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World History: Week 7 3/14 – 3/18
3/14 – Review Hellenistic Age
3/15 – Test on Ancient Greece
3/16 –Ancient Rome: The Foundations of Rome
 Warm-up: Quiz (HW: 160 -169) Standard p. 169 (1-4) and Honors Notes & p. 169 #4 - #5
 Discussion: Presentation Feedback Sheets and Rubric
 EQ: Section 1: How did Rome grow from a small town to the center of an empire spanning the entire Mediterranean
 Readings: 160 -169
 Standard Discussion: Use graphic organizers to review the origins, government and expansion of early Rome
 Honors Discussion: (1) What was the Struggle of the Orders? How did plebeians get what they wanted? How was
Roman society different after the struggle ended? (2) How was Rome able to conquer and control Italy? In their
relations with Greece and Asia Minor in the second century B.C.E., were the Romans looking for security? Wealth?
Power? Fame? (3) Why did the Romans and the Carthaginians clash in the First and Second Punic Wars? Could the
wars have been avoided? How did Rome benefit from its victory over Carthage? What problems did this victory
 Summarize and review Essential Questions
3/17 – From Republic to Empire
 Warm-Up: Quiz on Homework
 Discussion: The Fall of The Republic and the rise of imperial Rome
 EQ: What led to the end of the Roman republic and the creation of a new form of government? What social and
cultural factors influenced life in Rome, and what was the cultural legacy of ancient Rome?
 Readings: 171-176 and 177-182
 Mini-Lecture: Roman Society and Culture
 Summarize and review Essential Questions
3/18 – The Rise of Christianity
 Warm –Up: What led to the end of the Roman republic and the creation of a new form of government? What social
and cultural factors influenced life in Rome, and what was the cultural legacy of ancient Rome?
 EQ: How did Christianity arise and spread throughout the Roman world?
 Readings: 183 -187
 Discussion: Why did the Roman authorities persecute Christians? What were the more important reasons for
Christianity’s success?
 Summarize and review Essential Questions
The Fall of Rome
 Warm-Up: How did Christianity arise and spread throughout the Roman world?
 EQ: What led to the weakening and eventual collapse of the Roman Empire in the west?
 Readings: 188 -191
 Mini-Lecture: The Five Good Emperors
 Discussion: (1) What political, social, and economic problems beset Rome in the third and fourth centuries C.E.?
How did Diocletian and Constantine deal with them? Were they effective in stemming the tide of decline and
disintegration in the Roman Empire? What problems were they unable to solve? (2)What theories have scholars
advanced to explain the decline and fall of the Roman Empire? What are the difficulties involved in explaining the
fall? What explanation would you give?
 Summarize and review Essential Questions