Download DNA DNA stands for . The primary function of DNA is to direct These

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1. DNA stands for ______________________. The primary function of DNA is to direct
These _____________ made by the instruction is DNA serve to:
a. ________________________________________________________ and
b. ________________________________________________________
2. DNA’s structure was described by (who?) __________________________ as being a
________________________________ which means its made of ___________________
that spiral around each other.
3. DNA is made of subunits (monomers) called ____________________. These are
composed of:
a. ____________________________________
b. ____________________________________
c. ____________________________________
Two main kinds:
1. ___________________ - 2 carbon rings
a. ________________________ and
b. ________________________
2. ___________________ - 1 carbon ring
a. _________________________ and
b. _________________________
4. The sides of the DNA molecule are made of alternating molecules of
_______________________ and ____________________ held together by a
_________________ bond. The “steps” are pairs of ________________ held together
by weak ____________________ bonds. This bond must be weak so that
_________________________________________________. The bases can pair
together in only one way called the _________________ base pair rule.
_________________ pairs with ___________________ and
_________________pairs with ___________________.
5. Before cells divide the DNA must ____________________ or make an exact copy of
itself. This process begins at many points called ________________ where the two
strands are separated by enzymes called _______________. After the two chains
separate, the complementary side of each half is formed when complementary bases
are inserted into each position by the action of enzymes called ___________________.
6. Any change in the order of nucleotides is called a __________________. This is kept to
a minimum by the process of _____________________. Mistakes happen even with
this “proof reading” and DNA can be damaged by substances (mutagens) such as
___________________ and __________________________.
1. RNA stands for ___________________ . The monomers of RNA are called__________ and
are composed of three molecules:
a. ____________________ _____b. _____________________ c.______________________
2. The 2 purines in RNA are ________________________ and __________________________
The 2 pyrimidines in RNA are ____________________and _________________________
3. There are 3 kinds of RNA:
Type of
4. Give the four differences between DNA and RNA.__________________________________
Protein Synthesis
5. Messenger RNA is made in the ______________ (cell region) under the direction of
_____________. This process of making RNA is called ___________________________.
6. A segment of DNA has the base sequence: adenine, guanine, thymine, adenine, cytosine,
adenine, adenine, cytosine, guanine.
a. How many nucleotides are represented?
b. How many triplets are represented?
c. What will be the base sequence of mRNA transcribed?
d. Where does transcription occur?
e. Name the points on DNA where transcription begins.
f. Name the enzyme that controls the formation of RNA.
g. Name the point at which transcription stops.
7. Three bases together in mRNA are called a ____________________ and each codes for a
specific ___________________ during the formation of proteins. The process of forming
proteins from the mRNA code is called _________________________. The organelle
where this occurs and guides the process is the _____________________.
8. The building units of proteins, ___________________, are carried to the correct position in the
template by molecules of ___________________ - these “know” where to go because they have
units of 3 bases called ____________________ - these are the complement of the bases on mRNA.
9. The amino acids form _____________ bonds between them and form a polypeptide. As
more amino acids are added to the polypeptide a _____________________ is formed.
Sample Test Problems:
Use the following mRNA strand to answer the questions below AUGCAUUGGAGUGCUUAA
1. Give the amino acid sequence
2. Give the DNA sequence
3. Give the tRNA anticodons
Tell whether each DNA sequence below could have coded for the following polypeptide
chain – leucine,tyrosine,isolecine,valine,histidine .
Know the difference between a point and frameshift mutation and know the causes of
Know the three types of DNA technology we discussed and the uses of each.
Know the work of the following people: Griffith, Avery, Hershey and Chase, Watson and
Crick, Franklin
Cell Organelle responsible for making proteins.
Monomers (small units) that make up proteins.
A long chain of amino acids.
Molecule that controls all traits – provides instructions for making proteins.
Molecule that serves as the pattern for making proteins – out in the cytoplasm.
Molecule that carries amino acids to the pattern.
Molecule that is part of the ribosome – controls enzyme activity involved in making
8. Enzymes that unzip DNA.
9. Enzymes that bond bases to make more DNA.
10.Enzymes that bond bases to make more RNA.
11.Group of 3 bases in DNA.
12.Group of 3 bases in mRNA.
13.Group of 3 bases in tRNA.
14.Any change in the genetic code – involves a change in nucleotides.
15.Region of DNA were RNA begins to form.
16.Region on DNA that marks the end of RNA formation.
17.Unit of nucleic acid made of a sugar, a phosphate, a base.
18.Term that refers to bases that pair together.
19.Group of nucleotides with a double ring structure.
20.Group of nucleotides with a single ring structure.
21.Shape of DNA molecule.
22.Process of DNA making a copy of itself.
23.Process of DNA coding the formation of RNA.
24.Process of the code in RNA being changed to a chain of amino acids (protein).
25.Points on the DNA molecule where it begins to duplicate.