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Topic – Animal Tissues – Connective Tissue
To make the students familiar with the term connective tissue and its relevance in relation to its function.
To make students realize different types of connective tissues .
To make students get practical exposure to different kinds of human tissues that are present in human body.
To give the basis of classification of connective tissues and to give an example of each type of connective tissue.
To enhance their observational and diagrammatic skills of a few kinds of connective tissues by observing their specimens or permanent mounts.
Introduction/Pre content –
Pupils are aware about the covering body tissue – epithelial tissue. Students are enquired about the other categories of tissues that would be required to do perform other
functions in the human body.
What would be the main function related to the
term ‘connective tissue’ – why is it termed so?
What different functions could be related to it?
Based on the functions, can you list some examples of the connective
tissues present in the human body?
Flowchart to be presented with the different kinds of connective tissuesblood, bone, cartilage,
Adipose, aeeolar, tendon, ligaments
Blood as a connective tissue – What are the components present?
Connecting different parts of the body.
Supporting different structures/organs
Bone, Blood, Cartilage.....
Response expected - muscles
Students might be aware of some of these tissues
And may further add on to their functioning.
RBCs, WBCS, Platlets, plasma
Students are asked about the functions of each of
the blood components.
RBCs – for carrying oxygen/for respiration
WBCs- for fighting against infections
Platlets – for blood clotting
Plasma – fluid for transport/ fluid for cell medium.
Let us now list very briefly the functions of the blood.
Transports gases/waste materials/digested food/
What structure/tissue supports your body?
Why is it that an octopus look like a fat slob while human body is hard and
has a definite shape.
Students are asked to cite more such examples where the body has fixed
shape .
So, what is the difference between bone and blood – structure and function
Yet we are not a bag of bones ties together, there is a definite frame work!
How are the muscles attached?
These attachment tissues are -Tendons
How are bones connected to bones?
In a building, to hold the scaffolds same way ligaments bind the two bones.
They are asked about the ligament tear. Do we also come across tendon
Ligaments are very elastic and thats why tear off easily.
Tendons are fibrous and have limited flexibility.
Students are asked why is it that external ear is partially foldable, tip of the
nose can be pressed easily, why shapes of nose are different where as all
have the same type of nasal bone.
Students are asked to practically fold their ears, press the tip of their nose
and bend their bones in their arms.
How are the two different ?
One has widely spaced cells – cartilage while the other has hard matrix –
i.e. bone .
Why is bone such a hard structure? Can you recall which is the other
Human body has bones while octopus doesn’t have any such structure
Other e.g – birds, frog, jelly fish, tiger
Blood is fluid while bone is rigid
Blood is meant for transport while bone is for support.
Muscles are attached to the bones.
With the help of another set of structures/ tissues.
By Ligaments
Ligaments hold the two bones in place at the joint area.
Movement of joints is happening because of these structures.
It has got a softer bone that can bend easily.
Ears can get folded easily, nose tip can get pressed easily but arm bones can’t be bentonly it can happen at the joints.
Soft and hard structures
Teeth Enamel – hard as it has calcium deposits
hardest structure in our body? Why is it so hard?
So, again we talk about the four types of connective tissues being discussed
and list out similarities and differences between them in a tabular form.
Bones also have calcium deposits that make them hard enough.
Just For Fun – Design an octopus with a skeletal system.
Decide how many bones can it have, where all it can have cartilage, what
should be the colour of its blood
Make it at your creative best!
Each student is asked to name one connective tissue and list its function in a web chart form.
MCQ worksheet and group activity – suggested : Cross word.
Permanent slides
Human Skeleton
Blackboard work
Snapshots /PPT/ Downloaded material
Hands on activity
Skills Developed –
 Observation
 Thinking & Reasoning
 Inferential
 Creative
 Microscope handling
 Diagrammatic
 Awareness about self body structure
 Application
 Relating to day to day happenings involving the connective tissue.
Topic – Life Processes(Circulatory System)
To make the pupils aware about the physiological systems functioning in the human body and to generate awareness about the transportation system
To elaborate on the parts of the transport system and list its functions.
To schematically represent and understand the concept of double circulation.
Making students proficient with diagrammatic skills.
Introduction/Pre content –
Pupils have the concept of nutrition – digestion- utilization of food to produce energy.
Pupils are required about where the digested food is taken from the small
How is food utilised in each cell?
To different parts of the body.
Some respond by saying to each cell.
Respiration in the cell, production of energy as ATP.
What is the vehicle that carries it to all the body parts?
Can you think of other functions of the blood?
Concept re enforced – Blood is the vehicle to transport materials in the
What is the nature of the blood?
Do you recall what type of tissue it is ? Any special feature.
Can you name two organisms that don’t have red coloured pigments?
Components of blood – explain
Via Blood
Food,Oxygen,hormones , blood clotting, fighting infections
Fluid Tissue
Interactive responses to be takenFlowing throughout the body.
Cockroach & Sponges
RBC, WBC, Plasma, Platlets
What is the system of water circulation in your house?
Where is it stored ?
How is the water stored and supplied in your house?
Where is it stored?
What ie shte motor/pumping structures inour body?
Water Tank/ Directly through Delhi Jal Board/ Overhead Tank
System of pipes via a motor /pump.Motor pumping organ in our body- heart
Where is it located ?
Name the organs around it ?
Elaborate on the presence of lungs around and the role of ribs.
So, connection between heart, flow of blood and blood vessels get
In the chest
Lungs an ribs
Ribs for protection, lungs for pushing air closer to heart , so easy exchange of gases.
Heart – Blood vessels- Cells- Capillaries- Blood vessels- Heart
Why is the blood collected from the heart supplied back to the heart?
For oxygenation, changing impure blood to pure blood
Charts showing parts of a heart and schematic diagram-
Cor-relate schematic diagram and parts of the heart
Why is their a separation between the heart chambers?
Which animal group do you think exhibits it?
To avoid mixing of pure and impure blood
Man and cockroach
Role of auricles , ventricles , chambers of the heart explained.
How many times the heart pump in a minute?
Which blood vessels are supplying blood to the heartVENA CAVA, PULMONARY VEIN, PULMONARY ARTERY, DORSAL AORTA
Once /72 times in a minute.
Schematic representation of double circulation on Blackboard showing the
direction of flow
a) Which blood vessel carries blood to the heart-left side/right side
b) Which blood vessel carries blood away from the heart
c) How many times blood is entering the heart in one cycle?
Students copy and answer the questions based on the diagram.
Once blood is entering as de-oxygenated form and then going to the lungs
as oxygenated form.
Here the term –Double circulation is introduced.
Students repeat the terms used
Once/ Twice/ Four times
Same amount/volume of blood flowing through the heart twice in the same cycle.
Further the concept of systemic and pulmonary circulation is stressed upon.
Students repeat the definations of – Double circulation, Systemic circulation, Pulmonary
 Students are asked about the four chambers of heart.
 Pupils are asked to record their pulse rate at rest and after exercise.
 Take count of their heart beat with stethoscope.
 Oral Exercises and written worksheets to further strengthen the concepts.
 Power point and questions based on the same.
Blackboard work
Snapshots /PPT/ Downloaded material
Hands on activity
Skills Developed –
 Observation
 Thinking & Reasoning
 Inferential
 Creative
 Diagrammatic
 Awareness about self body structure
 Application
 Relating to day to day happenings involving the connective tissue.
Learning Outcome –
Understanding the physiological system of the human body.
Diagrammatic Skill development
Students will be able to reply with reasoning questions based on the topic.