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Date of final exam:
This is a list of questions related to all four units of this course. All questions on the final exam will be
address these topics, but not all topics on the study guide will make it on to the final exam. Some
questions will be derived from previous exams and quizzes. If you need any additional help or resources
to study for the final, please see me.
1. What is the definition of psychology?
2. What is the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist?
3. Compare and contrast the main perspectives of the major schools of psychological thought:
structuralist, functionalist, psychodynamic, behaviorist, cognitive, humanistic, Gestalt, biological
(psychobiological), evolutionary, and positive. Which ones are modern? Which ones are early?
4. Know the influential psychologists and their associated field of psychology: Freud, Watson,
Wundt, Titchner, William James
Research Methods:
1. Know advantages and disadvantages of each research method:
a. case study
b. naturalistic observation
c. survey
d. experimental research
i. Define: Independent variable, dependent variable, extraneous variables,
operational variables, control group, experimental group, sample, population,
random sample, ability to generalize, the Hawthorne effect, observer bias.
2. What is a correlation?
a. Positive, negative, strong, range of correlation, what does a positive correlation graph
look like? What does a negative correlation graph look like?
b. What is the difference between correlation and causation?
3. Define: longitudinal and cross-sectional observation
a. advantages and disadvantages for each
Social Psychology
1. Define:
a. Social Psychology
b. fundamental attribution error
c. foot-in-the-door phenomenon
d. door-in-the-face phenomenon
e. cognitive dissonance theory
f. conformity, chameleon effect
g. Bystander effect
h. individualistic vs. collectivist society
2. Describe the following experiments and the results
a. Stanford Prison Experiment
b. Milgram Shock experiment
c. Solomon Asch experiment
Biological Bases:
1. Describe the functions of each part of a neuron.
2. What are the functions of the medulla, cerebellum, hypothalamus, pons, and corpus callosum?
3. What are the functions of the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes?
4. Right Brain verse Left Brain – what are the functions of each?
a. What occurs when someone has a ‘split brain’
b. The left hemisphere of the brain and right hemisphere of the brain control which hand?
5. What is the Nature verse Nurture debate – and how are twin studies used in this debate? What
are criticisms against twin studies?
Sensation and Perception:
1. What is perception? How is it different than sensation?
2. What are subliminal messages?
3. What are the functions of rods and cones in vision?
4. What are the chemical senses? How do they work?
5. What are pheromones and how do they work?
6. What is adaptation?
States of consciousness:
1. How much sleep is recommended for adolescents?
2. Describe what happens in each stage of sleep?
a. What is the special function of REM sleep? Why is it called paradoxical sleep?
3. What are the different sleeping disorders and their symptoms?
1. Classical Conditioning: define and identify the components of classical conditioning:
unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response,
and neutral.
a. Be able to define and identify emotional conditioning and taste aversion
b. Be able to identify how to extinguish a fear
2. Operant conditioning: Define
a. Define and identify examples of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive
punishment, and negative punishment
b. Define and identify examples four schedules of reinforcement—fixed ratio, variable ratio,
fixed interval, variable interval
c. Continuous reinforcement
3. Social learning theory—what does this theory claim affects behavior?
a. What did Bandura’s Bobo doll study show related to this theory?
4. Cognitive learning – define
a. Define cognitive maps
5. Know the psychologist and experiments associated with each type of learning
6. Memory
a. What are the four types of long term memories?
b. What are the three stages of memory? What is the capacity and length of each stage of
c. Define and identify examples of: chunking, rote rehearsal, and elaborative rehearsal?
What is more successful in retaining information long term, rote or elaborative?
d. Define and identify examples of: state-dependent and context-dependent memories
e. Define and compare the primacy and recency effects.
f. Define and identify examples of: retroactive and proactive interference
g. Define and identify examples of obstacles to problem solving: mental set, and functional
h. Explain insight and creativity
Abnormal Psychology:
1. What is the DSM-5? What purpose does it serve?
2. Explain the diathesis-stress model.
3. What are the symptoms of the main anxiety disorders (specific phobias, panic disorder,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder)?
a. What is the difference between an obsession and a compulsion?
4. What are the symptoms of the main mood disorders (major depression and bipolar disorder?)
5. What are the symptoms features of psychosomatic and somatoform disorders (somatization
disorder, conversion disorder, hypochondiasis, body dysmorphic disorder)?
6. What are the symptoms of dissociate disorders (dissociative amnesia, dissociative fuge,
dissociative identity disorder, depersonalization disorder)?
7. What are the symptoms of schizophrenic disorders (paranoid, disorganized, and catatonic)?
a. Define and compare hallucinations and delusions.
8. What are the major features of each personality disorder (schizoid personality disorder, paranoid
personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, narcissistic
personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder)
9. What are the symptoms of childhood disorders (ADHD, gender identity disorder, and autistic
10. What is electro-convulsive therapy and when is electro-convulsive therapy used?