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Circulatory System
Explain the structure of the heart.
A. Size, shape and location
1. Size of closed fist
2. In thoracic cavity
3. Apex
4. Four chambers
B. Layers
1. Pericardium
2. Myocardium
3. Endocardium
4. Septum
C. Structures to and from heart
1. Superior and inferior vena cava
2. Pulmonary artery and vein
3. Aorta
D. Chambers and valves
1. Atria (atrium)
2. Ventricles (ventricle)
3. Tricuspid valve
4. Mitral (bicuspid) valve
5. Pulmonary semilunar valve
6. Aortic semilunar valve
Analyze the function of the heart.
A. Four main functions of circulatory system
a. Pump
b. Blood transport system around body
c. Carries oxygen and nutrients to cells, carries away
waste products
d. Lymph system – returns excess tissue fluid to general
B. Heart
a. Ave. 72 beats per minute, 100,000 beats per day
b. Superior and inferior vena cava bring deoxygenated
blood to right atrium
c. Cardiopulmonary circulation – circulation from the heart
to the lungs
d. Pulmonary artery takes blood from right ventricle to
e. Pulmonary veins bring oxygenated blood from lungs to
left atrium
f. Aorta takes blood from left ventricle to rest of body
g. Four heart valves permit flow of blood in one direction
C. Pump
a. Heart is a double pump
b. Right heart = right atrium  tricuspid valve  right
ventricle  pulmonary semilunar valve  pulmonary
artery  lungs (for oxygen)
c. Left heart = Lungs  pulmonary veins  left atrium 
mitral valve  left ventricle  aortic semilunar valve 
aorta  general circulation
D. Heart sounds (lubb dupp)
E. Electrical activity
a. SA (sinoatrial) node = pacemaker, sends out electrical
impulses, spreads impulse over atria and makes them
b. AV (atrioventricular) node = carries impulse to bundle of
Bundle of His = conducting fibers in septum, divides into
right and left branches in ventricles to Purkinje fibers
d. Purkinje fibers = cause ventricles to contract
Analyze circulation and the blood vessels
A. Cardiopulmonary circulation – carries blood from heart to
1. Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
2. Oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange
B. General circulation
1. Coronary arteries
2. Aorta
3. Systemic circulation
C. Blood vessels
1. Arteries
a. Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the
b. Elastic, muscular and thick-walled
c. Transport blood under very high pressure
2. Arterioles
3. Veins
a. Carry deoxygenated blood away from capillaries to
b. Less elastic and muscular than arteries
c. Thin walled, collapse easily when not filled with
d. Superior and inferior vena cava carry blood to heart
4. Venules
5. Capillaries
a. Smallest blood vessels
b. Only seen with microscope
c. Connect arterioles and venules
e. Walls are one-cell thick, allow for selective
6. Valves – permit flow of blood only in direction of heart
7. Capillaries
8. Jugular vein – located in neck
9. Carotid artery – carries blood to brain
D. Blood pressure
1. Systolic – ave = 120 (Systole is contraction phase)
2. Diastolic – ave = 80 (Diastole is relaxation phase)
E. Pulse – alternating expansion and contraction of an artery as
blood flows through it
1. Brachial
2. Carotid
3. Femoral
4. Pedal
5. Popliteal
6. Radial
Discuss characteristics and treatment of common
cardiac and circulatory disorders.
A. Heart diseases
1. Symptoms
a. Arrythmia (dysrrhythmia) – any change from normal
heart rate or rhythm
b. Bradycardia – slow heart rate (<60)
c. Tachycardia – rapid heart rate (>100)
2. Coronary artery disease
a. Angina pectoris – chest pain, lack of O2 to heart
muscle, treat with nitroglycerine
b. Edema – fluid in tissues, often caused by poor
3. Myocardial infarction (MI, heart attack)
a. Lack of blood supply to myocardium
b. Symps – severe chest pain radiating to left shoulder,
arm, neck and jaw, nausea, diaphoresis, dyspnea
c. Rx – bedrest, oxygen, medication
d. Morphine for pain
e. Anticoagulant therapy to prevent further clots from
f. Surgery may be necessary
B. Vascular diseases
1. Aneurysm – ballooning of an artery, thinning and
2. Arteriosclerosis – arterial walls thicken and lose elasticity
3. Atherosclerosis – fatty deposits form on walls of arteries
and block circulation
4. Hypertension
a. High blood pressure
b. Silent killer – usually no symptoms
c. Leads to strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure
d. Higher in African-Americans and post-menopausal
e. Risk factors – smoking, overweight, stress, high fat
diets, family history
f. Treatment – relaxation, low fat diet, exercise, weight
loss, medication
5. Hypotension – low blood pressure, systolic <100
6. Embolism – traveling blood clot
7. Varicose veins
a. Swollen, distended veins
b. Heredity or due to poor posture, prolonged periods
of standing, physical exertion, age and pregnancy
C. Diagnosis and treatment
1. Electrocardiogram – electrical tracing of the heart
2. Coronary bypass – healthy vein from leg removed and
attached before and after the coronary obstruction,
creating an alternate route for blood supply to the
3. AED – automated external defibrillator
4. Defibrillation – electrical shock to bring the heart back to
a normal rhythm
5. CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation, used in presence
of cardiac arrest
6. Artificial pacemaker – when heart has conduction
(electrical impulse) defect, demand pacemaker fires
when heart rate drops below minimum, causes heart to
7. Angiogram – x-ray of blood vessel using dye