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Name _________________________
Period _________________________
NUTRIENTS: You Just Can't Live Without Them
I. Introduction
A. Nutrients
1. Definition: _____________ that your body needs to keep going
2. Uses: fuel, _________________, repair, fights diseases
3. Types: carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water
II. Carbohydrates
A. Sugar
1. _________________ – simple sugar
a. Simplest carb
b. 1st choice for fuel
c. Extra Glucose
1 ) Turns into other substances
a ) _______________ – saved in muscles and liver
b ) __________ – Fuel for the future
B. Starch – complex carbs
1. Ex: Pasta, Bread, Rice
2. Body breaks them down into _____________ ____________ for fast fuel
C. ______________
1. Body can't chemically digest it.
2. Provides bulk that helps move food through _________________
III. Proteins
A. Uses
1. Builds tissue
2. _________________ _______________
3. Makes substances such as hemoglobin
B. Breakdown – Protein breaks down into simpler substances
1. ________________ ____________
a. 20 different amino acids
1 ) Diff. combinations create millions of diff. ______________
b. Your body can build some amino acids
C. Essential Amino Acids – The nine you can only get from food
1. _________________ Proteins – Food that has all nine EAA
a. Animals - Eggs, milk, meat
2. ________________ proteins – Foods that have some (not all) of the EAA
a. Plants – vegetables, fruit, wheat
3. Combine incomplete proteins to make comp proteins (rice & beans)
IV. Fats
A. Health Problems
1. _______________
2. Heart problems
B. Uses
1. protective _______________ around organs
2. insulates your body
3. fuel for future
C. Types
1. Saturated
a. Comes from animals
b. turns into ____________________ - collects inside blood vessels
c. Ex: meat, cheese, butter
2. ____________________
a. Most come from plants - veg. & nuts
b. body can't build some unsaturated fats so you need to eat them
V. Vitamins
A. Definition
1. Chemicals made by ________________ _________________
2. Come from fruits and vegitables
3. Body can't make them
B. Uses
1. Build blood cells that control nervious system
2. Essential role in body's __________________ _________________
C. Facts
1. 13 vitamins
2. First vitamin discovered is _____________
3. Only need a tiny amount
VI. Minerals
A. Where they come from
1. Occur naturally in _________________ but not made by living organisms
2. Come from the earth
a. absorbed by ________________ ______________
3. Get them from fruits and vegitables
B. Uses
1. Build teeth, _______________, blood cells
2. Regualtes _________________ signals that control how your body works
C Types
1. Trace minerals - need a little ( copper, iodine, iron, zinc)
2. Macro minerals - need more of them than micro (calcium, potasium, iron)
VII. Water
A. Uses
1. No nutrients but transports nutrients and waste
2. Controls body temperature
3. Important in body's chemical reations
B. Facts
1. Cells are packed with water
2. Brain and muscles are ________ water, bone is _______ %water
3. Body looses ________________ of water a day