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Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Course Description
This course introduces students to key concepts and theories that provide a foundation for
further study in other sciences and advanced science disciplines. Physical Science
comprises the systematic study of the physical world, as related to chemistry, physics and
space science. Students will engage in investigations to understand and explain the
behavior of nature in a variety of inquiry and design scenarios that incorporate scientific
reasoning, analysis, communication skills, and real world applications. Mathematics,
including graphing, will be used when describing these phenomena, moving from
qualitative understanding to one that is more quantitative.
Prerequisite: Students enrolled in Math 2112 or higher level math classes. Students
must have successfully completed at least (C average or better) in Physical Science,
Biology, or Ecoscience.
Credit: 1 Credit
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Building upon observation, exploration and analytical skills developed at the
elementary level and middle school levels and foundational knowledge about matter
(its basic particle composition and behavior under various conditions), an extensive
understanding of matter, its composition and the changes it undergoes are further
constructed. Substances within a closed system interact with one another in a variety
of ways; however, the total mass and energy of the system remains the same
TOPICS: Properties of Matter
Classification of Matter
o Heterogeneous vs. homogeneous
o Pure substances vs. mixtures
o Compounds and elements
Atoms and molecules
o Atomic structure
o Ions
o Isotopes
Periodic Trends of the Elements
o Periodic Trends
o Reactivity
Reactions of Matter
o Bonding
o Chemical reactions
o Nuclear reactions
o Conservation of Matter
VOCABULARY: atoms, elements, compounds, chemical bonding (ionic, covalent,
metallic), groups, periods, families, metals, nonmetals, metalloids, transition metals,
noble gases, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, atomic radii, electron configurations,
nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons, isotopes, atomic number, atomic mass,
electromagnetic spectrum, photons, mixture, solution, solute, solvent, heterogeneous,
homogeneous, polyatomic ions, oxidation numbers, synthesis, decomposition, single and
double displacement, combustion, reactants, products, radioactivity, radioactive decay,
Lewis Dot diagrams
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Diagram using models the particulate nature of matter because it is too small to see
with the naked eye or with traditional visible-light microscopes.
Explain how atomic structure determines the properties of an element and how the
atom (of the element) will interact with other atoms.
Describe how neutrons have little effect on how an atom interacts with other atoms,
but they do affect the mass and stability of the nucleus.
Discuss the observable trends of how the elements are listed in order of increasing
number of protons; the same sequence of properties appears over and over again. At
times the masses do not correspond with periodic order, but the atomic number
always does.
Describe how the bonding of atoms are arranged in molecules and rearrange in
chemical reactions and that atoms may be bonded together by losing, gaining or
sharing electrons.
Explain that matter is conserved in all chemical/nonchemical analysis of mixtures and
in a chemical reaction, the number, type of atoms and total mass are the same before
and after the reaction.
Use the periodic table to predict the electron configurations of elements
Identify, characterize and give uses for metals, nonmetals and metalloids using the
periodic table
Relate chemical reactivity of the families due to similar electron configurations
Predict the chemical stability of the atoms using the octet rule and Hund’s rule
Explain the periodic properties of elements by using examples.
State how atomic and ionic sizes change in groups and periods
Predict oxidation numbers of elements
Describe the factors that affect ionization energy and electron affinity
Use multiple ionization energies to predict oxidation numbers of elements
Determine the atomic number (Z) and mass number (A) of given isotopes of elements
Differentiate among the major subatomic particles
Discuss the development of modern atomic theory
Compare and contrast relative sizes and masses of subatomic particles
Discuss early developments in atomic theory
Identify the type of bonding between two elements
Differentiate among properties of ionic, covalent and metallic bonds
Construct models to demonstrate the structure of molecules
Describe and distinguish heterogeneous and homogeneous materials
Describe and give examples of elements and compounds
Classify examples of matter
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Write chemical equations to represent chemical reactions
Balance chemical equations
Differentiate among different types of chemical reactions
Classify changes in matter as chemical or physical
State the differences between nuclear fission and fusion.
