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Global History & Geography 9
Review Packet #3
Name ________________________
Spring 2016
(500 – 1200)
1. When and Why was Europe considered to be in “The Dark Ages”?
2. What are the causes of the rise of Feudalism in Europe?
3. Explain the Feudal Contract.
4. Describe life on a Medieval Manor.
5. What was the role of the church in Feudal Europe?
6. In looking at the Crusades, there were numerous levels for which these battles were fought;
Cultural, Economic and Political. For each of these levels list at least one cause/effect.
1. Describe the start of the Byzantine Empire.
2. What are the reasons for the start of the Orthodox Religion?
3. Briefly describe the Schism of 1054?
4. What is the Justinian Code?
5. Who are the Seljuk Turks? What was their role in history?
6. Completed the following Graphic Organizer on The Byzantine Legacy.
Preservation of Ancient Cultures:
The Arts:
Protection from Invasion:
Code of Justinian:
New Form of Christianity:
1. Who was Charlemagne? What is his place in history?
2. Briefly Describe how each of the following National Monarchs develops.
Holy Roman Empire
1. What effect did the Byzantine Empire have on the development of Russia?
2. How did the Mongol invasion effect Russian development?
1. “The Dark Ages”
6. Black Death
2. Apprentice
7. Code of Chivalry
3. Barbarians
8. Concordat of Worms
4. Battle of Tours
9. Constantine
5. Benedictine Rule
10. Crusade
11. Feudal Contract
22. Schism
12. Fief
23. Serfs
13. Gothic Architecture
24. The Hundred Years War
14. Hejira
25. Three-Field System
15. Justinian Code
26. Tithe
16. Lay Investiture
27. Trade Fairs
17. Magna Carta
28. Trade Guilds
18. Manorialism
29. Tribute
19. Matriarchal
30. Tribute Relationships
20. Patriarchal
31. Vassal
21. Patriarch (Orthodox)
1. Pope Leo’s crowning of Charlemagne in
2. Under feudalism, vassals and lords
the 9th century united
observed chivalry, a code which guided
1 Empires of the Gupta and Tang
1 agricultural production cycles
2 Western and Central Europe for a
2 theological learning
few decades
3 marriage rites
3 Orthodox and Roman Christian
4 ethical behavior and loyalties
4 peoples of the Byzantine and
Roman cultures
3. Geography influenced the economic life
of the Byzantine Empire because of its
nearness to
1 monsoon wind systems
2 protective mountain systems
3 fertile river valleys
4 major bodies of water
4. Byzantine culture preserved and blended
1 Christian liturgy and Hellenic
2 Sunni and Shi’ite schisms
3 Sanskrit and Chinese technology
4 Carolingian bureaucracy and
Viking culture
5. In the Medieval Era, the relationship
between the lord and those who lived
and worked his lands was called
1 feudalism
2 illumination
3 manorialism
4 investiture
6. Unlike contemporary Indian and
Byzantine civilizations, which element
was not prevalent in early Islamic
1 slavery
2 taxation
3 social classes
4 golden ages
7. Under manorialism, tenants agreed to
work the lord’s demense in exchange for
1 military protection
2 religious salvation
3 collection of the tithe
4 cultural diffusion
8. Which statement best describes the role
of the Christian Church in Medieval
1 The Church set the rules for the
manorial system.
2 The Church provided moral and
social leadership for the era.
3 Popes exercised political power
through their role as Holy Roman
4 All kings had to follow the Rule
of St. Benedict.
9. What did both the caste system in India
and the feudal system in Europe
1 a growth in trade with
neighboring countries
2 a strong emphasis on the
acquisition of wealth
3 a strong belief in social equality
4 a set of rules for the conduct of
individuals in society
10. One way in which the Seljuk Turks,
Mongols, and Crusaders were similar is
that they all
1 succeeded in bringing democracy
to the Middle East
2 invaded the Middle East and
affected its culture
3 moved though the Middle East as
nomadic groups
4 established permanent empires in
the Middle East
11. In Europe during the Middle Ages,
increases in trade and commerce resulted
1 lower living standards for
industrial workers
2 decreased economic rivalry
between kings
3 increased political power for the
4 development of towns and cities
12. In Europe, the Crusades resulted in
1 a greater isolation of the region
from the world
2 an increased demand for goods
from the Middle East and Asia
3 the adoption of Islam as the
official religion of many
European nations
4 the strengthening of the feudal
15. “Western Europe owed a debt of
gratitude to the Empire that for almost a
thousand years ensured the survival of
Christianity during a time when Europe
was too weak to accomplish the task.”
Which empire is referred to in this
1 Hellenistic
2 Mongol
3 Byzantine
4 Ottoman
13. Which statement best describes the role
of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe
during the Middle Ages?
1 The Church encouraged
individuals to question authority.
2 Church leaders were involved
solely in spiritual activities.
3 The Church gained influence as
the world became more secular.
4 The Church provided a sense of
stability, unity, and order.
16. Which was a characteristic of feudalism?
1 Land was exchanged for military
service and obligations.
2 Government was provided by a
bureaucracy of civil servants.
3 Power rested in the hands of a
strong central government.
4 Unified national court systems
were developed.
14. In the Roman and Byzantine Empires, an
important feature of life was the
development of
1 a set of codified laws
2 the Islamic religion
3 social and political equality
4 civil service examinations
17. Which is the most valid generalization
about the Crusades?
1 They strengthened the power of
the serfs in Europe.
2 They led to increased trade
between Europe and Asia.
3 They brought European influence
to Africa.
4 They promoted greater religious