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Respiratory System – Quiz, Quiz, Trade Cards
1. What is the function of the respiratory system?
~ To obtain O2 and eliminate CO2
2. Why do the body’s cells need oxygen?
~ To carry out cellular respiration so they can make ATP!
3. What process produces the CO2 that the body must eliminate?
~ Cellular respiration
4. What are three functions of the nasal cavity?
~ Filters, moistens, and warms inhaled air
5. Locate the epiglottis on the diagram and provide its function.
~ Prevents food from entering the trachea
6. Locate where the vocal cords are located on the diagram. What is the name of this structure?
7. What is the name of the common passageway where the nasal and oral cavities meet? Locate it on the
~ Pharynx
8. What is the name of the windpipe? Why is it covered in cartilaginous rings?
~ Trachea. So that the airway remains open
9. What are the two branches of the trachea called that lead into the lungs?
~ Bronchi
10. How thick are capillary and aveoli walls? Why is this important?
~ 1 cell thick. Diffusion of gasses across their membranes
11. Why is hemoglobin important?
~ Hemoglobin is the protein on the surface of RBC that O2 bind to
12. Between what two structures does gas exchange take place in the lungs?
~ Aveoli and capillary
13. What is the purpose of having 300,000,000 air sacs in the lungs?
~ Increases the surface area for gas exchange
14. What muscles control breathing?
~ Diaphragm and intercostals
15. Describe what happens to the diaphragm and intercostals during inhalation.
~ Diaphragm contacts pulling lungs down
~ Intercostals contract moving rib cage up and out
16. Describe what happens to the diaphragm and intercostals during exhalation.
~ Diaphragm relaxes pushing lungs upward
~ Intercostals relax making rib cage smaller
17. Describe the atmospheric and internal lung pressure differences leading to inhalation.
~ Pressure inside lungs is lower than atmospheric pressure; air is forced into lungs
18. Describe the atmospheric and internal lung pressure differences leading to exhalation.
~ Pressure inside lungs is greater than atmospheric pressure; air is forced out of lungs
19. List all of the structures a molecule of O2 would pass, starting in the nose and ending in the lungs.
~ nasal cavity  pharynx  larynx  epiglottis  trachea  bronchi  bronchioles  aveoli
20. List all of the structures a molecule of CO2 would pass, starting in the lungs and leaving out the nose.
~ aveoli  bronchioles  bronchi  trachea  epiglottis  pharynx  nasal cavity
21. Describe the concentration and movement of O2 and CO2 in the aveolus and capillary that surrounds
~ CO2 is high in the capillary, so it diffuses into the alveolus where there is a lower concentration
~ O2 is high in the alveolus, so it diffuses into the capillary where there is a lower concentration
22. Why is carbon monoxide gas dangerous?
~Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin more readily than O2 and CO2. If levels of CO are high, then
the RBC will be transporting CO instead of O2 to the body cells.
23. What happens to the pH of the blood as CO2 levels increase?
~ pH of blood decreases (becomes more acidic) due to release of H+ ions
24. What are some effects of cigarette smoke on the Respiratory system?
~ Cilia become paralyzed, Emphysema, lung cancer