Recognize that the periodic table was formed as a result of the repeating pattern of
electron configurations.
State how atoms of the same element are similar, and can be different (neutral atoms,
ions and isotopes).
Provide examples of fission and fusion that can be found in real-world scenarios.
Identify specific information able to be obtained about a particular element on the
periodic table
Discuss why physical and chemical changes occur on a continuum rather than as
discrete events; include how physical and chemical properties to support the
Describe how ions are formed when an atom or a group of atoms acquire an
unbalanced charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons
Name the (physical and chemical) types of properties that can be used to help identify
an object/material.
Identify specific information able to be obtained about a particular element on the
periodic table
Provide examples of fission and fusion that can be found in real-world scenarios.
State how atoms of the same element are similar, and can be different (neutral atoms,
ions and isotopes).
Recognize that the periodic table was formed as a result of the repeating pattern of
electron configurations.
State the differences between nuclear fission and fusion.
Building upon the knowledge that energy is transformed and transferred all the while
being conserved, an understanding of the relative strength of the forces within an
atom, the nature of motion and forces and how motion is affected by forces, and wave
behavior, including the Doppler effect and its applications to understanding the
movement of galaxies in the universe is developed. Mathematics, including graphing,
should be used when describing these phenomena, moving from qualitative
understanding to one that is more quantitative.
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
TOPICS: Forces, Motion and Energy
Newton’s Laws of Motion
 Motion of an object is a measurable quantity that depends on the observer’s frame of
reference and is described in terms of position, speed, velocity, acceleration and time.
(includes projectile motion and free fall)\
The displacement, or change in position of an object is a vector quantity that can be
calculated by subtracting the initial position from the final position (Δx = xf – xi).
Displacement can be positive or negative depending upon the direction of motion.
Velocity is a vector property that represents the rate at which position changes.
Average velocity can be calculated by dividing displacement (change in position) by
the elapsed time (vavg = (xf – xi)/(tf – ti)).
Velocity may be positive or negative depending upon the direction of motion and is
not always equal to the speed.
While speeding up or slowing down and/or changing direction, the velocity of an
object changes continuously, from instant to instant.
The velocity of an object at any instant (clock reading) is called instantaneous
Acceleration is a vector property that represents the rate at which velocity changes.
Average acceleration can be calculated by dividing the change in velocity divided by
elapsed time (aavg = (vf – vi)/(tf – ti)).
Objects that have no acceleration can either be standing still or be moving with
constant velocity (speed and direction).
Motion can be represented by position vs. time and velocity vs. time graphs.
Specifics about the speed, direction, and change in motion can be determined by
interpreting such graphs.
Objects that move with constant velocity and have no acceleration form a straight
line (not necessarily
Objects that are at rest will form a straight horizontal line on a position vs. time
Objects that are accelerating will show a curved line on a position vs. time
graph. Velocity can be calculated by determining the slope of a position vs.
time graph.
Positive slopes on position vs. time graphs indicate motion in a positive
Negative slopes on position vs. time graphs indicate motion in a negative
Constant acceleration is represented by a straight line (not necessarily horizontal) on
a velocity vs. time graph.
Objects that have no acceleration (at rest or moving at constant velocity) will have a
straight horizontal line for a velocity vs. time graph.
Force is a vector quantity, having both magnitude and direction.
The unit of force is a Newton.
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Newton’s Laws of Motion (cont’d)
 One Newton of net force will cause a 1 kg object to experience an acceleration of 1
Gravitational force (weight) can be calculated from mass, but all other forces will
only be quantified through force diagrams.
Friction and normal forces are introduced conceptually at this level.
Friction is a force between two surfaces that opposes sliding.
Equations of static and kinetic friction will be introduced.
