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Name/#: ____________________________________________ Date: February 14, 2013
World War II Test
Multiple Choice: Circle the BEST answer.
1. Which of the following is NOT true about women in WWII?
a. They joined the military.
b. They stayed home and took care of the family.
c. They worked jobs that usually belonged to men.
d. They made up about 1/3 of the population of people working in business.
2. On which date was Pearl Harbor attacked by the Japanese?
a. December 7, 1941
b. June 6, 1944
c. May 7, 1945
d. September 2, 1945
3. Adolf Hitler was responsible for the death of more than 6 million Jews. What is this
time in history known as?
a. Hiroshima
b. Horrific Time
c. Holocaust
d. Horrible Sadness
4. World War II ended when two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. Which U.S.
president ordered this to be done?
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Theodore Roosevelt
c. Harry Truman
d. Franklin D. Roosevelt
5. The D-Day attack began on the beaches of France. What is the MOST likely reason the
Allies chose this location?
a. It was the center of the war.
b. The Nazis (Germans) were not expecting an attack there.
c. The Nazis (Germans) were ready and waiting on the beach.
d. Spies told them that the Germans would be there on D-Day.
6. What was VE-Day?
a. A day celebrated by the Axis Powers because Germany surrendered.
b. A day celebrated by the Allied Powers because Germany surrendered.
c. A day celebrated by the Axis Powers because Japan surrendered.
d. A day celebrated by the Allied Powers because Japan surrendered.
7. What event caused the United States to enter WWII?
a. Germany broke its agreement with the Soviet Union
b. The Axis powers asked for help.
c. Germany invaded Poland and France.
d. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
8. On August 6, 1945, the United States ordered an atomic bomb to be dropped on
Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later the city of Nagasaki was also bombed. Knowing how
terrible the bombing of Hiroshima was, why was Nagasaki also bombed?
a. The Japanese still would not surrender.
b. The Japanese were making a secret alliance with France.
c. The Japanese were bombing U.S. cities with their own atomic bombs.
d. The U.S. did not want the Allies to win the war.
9. Which event was a turning point in World War II and helped lead to its end?
a. The invasion of Pearl Harbor.
b. Rationing food and other goods.
c. The invasion of Poland.
d. D-Day
10. How did the U.S. practice isolationism before WWII?
a. By sending troops and food to Europe and Asia.
b. By helping dictators take over Europe and Asia.
c. By not getting involved in other countries’ problems.
d. By not sending supplies to Japan and Germany.
11. Why did the Allies want to have control of the island of Iwo Jima?
a. Because it was close to Germany and troops could plan attacks there.
b. Because it was close to Japan and they could re-fuel their planes.
c. Because there were lots of natural resources on the island.
d. Because Japan wanted to give it to the Allies as a gift.
12. Why was VJ-Day celebrated in the United States?
a. Because it was the day Japan finally surrendered to the Allies and WWII was over.
b. Because it was the day Germany surrendered to the Allies and WWII was over.
c. Because Japan and Germany agreed to end their alliance.
d. Because the United States entered WWII.
13. Which of the following is true about the Invasion of Normandy (D-Day)?
a. It marked a turning point toward ending WWII.
b. The Allies took over the beaches of Normandy, France and surprised the Germans.
c. A few months later the Germans were completely out of France.
d. All of the above.
14. Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?
a. African American pilots who escorted bomber planes to Europe and Asia in WWII.
b. African American chefs who prepared fancy meals for the soldiers in WWII.
c. African American doctors who helped save many lives in WWII.
d. African American musicians who entertained soldiers after battles in WWII.
15. During World War II Americans had to _________________ because of shortages.
a. Ration food and other goods.
b. Pay higher taxes.
c. Eat in soup kitchens.
d. Grow their own food.
16. A fictional female character encouraging women to help the war effort was…
a. Harriet the Hero
b. Bella the Bold
c. Rosie the Riveter
d. Sally the Super
17. Allied leaders wanted to establish ______________ to help keep peace in the future.
a. An international military
b. An international organization
c. An international party group
d. An international school system
18. The United Nations (UN) headquarters is in New York City. What is their primary goal?
a. Work out future problems before they turn into fighting.
b. Plan battles for the next World War.
c. Elect leaders for countries in the United Nations.
d. Help people who have suffered from a natural disaster (tornado, hurricane, flood).
19. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. Americans wanted to join the WWII from the beginning.
b. Iwo Jima was invaded on VJ-Day.
c. WWII began when the Allied Powers invaded Japan.
d. The role of American women changed during WWII.
20. Why did World War II continue after Germany surrendered?
a. Because the Allies were still at war with Japan.
b. Because the Japanese were still fighting with the Germans.
c. Because the Axis Powers wanted to control Italy.
d. Because the Allies created the United Nations.
21. What was one of the main reasons the Allies did not want to invade Japan?
a. They were afraid of the underground tunnels and traps the Japanese built.
b. They did not have enough soldiers to attack the Japanese.
c. They did not want to risk the lives of anymore soldiers.
d. They were fighting with the Japanese and did not want to invade them.
22. How long was the United States involved in World War II?
a. 1861-1865
b. 1929-1939
c. 1941-1945
d. 1965-1972
Timeline: Match the event with its date on the timeline. Write the letter on the line.
23. _____ Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
26. _____ Atomic Bombs on Japan
24. _____ VJ Day is celebrated
27. _____ VE Day is celebrated
25. _____ D-Day in Normandy, France
28. _____ U.S. enters WWII
Allied or Axis Powers? Write AXIS or ALLIES next to each country.
29. _______________ Germany
32. _______________ Soviet Union
30. _______________ United States
33. _______________ Great Britain
31. _______________ Japan
34. _______________ Italy
Matching: Match the leader with their country. Choices may be used more than once.
35. ______ Franklin D. Roosevelt
36. ______ Joseph Stalin
37. ______ Adolf Hitler
38. ______ Benito Mussolini
39. ______ Winston Churchill
40. ______ Harry Truman
41. ______ Emperor Hirohito
a. Japan
b. United States
c. Italy
d. Germany
e. Soviet Union (Russia)
f. Great Britain