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Life Processes 3 Plants 3.1 Plants
Sc2: Life Processes
3 Plants
3.1 Plants
Key Stage 1 Sc2 3a, b, c
Key Stage 2 Sc2 3a,b,c,d,
Life Processes 3 Plants 3.1 Plants
To explore, using all the senses, the parts of plants, for texture, smell, colour and shape.
To know that plants have leaves, stems and flowers.
To know some of a plants’ requirements to stay alive.
To begin to compare plant and animal parts and how these relate to needs.
To begin to interpret their results.
Use a data logger to measure the amount of light a
plant receives.
DT - food
Leaf, stem, flower, root, bulb, seed, grow, water,
light, rain, sun, plant
Experience plants or plant parts using the senses – touch, smell, taste, look hear e.g. dry
corn stalks.
Explore different kinds of leaves brought into class – for shape, prickly/not prickly, hairy,
shiny, thickness, colour etc.
Find different kinds of leaves in local environment.
Find leaves in local environment to match to given leaves.
Compare fresh leaves with same types of leaf collected a week ago.
Leaf rubbings – to look at shapes, textures, veins etc.
Repeat all the above for flowers, stems, roots.
“Make the Plant” game – assemble parts (root, stem, leaf, flower of more than one type of
plant) named by adult to complete plant e.g. on Velcro board or Bingo game.
Compare real plant with real animal, e.g. different body parts - plants don’t have eyes,
feet etc; different needs – food, water.
Explore different seeds e.g. coconuts, conkers, poppy seeds, wheat.
Make collection of plants/plant parts that humans eat.
Visit farm or garden to see food plants growing.
Grow food plants in school.
Grow new plants from cuttings of parent plant.
Germinate readily visible seeds, e.g. bean sprouts.
Grow pips and seeds of edible plants.
Plants, plant parts to
investigate e.g.
vegetables, flowers,
leaves, straw.
Selection of leaves,
roots, stems, flowers.
Way crayons
Cut up plant pictures
Velcro plant
Bingo plant game
Variety of seeds
Edible plants e.g.
vegetables, fruits,
Seeds, compost,
Plant to take cuttings
from e.g. geranium,
carrot tops,
Beware poisonous
seeds, leaves etc.
Beware allergic
reaction to plant
parts. (Refer to “Be
Danger of choking
on seeds or peanut
Be aware of possible
damage to
environment when
Be aware that some
pupils may be
colour-blind (when
Life Processes 3 Plants 3.1 Plants
Pictures of animals
and humans (to
compare with plant
Clear plastic
chambers (to observe
roots of growing
Mung bean seeds to
Botanic garden
Market – edible
Garden centres
What do seeds need to germinate?
– dry/wet
– light/dark (both samples need to be moist),
– warm/cold (put one sample in fridge, one in dark, warm cupboard)
What do plants need to grow? Water/no water.
Does the depth of planting a seed affect its growth rate?
Observe germination and growth of seedlings in soil in clear Perspex observation chamber.
Observe and record a plant as it grows using a digital camera to record growth and help pupils compare different stages.
Different parts of
plants can be used
to take cuttings e.g.
Streptocarpus – leaf
Interpreting can be a
difficult skill and for
many children it will
simply be a
description of what
they did.
Life Processes 3 Plants 3.1 Plants
Life Processes 3 Plants 3.1 Plants
Date Record Began:
Outcomes: ‘P’ Level 1 NC Level 1
P1 (i)
P1 (ii)
P2 (i)
P2 (ii)
P3 (i)
P3 (ii)
May respond to options and choices with actions or gestures e.g. indicates (by reaching out, eyepointing etc) food plant of choice.
Explores properties of seeds e.g. texture, size, dry/moist, hard/soft.
Shows interest in wide range of food plants
Co-operates with turn taking, sharing, shows anticipation or initiates reaction e.g. reaches out to touch or
smell plant parts, with support, shows likes/dislikes.
Shows active participation and more awareness of others with support e.g. makes clear choices
between different textures, shapes of leaves, flowers, whole plants, recognises differences in odd-oneout game
Interprets by showing what he/she did.
Finds named parts of plants e.g. leaf, flower, stem
Responds to named properties – prickly, shiny soft, long etc – e.g. selects, matches, looks for in
environment, sorts.
Selects plant from choice of plant animal, inanimate object.
Interprets by describing what he/she did e.g. I gave the plant some water.
Knows that plants need water to stay alive.
Recognises that a plant changes as it grows e.g. by comparing previous plant stage to new stage.
Names stem, flower, leaf, root.
Names some plants e.g. sunflower, tree, dandelion.
Knows that some plants or parts of plants are edible e.g. carrots, potatoes, strawberries.
Shows some understanding about plants requirements e.g. places pot plant on windowsill not in
cupboard when given a choice..
Interprets by describing what happened e.g. the plant died or went yellow.
Is present during experience but may not respond e.g. is offered plant parts to look at, smell, touch –
aromatic plants, textured leaves, rattly seed heads etc. May be resistant.
Shows random fleeting response e.g. turns head, vocalises, blinks, looks briefly, touches, withdraws
hand from plant.
Begins to attend and respond – may be inconsistent, tolerates contact with plant for longer e.g. turns
towards or away from smell, changes facial expression.
Shows more consistent attention, shows differentiated response e.g. begins to show
pleasure/displeasure each time in same way to same experience, starts to explore some plant parts with
full support
Begins to observe and handle plants or plant parts with less support.
Life Processes 3 Plants 3.1 Plants
N.C. Level
Knows that plants grow from seeds.
Describes some differences between the same parts of different plants e.g. different leaf textures.
Names simply some of plants requirements for life e.g. water, sunshine, soil.
Interprets by describing some similarities and differences between results with help.
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