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Job Title:
National Expert in ecosystems based adaptation measures aiming to preserve land
and water resources
UNDP Mongolia
“Improving Adaptive Capacity and Risk Management of Rural Communities in
Duty Station: Ulaanbaatar with potential missions to project target sites.
The consultant is expected to work for 40 work days over the period of 6.5 months
(Sept’16 – 1 April’17), inclusive of up to 2 mission travel to selected project target areas
in Mongolia during Sept-Nov’16.
Background information:
UNDP, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MoFALI), in collaboration with the
Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism (MNET), are working together to formulate a 7-year
programme “Improving the Adaptive Capacity and Risk Management of Rural Communities in
Mongolia” for submission to the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
This project will strengthen the agriculture sector’s resilience to climate change, specifically the animal
husbandry and crop farming sub-sectors. It will address key barriers including shortcomings in
availability of climate information and integrated ecosystem based approach for enhanced planning, and
insufficient support to households to enhance climate-resilience of agriculture sector.
The proposed adaptation measures will strengthen agency capacities at the national and sub-national level
through technical upgrades and supporting enabling policies. On local level, the focus of support is on
upscaling best practices in sustainable land management and ecosystem based adaptation with local
communities and local governments as the key actors.
The project targets the resource dependent rural households involved in extensive livestock husbandry
and crop farming. With approximately 160.000 herding households, the beneficiaries of the project make
up about a third of the country’s population. The target areas are to be determined. The estimated project
budget is $ 43 million USD.
The consultancy is required to formulate a full funding proposal, based on the available concept
document. The concept note structures the project into three project components:
1. Component 1: Enhance early warning system to strengthen preparedness and planning in the
agriculture sector
2. Component 2: Up-scale integrated adaptation approaches for maintaining ecosystem services
and functions
3. Component 3: Apply climate-smart technologies to increase agriculture production and
safeguard rural livelihoods
UNDP will mobilize a team of consultants to support UNDP, MoFALI and MNET to formulate the full
project proposal for the concept. The team includes seven members in addition to the National Expert in
ecosystem based adaptation measures in land and water sectors:
Team Leader on Project Formulation/Climate Change Adaptation Specialist (International
Consultant), to support the design of the GCF full project document, including the synergy of
climate risk-informed interventions in all project components;
An expert on Economic analysis (International consultant) to undertake a detailed economic
analysis of proposed interventions;
An expert on Feasibility study (International consultant) to undertake a detailed feasibility
assessment of proposed interventions.
An expert on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (International consultant);
An expert (National consultant) in monitoring, forecasting and rural disaster/risk
preparedness/management systems to support detailed design of the Component 1 on
enhancing early warning system to strengthen preparedness and planning in the agriculture
An expert (National consultant) on Mongolian livestock breeds/breeding for climate
resilience to support detailed design of activities on livestock breed improvement under
Component 3;
An expert (National consultant) Agronomist with expert knowledge and experience in
fodder and seed production to support detailed design of activities in enhanced fodder
cultivation and processing, and quality wheat seed production under Component 3;
An expert on gender analysis (National consultant).
Objective of the consultancy:
The main objective of the consultancy is to formulate a full proposal for the GCF funding for Mongolia.
In order to achieve this objective the National Expert is required to prepare technical analysis, inputs,
workplan, budget and monitoring framework for the Component 2 (Output 2) under the overall leadership
of an International Project Development Team Leader. Deliverables produced by the National Expert
need to fully meet the GCF investment criteria. The National Expert will provide necessary inputs for
finalisation of the full project proposal after appraisal by the GCF expected to take place in the 1st quarter
2017. S/he will work with MoFALI, MNET and the UNDP Country Office, under overall technical
guidance of the International Project Development Team Leader and in close consultation with the UNDP
Country Office Environmental Team Leader and UNDP’s regional technical advisor (RTA) for climate
change adaptation at the UNDP’s Bangkok Regional Hub.
Reporting and coordination line:
The National Expert will report directly to the International Project Development Team Leader
and UNDP Mongolia Environment Team Leader. The exact workplan progress reporting
periodicity will be agreed between the National Expert International Project Development Team
Leader and Environment Team Leader but should take place at least once in 7 days.
The National Expert will closely coordinate with assigned focal points in the MoFALI and
The National Expert will need to work closely with the UNDP CO Technical Specialist on DRR
and CCA for all the technical requirements of the project formulation process and in close
coordination with UNDP Regional Technical Advisor on Climate Change Adaptation, as well as
timely respond to technical requirements of MoFALI and MNET technical working group
The National Expert will facilitate necessary contributions from other relevant national partners
as necessary for the GCF project formulation for Mongolia;
The consultant will lead and coordinate with other team members in his/her project formulation
as necessary as well as with MoFALI, MNET and relevant government agencies and counterparts
and UNDP during the consultation and formulation process.
