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Name:___________________________________________ Planets, moons and dwarf planets review puzzle
3. The planet that is covered in methane oceans with ammonia ice
4. The dwarf planet almost named Xena and if found in the Kuiper belt
6. The planet that is interesting to scientists because it may have plate tectonics and someday produced H2O
8. Planets that are large and made up mostly of hydrogen and helium
13. The path that an object takes around the sun
14. The planet that is most dense due to its high amount of iron in its interior
16. Which Jovian planet has five microscopic rings?
18. The backward revolution of Uranus in its orbit
20. That large area in orbit around the sun that is made up of mostly microscopic pieces of rock
21. The dwarf planet found in the asteroid belt
23. That planet that has a massive size which creates an extremely strong gravitational pull that pulls in the most satellites
24. The only planet with a specialized atmosphere
26. Dwarf planets may be small but there deciding characteristic is that they belong to a grouping of celestial objects
called a
27. The dwarf planet named after the Hawaiian goddess of birth and fertility
29. The uniqueness of Pluto’s orbit that allows Neptune to sometimes become further from the sun than Pluto
30. The moon that is similar to Earth's moon due to its synchronous rotation and revolution
1. the most reflective moon in the solar system
2. Which planet has a longer rotation than revolution?
5. The turning of an object on its axis
7. Based on the age on other planets lab, you are ________________ on mercury
9. Which Jovian planet has such a low density that it could float in salt water
10. The largest moon in the solar system
11. The dwarf planet named after the Rapa people of Easter Island
12. The only moon of Eris
15. The moon that may have microscopic life in the oceans under its icy surface
17. The atmosphere of Pluto is mostly composed of what gas
19. The shape of our orbits, based on the increased speed as a planet enters its perihelion
22. The time that it takes for an object to go around the sun
25. The moon that is exciting due to its nitrogen rich atmosphere
28. Which small planet had the ability to capture two asteroids as its moons?