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Test standards 3ABCDEF
1 Which of the following would be considered a convergent boundary?
A two oceanic plates spreading away from each other
an oceanic lithosphere diving beneath another plate
a continental plate spreading away from another continental plate
a continental plate grinding along side another continental plate
2 Which type of plate boundary would create a rift valley?
A Transform
B convergent
D uniform
3 Which of the following would be considered a transform fault boundary?
A Himalayan Mountains
C Mount St. Helens
B East African Rift Valley
D San Andreas Fault
4 Where would most divergent plate boundaries be located?
along two continental plates
grinding along side each other
B along the crests of oceanic ridges
at plate margins where oceanic crust is being
pushed downward into the mantle
D where oceanic crust meets continental crust
5 Which of the following would take place along the crest of the mid ocean ridge?
A dormant volcanic activity
C seafloor spreading
B marine mammal migration patterns
D cold dense seawater
6 At the Mid–Atlantic Ridge, plates are moving __________.
A away from each other
C beneath each other
B towards each other
D along side each other
7 A tectonic plate boundary that occurs when two plates move together and collide into
each other is called a __________.
A convergent boundary
C divergent boundary
B transform fault boundary
D major plate
8 What type of zone occurs when one oceanic plate is forced down into the mantle
beneath a second plate?
A plummeting
B submersion
C subduction
D inferior
9 Which of the following is a reason why the ocean floor is said to be relatively new?
The rate of sea floor spreading is rapid enough to recycle the ocean floor in a 200 million
A year cycle.
The ocean floor only appeared about 180 million years ago.
The ocean floor was only discovered relatively recently.
The rate of sea floor spreading is rapid enough to recycle the ocean floor in a 4 billion year
D cycle.
10 All of the following provide evidence for the theory of plate tectonics EXCEPT
characteristics of living organisms on the seafloor.
patterns of magnetic fields on the seafloor.
the relatively young age of the seafloor.
topographical features on the seafloor.
11 What is one way that mid–ocean ridges provide evidence of sea floor spreading?
Rocks at the crest of the ridge are young; rocks found further from the crest are older.
Rocks all along the ridges are a consistent age.
Rocks at the crest of the ridge are old; rocks found further from the crest are younger.
Rocks at the crest of the ridge are much hotter than rocks found elsewhere.
12 Rocks at the earth's surface are continually broken down, compacted, and cemented
together. What is the name of the resultant type of rock?
A igneous
B metamorphic
C lava
13 Seafloor spreading is the process by which plate tectonics
produce new oceanic lithosphere.
save old oceanic lithosphere.
D sedimentary
spread at convergent plate boundaries.
spread at a subduction zone.
14 The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is __________ at a rate of about 2.5cm per year.
A converging
C spreading
B creating submarine canyons
D creating hot spots
The chain of Hawaiian islands is evidence which supports the idea that oceanic plates move
along the Earth's surface.
From the passage above, what was responsible for the creation of the Hawaiian islands?
A slab-pull
B hot spot
C seamounts
D ridge-push
16 When two continental plates converge together, what type of geographic formation
will be the result?
A rift valleys
C trenches
D island arcs
17 A tectonic plate boundary that occurs when two plates grind past each other without
the production or destruction of lithosphere is a __________.
A convergent boundary
C divergent boundary
B transform fault boundary
D major plate
18 With the sediment from ocean drilling, scientists found that the youngest oceanic crust
is located at __________.
A Ridge crest
C bottom of oceanic trenches
B continental margins
D subduction zones
19 What are the primary factors that determine whether a volcano will have a violent or
quiet eruption?
B temperature
C pressure and temperature of gases within the volcano
D All of the above
20 The Aleutian islands off the shore of Alaska are an arc-shaped chain of small volcanic
islands called a volcanic island arc. Which type of convergent boundary process formed
these islands?
A oceanic-continental
C continental-continental
B oceanic-oceanic
D seafloor spreading
21 A rock is observed to have fossil impressions of plants preserved in it. This rock is
most likely a(n) __________ rock.