Objective of the assignment is to support detailed design of the GCF Project Proposal Component 2
(Output 2) on Up-scale integrated adaptation approaches for maintaining ecosystem services and
functions. This includes at minimum:
 Review of existing data, reports and studies to collate a situation analysis report on country’s
land/water management (including sections on context, trends, threats/root causes/barriers analysis,
institutional/sectoral/policy context, business-as-usual-scenario in view of climate change, gender
and vulnerability analysis);
 Collect detailed information on the government and partners’ activities in the same field that are
ongoing and planned, as well as complementary activities by various partner organizations (include a
precise description of such projects, activities, budgets, goals, and co-financing links to Output 2).
 Collect information on potential pilot sites and cover critical information gaps, possibly including: (i)
a review and establishment of baseline information for pilot provinces; (ii) environmental and
socioeconomic situation of the pilot sites incorporating gender and vulnerability assessment; (iii)
potential impact of project interventions to local communities and associated risks.
 Provide information and/or background documents, analysis, studies related to the sector to an
international consultant preparing the project feasibility assessment;
 Develop a comprehensive table of recommended interventions under Output 2 along with budget
estimates and support development of overall multi-year budget for the project;
 Identify SMART indicators for measuring success of proposed interventions, indicator, baselines and
targets with clear methodologies for monitoring;
 Assist in data collection related to project planning and monitoring with particular attention given to
the description and quantification of the baseline information;
 Undertake stakeholder analysis in detail, and assist the International Team Leader and other
consultants to organize stakeholder consultations as necessary to solicit inputs and ensure stakeholder
involvement in and buy-in to the project;
Provide the team leader with cost estimates for the Component 2, by activity and project year, to
enable the team leader to present a detailed economic and financial proposal.
Provide technical and administrative support for effective project design;
Any other responsibilities within his/her technical expertise as required by the International Team
Leader in order to complete the submission.
 Technical analysis, inputs, workplan, budget and monitoring framework for Component 2
(Output 2) of the GCF full funding proposal for Mongolia.
Implementation Plan
The consultant will be expected to undertake the following tasks and deliver on the required outputs as
Deliverables/ Outputs
Agreed workplan and schedule with
the International Project
Development Team Leader
Situation analysis report on
country’s ecosystems with focus on
pastureland and water resources
based on desk review of secondary
Target site specific ecological
assessment report following the
outline agreed with IPDTL
Proposed interventions under
Component 2 and budget estimates
with SMART indicators, baseline
and target values
Technical feedback and addressed
review comments from the GCF
0.5 day
Target Due
20.5 days
5 October
10 days
Reviewed and approved by
International Team Leader
and UNDP
Reviewed and approved by
International Team Leader
and UNDP
Reviewed and approved by
International Team Leader
and UNDP
Reviewed and approved by
International Team Leader
and UNDP
8 days
Review and Approvals
5 December
Reviewed and approved by
1 day
International Team Leader
and UNDP
*Note: the cost of in-country travel will be covered separately, outside of the above-indicated payment
schedule, at the time of agreed mission travel dates and mission agenda.
1 March
Qualification and working experiences
The following qualification requirements are essential:
 Postgraduate degree (M.S or PhD) in ecology, environmental studies, hydrology, natural resources
management, climate change adaptation or related fields;
 Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in climate change adaptation, sustainable land/pasture and
water resources management and rural livelihood diversification;
 Proven technical knowledge on specific aspects of ecosystem services and functions, economic values
of ecosystem services, climate vulnerability and vulnerability assessment, feasibility assessment of
various on the ground interventions to enhance and maintain ecosystem services and functions, thus
build resilience (an abstract and/or reference links to relevant publications to be provided with the
 Proven work experience with international organizations in development-related project development
and implementation;
 Excellent communication and partnership building skills with multi-dimension partners, people skills
for negotiation;
 Proven strong analytical and written presentation skills in English;
Required application documents
Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability, including Financial proposal that
indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price in MNT, supported by a breakdown of
costs (e.g. monthly fee, per diem for in-country travel, etc.) as per template provided;
Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the
contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least two (2)
professional references;
Writing sample in English and/or reference to a publicly available document relevant to this
assignment that has been authored by and/or formulated under leadership of an applicant.
Criteria for evaluation and selection of the best offer
Applicants will be evaluated based on cumulative analysis (i) technical qualifications (weight
70%) and (ii) financial proposal (weight 30%).
Only candidates who obtain a minimum of 70% in the technical evaluation will be considered for
the financial evaluation.
Max. Point
Technical qualification – 70%
Relevant educational background
 Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in in climate change adaptation,
sustainable land/pasture and water resources management and rural
livelihood diversification
 Proven technical knowledge on specific aspects of ecosystem services and
functions, economic values of ecosystem services, climate vulnerability
and vulnerability assessment, feasibility assessment of various on the
ground interventions to enhance and maintain ecosystem services and
 Writing and analytical skills
 Experience in design and preparation of complex project proposals
Financial evaluation - 30%
Financial Score (Lower Offer/Offer*100)
Total Score (Technical Score * 0.7 + Financial Score * 0.3)