A normal force exists between two solid objects when their surfaces are pressed
together due to other forces acting on one or both objects
A normal force is always a push directed at right angles from the surface of the
interacting objects.
A tension force occurs when a non-slack rope, wire, cord, or similar device pulls on
another object.
The tension force always points in the direction the device is pulling.
Gravitational, magnetic, and electrical forces occur continually even when objects are
not touching.
They do not require any substance between the interacting objects and are called
forces at a distance.
The gravitational force (weight) of an object is proportional to its mass.
For objects near Earth’s surface weight can be calculated from the equation Fg = m g
where (g = 9.8 m/s2)
The net force can be determined by one-dimensional vector addition.
An object does not accelerate (remains at rest or maintains a constant speed and
direction of motion) unless an unbalanced net force acts on it.
The rate at which motion changes (speed or direction) is proportional to applied force
and inversely proportional to the mass.
A force is an interaction between two objects; both objects in the interaction
experience an equal amount of force, but in opposite directions.
For an object that is moving, this means the object will remain moving without
changing its speed or direction.
For an object that is not moving, the object will continue to remain stationary.
Demonstrate an understanding of the cause of a change in motion by modeling
motion when a different net force is involved.
Given the formulae for the basic laws of motion, the student will calculate the effects
of forces on the motion of objects
The student will, when presented with an event involving the interaction of forces,
describe and explain the motions that may occur in terms of a narrative, graph and a
mathematical expression.
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Described that the motion of an object is a measurable quantity that depends on the
observer’s frame of reference in terms of position, speed, velocity, acceleration and
time. (includes projectile motion and free fall)
Calculate the displacement by subtracting the initial position from the final position
(Δx = xf – xi).
Calculate the average velocity by dividing displacement (change in position) by the
elapsed time (vavg = (xf – xi)/(tf – ti)).
Calculate the acceleration by dividing the change in velocity divided by elapsed time
(aavg = (vf – vi)/(tf – ti)).
Describe the motion of an object by interpreting position vs. time and velocity vs.
time graphs.
Calculate the net force on a body by using free body diagrams (force diagrams).
Calculate the acceleration, net force or mass from the equation F = ma
Calculated the weight from the equation Fg = m g where (g = 9.8 m/s2)
Momentum, Collisions and Conservation of Momentum
 Relate an object’s mass and speed to its resulting momentum
 Demonstrate the conservation of momentum by describing mathematically
and narratively the individual changes that occur in a closed system where
objects exert forces on each other
 Apply the relationship between impulse and momentum change to everyday
events in the life of a student
 Identify parameters that indicate the conservation of momentum in real world
and in contrived events.
Demonstrate an understanding of the momentum of an object is a function of its mass
and velocity.
Calculate the momentum, mass or velocity from the equation P = mv
Demonstrate the conservation of momentum by describing mathematically and
narratively the individual changes that occur in a closed system where objects exert
forces on each other.
Relate the impulse momentum relationship to real world situations.
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Work, Power and Energy
 Identify and describe the forms of energy in a given system, give the
properties, and identify the source of the energy
 Forms of energy can be considered to be either kinetic energy, which is the
energy of motion, or potential energy, which depends on the separation
between mutually attracting, or repelling objects.
 Thermal energy in a system is associated with the disordered motion of its
atoms or molecules.
 Gravitational potential energy is associated with the separation of mutually
attracting masses.
 Electrical potential energy is associated with the separation of mutually
attracting or repelling charges.
 Energy is a scalar quantity and has units of Joules (J).
 Demonstrate an understanding of energy transformations and conservation by
an analysis of the changes using mathematical equations, graphs and
 Kinetic energy is energy due to the motion of an object and can be
mathematically represented by Ek = ½ m v2, where v is the speed of the
 Gravitational potential energy can be mathematically represented by Eg = m g
h, where g = 9.8 m/s2 and h is the height of the object above a reference point.
 When an outside force moves an object over a distance, energy has been
transferred either into or out of the system. This method of energy transfer is
called work.
 Work can be calculated from the equation W = FΔx.
 Relate the mathematical equations for work, energy and power to human
activities, the operation of machines, and the interaction of the two.
 Compare the different forms of energy and draw conclusions regarding the
viability of the forms to the future of mankind.
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Identify and describe the forms of energy in a given system.
Demonstrate an understanding of energy transformations and conservation by an
analysis of the changes using mathematical equations, graphs and narratives.
Calculate the Kinetic Energy, velocity or mass from the equation Ek = ½ m v2
Calculate the Potential Energy, mass or height from the equation Eg = m g h, where g
= 9.8 m/s2 and h is the height of the object above a reference point.
Calculate work, force or distance from the equation W = FΔx
Calculate power from the equation Power = work/time
Relate the mathematical equations for work, energy and power to human activities,
the operation of machines, and the interaction of the two.
Compare the different forms of energy and draw conclusions regarding the viability
of the forms to the future of mankind.
 By investigating wave properties and interactions of various media, the
student will describe and explain wave characteristics, the resulting behavior
of wave interactions and the wave-energy relationship
 The speed of the wave depends on the nature of the material (e.g., waves
travel faster through solids than gases).
 For a particular uniform medium, as the frequency (f) of the wave is
increased, the wavelength (λ) of the wave is decreased. The mathematical
representation is vwave = λ f.
 When a wave encounters a new material, the new material may absorb the
energy of the wave by transforming it to another form of energy, usually
thermal energy. This interaction is called absorption.
 Waves can bounce off solid barriers. This interaction is called reflection.
 When a wave travels form one material (medium) into another material, its
direction may change. This interaction is called refraction.
 Waves may bend around small obstacles or openings. This interaction is
called diffraction.
 When two waves traveling through the same medium meet, they pass through
each other and continue traveling through the medium as before.
 When the waves meet and occupy the same part of the medium, the
displacement of the two waves adds algebraically. This interaction is called
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Waves (cont’d)
 The wavelength and observed frequency of a wave depends upon the relative
motion of the source and the observer.
 If either is moving toward the other, the wavelength is shorter and the
observed frequency is higher; if either is moving away, the wavelength is
longer and the observed frequency is lower.
 Apply the mathematical relationship involved in wave properties to real world
and contrived situations
 Given wave data altered by source motion, apply the concept of the Doppler
effect and determine velocities
 The wavelength of a wave depends upon the relative motion of the source and
the observer. If either is moving toward the other, the wavelength is shorter; if
either is moving away, the wavelength is longer.
Describe and explain wave characteristics, the resulting behavior of wave interactions
and the wave-energy relationship
Calculate the wave speed, frequency, or wavelength from the equation vwave = λ f.
Describe the changes in the resultant wave patterns due to the interaction of other
mediums and surfaces.
v vo
Calculate the observed frequency or frequency of the source from the formula f o  f s v v
Describe that the wavelength of a wave depends upon the relative motion of the
source and the observer.
Thermal Energy and Heat Transfer
 Describe conditions under which heat is transferred
 Convert between units
 Perform calculations involving specific heat
Describe the different methods of heat transfer.
Calculate the amount of heat transferred, mass, change in temperature or specific heat
from the equation q = m(
Convert between different units of temperature
Discuss the relationship between the different temperature scales
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
VOCABULARY: inertia, force, mass, weight, relative motion, equilibrium, net
force, speed, velocity, magnitude, scalar quantity, vector quantity, tension, normal
(support) force, friction, static friction, kinetic friction, acceleration, free fall, projectile
motion, momentum, impulse, elastic collision, inelastic collision, conservation of
momentum, energy, work, power, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservation of
energy, joules, watts, horse power, gravity, inverse-square, calorimeter, heat,
temperature, thermal energy, periodic, wave, longitudinal, transverse, period, frequency,
superposition, diffraction, reflection, refraction, absorption, wavelength, amplitude,
medium, Doppler effect, specific heat capacity, thermal energy, thermal expansion
Building a unified understanding of the universe from elementary and middle school
science, insights from history, and mathematical ways of thinking, provides a basis
for knowing the nature of the universe. Concepts from the previous section, Forces,
Motion and Energy, are also used as foundational knowledge. The role of gravity in
forming and maintaining the organization of the universe becomes clearer at this
level, as well as the scale of billions and speed of light used to express relative
TOPICS: Earth and the Universe
The Origin of the Universe
Early in the history of the universe, gravitational attraction caused matter to clump
together to form countless trillions of stars and billions of galaxies.
The red shift provides evidence that the universe is and has been expanding. Data from
measurements of this expansion have been used in calculations that estimate the age of
the universe to be over ten billion years old.
The universe was born at a specific time in the past, and it has been expanding ever
The big bang theory places the origin approximately 13.7 billion years ago when the
universe began in a hot, dense, chaotic mass. According to this theory, the universe has
been expanding ever since.
Technology is used to learn about the universe. Visual, radio, and x-ray telescopes
collect information from across the entire spectrum of electromagnetic waves;
computers handle data and complicated computations to interpret them. Space probes
send back data and materials from remote parts of the solar system; and accelerators
give subatomic particles energies that simulate conditions in the stars and in the early
history of the universe before stars formed.
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Galaxy Formation
 Matter clumped together by gravitational attraction to form countless trillions of
stars and billions of galaxies.
 Apply the law of universal gravitation to events, analyzing the effects of mass
change or separation distance change on the resultant force
 Determine the effect of the masses of objects on attractive/repulsive forces by
calculating the resultant forces using the formula F = (G)(m1)(m2)/(d)2 where (G)
is the universal gravitational constant G = 6.67 x 10-11
 Our solar system coalesced out of a giant cloud of gas and debris left in the wake
of exploding stars about five billion years ago.
 As Earth and other planets formed, the heavier elements coalesced in their
 On planets close to the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) the lightest
elements were mostly removed by radiation from the newly formed sun; on the
outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), the lighter elements
still surround them as deep atmospheres of icy, dense gas.
 Galaxies are conglomerations of billions or hundreds of billions of stars and gas
and dust, but have been classified into three basic shapes: elliptical (round), spiral
(disk-like) and irregular (other).
 The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. Our solar system is located about 2/3 of the
way out from the center of our galaxy, within the plane of the disk of our galaxy.
 Everything in and on Earth, including living organisms, is made of the material
from the original cloud.
 Looking at other galaxies, astronomers are able to measure their motion using red
 Red shift is a phenomenon due to Doppler shifting, so the shift of light from a
galaxy to the red end of the spectrum indicates that the galaxy and the observer
are moving farther away from one another.
 Stars transform matter into energy in nuclear reactions in their cores.
 Stars condensed by gravity out of clouds of molecules of the lightest elements.
 As the clouds collapsed, the density and temperature in the core of the newly
forming star increase until nuclear fusion of the light elements into heavier ones
can occur.
 When hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium, a small amount of matter is converted
to energy.
 These and other processes in stars have led to the formation of all the other
 The stars differ from each other in size, temperature and age
 The process of star formation and evolution continues in a cycle of matter in the
universe that is very efficient.
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Describe the current scientific evidence that supports the theory of the explosive
expansion of the universe, the Big Bang, over 10 billion years ago.
Apply the law of universal gravitation to events, analyzing the effects of mass change
or separation distance change on the resultant force.
Describe how the gravitational attraction helped in the formation of stars, planets and
galaxies alike.
Determine the effect of the masses of objects on attractive/repulsive forces by
calculating the resultant forces using the formula F = (G)(m1)(m2)/(d)2 where (G) is
the universal gravitational constant G = 6.67 x 10-11
Determine what phase of star formation a star is in based upon where it falls on an HR Diagram.
Describe the life cycle of stars from formation to death.
Identify the different types of galaxies based on a model.
Describe how the red shift indicates that an object and the observer are moving
further away.
Determine which planets are rocky while other are gaseous and explain how and why
this occurred during formation.
Earth is a System
 Earth elements move within and between the lithosphere, atmosphere,
hydrosphere, and biosphere as part of biogeochemical cycles.
 This movement of matter is driven by Earth’s internal and external sources of
 These movements are often accompanied by a change in the physical and
chemical properties of matter. Carbon, for example, occurs in carbonate rocks
such as limestone, in coal and other fossil fuels, in the atmosphere as carbon
dioxide gas, in water as dissolved carbon dioxide, and in all organisms as
complex molecules that control the chemistry of life.
 The movement of materials in Earth’s systems occurs at different rates, depending
on the material and the changes in thermal energy.
 Earth’s atmosphere acts as a system that absorbs and distributes matter and
 Earth’s oceans act as a system that absorbs and distributes matter and energy.
 The lithosphere is a system of large plates that move matter and energy.
 Climate is the result of interaction among the atmosphere, hydrosphere,
lithosphere and biosphere.
 Dynamic processes shape and order Earth. Planet Earth works as a complex,
dynamic system of interacting components involving the solid earth, the
atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere.
Integrated Science
Integrated Science Course of Study
Earth is a System (cont’d)
 The mechanisms involved in weathering, erosion and plate tectonics combine
processes that are in some respects destructive and in other respects constructive.
 Earth is part of a solar system and has unique characteristics based on its position.
Planetary differentiation is a process in which more dense materials of a planet
sink to the center, while less dense materials stay on the surface. A major period
of planetary differentiation occurred approximately 4.6 billion years ago.
 Energy is transferred from the Sun to Earth through electromagnetic radiation that
peaks in the visible light part of the spectrum (green).
 Earth’s revolution around the Sun, as well as Earth’s rotation and tilt of axis,
affect the amount of energy received at any given location. This results in daily
and seasonal weather conditions observed on Earth.
Identify the four basic spheres of Earth: the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and
biosphere and their interaction between the spheres as they relate to geologic processes.
Given a visual representation of the Earths layers students will identify Lithosphere,
Asthenosphere, and the composition of the earth’s core.
Describe how the relationship of plate movement and geologic events affects features of the
Determine relative age based upon original horizontality, superposition, and cross-cutting
Determine absolute age based upon radiometric dating (isotopes, radioactive decay).
Classify geological events into Eons, Eras, Periods, Epochs, and Ages by utilizing the
geologic time scale.
Relate how cyclical patterns associated with the Milankovitch Cycles effect the earth’s
climate change.
Identify the different climate zones of the earth and how they relate to their location on the
earth’s surface.
Predict how an increase in particulate matter influences the climate both short term and long
VOCABULARY: Red shift, blue shift, Inverse square law, H-R diagram, planetary
nebula, black dwarf, white dwarf, black holes, protostar, red giant, supernova, neutron
star, pulsars, Hubble law, background radiation, relative, original horizontality,
superposition, cross-cutting relationships, absolute age, radiometric dating (isotopes,
radioactive decay), lithosphere, asthenosphere, isostasy, thermal energy (geothermal
gradient and heat flow), paleomagnetism (magnetic anomalies), paleoclimatology,
unconformities (nonconformity, angular unconformity, disconformities), Principle of
Inclusions, oxygen isotopes, ice cores, Milankovitch Cycles (eccentricity, axial
precession, obliquity cycle guide fossils, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, thermal
energy, density, Ocean features (ridges, trenches, island systems, abyssal zone, shelves,
slopes, reefs, island arcs, alluvial fans, deltas), weathering, erosion, mass wasting,