A extrusive igneous
B intrusive igneous
D sedimentary
22 Granite is an igneous rock with large crystals. It most likely forms by
the cooling of magma
A the cementing of sediments underground.
B the compression of rock in mountain building.
D the cooling of lava above ground.
23 Metamorphic rock is made by which one of the following dynamic processes?
compaction and cementing of sediments
subjection of rocks to heat and pressure
cooling of magma
exposure of rocks to wind and rain
24 A tectonic plate boundary that occurs when two plates move apart is called a
A convergent boundary
C divergent boundary
B transform fault boundary
D major plate
25 Which type of rock might easily be broken down into smaller sediments?
B Obsidian
C pumice
D granite
26 Which type of rock occurs when magma cools and hardens beneath the surface?
A metamorphic
B sedimentary
C igneous
D limestone
27 Yellowstone National Park contains the Yellowstone Caldera, a large volcano. This
volcano is located in the middle of a continental plate, and not at a plate boundary,
because of this it was MOST likely formed by
hotspot activity.
asteroid impact.
transform faulting.
28 Which of the following are the three major types of rocks?
igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary
sedimentary, metamorphic, granite
igneous, metamorphic, pumice
metamorphic, intrusive, extrusive
29 A piece of rock is found to be less dense than water. Analysis of the rock shows that
it has small holes throughout it, likely the result of the rapid escape of gases from the
source of the rock. What type of rock is this most likely to be?
A sedimentary
B igneous
C metamorphic
D crystalline
30 The __________ of an earthquake is a quantitative measurement of the amount of
energy released at the source of the earthquake.
A intensity
B magnitude
C Richter scale
D epicenter
31 When reading a seismogram, which are the first waves to arrive?
A S waves
B surface waves
C P waves
D foreshocks
32 A rock is observed to be very dense with alternating, parallel bands of light and dark
crystals. This rock is most likely a __________ rock.
A extrusive igneous
B intrusive igneous
C Sedimentary
33 The place within Earth's crust where the earthquake originated is called the
B fault
C fracture
D epicenter
34 The epicenter of an earthquake is located __________.
A at the same depth of the focus
C beneath the earth's crust
B directly above the focus
D directly under the focus
35 What sort of terrain is most likely to be the result of a voluminous lava flow?
A flat plains
B steep slopes
C gentle slopes
D new mountains
36 The two main differences between a composite volcano and a shield volcano are
A eruption frequency and height
C lava type and height
B lava type and shape
D eruption frequency and shape
37 During an explosive eruption, which provides the force to push molten rock out of the
volcano's vent?
A pools of water
C a build-up of ash
B dissolved gases
D a low silica content high
38 The best explanation for the formation of the Hawaiian Islands is that they are the
result of a __________.
A hot spot in the Earth's mantle
C transform boundary
B divergent boundary
D convergent boundary
39 What sort of terrain is a violent eruption of lava likely to create?
A gentle sloping hills
B sudden, steep hills
C flat plains
40 The location of volcanoes is related to __________.
A geography of the land
C plate boundaries
B earthquake activity
D cracks in the Earth's crust
41 The volcanoes encircling the Pacific basin are known as __________.
A the ring of fire
C the volcano loop
B the disk of fire
D The circle of volcanoes
42 Igneous rocks usually __________.
can be scratched with a penny
normally contain fossils
contain primarily evaporates
are composed of silicate materials
43 The __________ of an earthquake is a qualitative measurement of the amount of
DAMAGE caused by the earthquake.
A Richter scale
B magnitude
C intensity
44 How many types of seismic waves does a seismogram illustrate?
A 1
B 3
C 4
45 What is happening when an earthquake occurs on a convergent plate boundary?
two plates are dividing apart
two plates are grinding past each other in a side-by-side motion
two plates move together to form a mid-ocean ridge
D epicenter
two plates are colliding together