
2. In 2005, about how many women are expected to die from breast cancer?
A 40,000
B 90,000
C 110,000
D 210,000
A 40,000 women are expected to die from breast cancer in 2005, but an estimated 210,000 new cases
of invasive cancer will be diagnosed.
3. True or False: The risk of developing breast cancer decreases as you get older.
4. Which of the following does NOT increase your risk of breast cancer?
A Alcohol consumption
B Breast feeding and/or pregnancy*
C Starting menstruation early (before age 12)
D Taking oral contraceptives
5. Breast cancer is about how many times more common in women than in men?
A 10
B 25
C 50
D 100*
Today, more than half of all people diagnosed with cancer are cured.
There are no warning signs with cancer; illness tends to come on suddenly.
Most cancers are hereditary.
Standard treatments for cancer include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
People undergoing cancer treatment have fewer side effects when they eat a well-balanced diet.
 Hop around the room saying, "I'm cupid, and I will help you find love".
 For one minute, sing an original improvised opera
 Run around acting like a horse for twenty seconds (must be on all fours)
 Lick the floor for ten seconds
 Dance around the room singing “A Whole New World”
 Text five people (they cannot be in the room) saying I rock!
 Go into the bathroom and change so that you’re clothes are inside out for the rest of the night
 announce to the room that you would like to be called Freddie mac for the rest of the night and
refuse to answer to anything else
 allow the person to your left to do your makeup blindfolded
 do “fish face” for the next two minutes
 Do the hokey pokey in the middle of the circle and sing the song that goes with it (1 verse). 
Sing "I’m a Little Teapot" with all the actions.
Make sounds like a chicken for 30 seconds.
Yell three times, "I’m cwaaazy. Cwazy ‘cause I’m Wooonwy!" like Elmer Fudd. Do your best famous person impression or famous character impression.
Do the hand jive for everyone.
Give us your best snort!
Attempt to stand on your head.
Do 3 consecutive cartwheels.
Impersonate Michael Jackson
Discussion Questions:
1. In the story, Melissa battles cancer three different times but she fights through it with the help of her
family and friends and goes on to live a healthy life. How do you think this applies to our Jewish
2. Why do you think Melissa’s cancer makes her appreciate the simple things in life? Do you think
most people take life for granted?
3. How does having cancer help Melissa overcome other problems in her life?
4. Do you guys have any comments or suggestions in regards to the story?
Petition Link:
Story Link: