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Understanding the Vocabulary
With, together
Define sym: _____________________
Define bio: _____________________
Define symbiosis:
Symbiosis means life together.
The different forms of symbiosis describe
the relationships between organisms that
live together.
4 major types of symbiosis
There are ___
that you need to be familiar with:
Mutualism ________________________________________________________
Both organisms benefit each other.
1. ___________________:
One organism helps itself while hurting another.
Parasitism ________________________________________________________
2. ___________________:
One organism helps itself without affecting the other.
Commensalism ________________________________________________________
3. ___________________:
One organism kills and eats another organism.
Predation ________________________________________________________
4. ___________________:
Images by Patrick Haney
Examples of Mutualism
Rhizobia are the type of __________
bacteria that live in the
nitrogen In return for
roots of legumes and fix ___________.
carbohydrates from
the nitrogen, the rhizobia get ______________
the plants. Both the bacteria and the plants receive a
benefit from this relationship.
Soybean Plants
Soybean root nodules, containing billions of
Rhizobium bacteria
Examples of Mutualism
Another type of mutualism exists between flowers
and their ____________.
Birds and bees gain pollen
and nectar for themselves in return for helping the
plants ____________.
The pollinator gains
nutrition while the plant is able to share its
genetic material.
Photo by Mila Zinkova
Examples of Mutualism
intestines of humans and
Bacteria live in the ____________
other animals and help them ________
digest food. In
return, the bacteria are provided with ___________.
This is good for both the bacteria and the animal.
Examples of Parasitism
hurting another
Parasites help themselves by _________
species. The organism that is hurt by the parasite is
known as its ______.
Image Source
Examples of Parasitism
animals and feed on the
Fleas and ticks live on _________
nutrient rich _______
blood of the animals. This _______
the animals that are being fed on and opens them up
to a more serious infection.
Image by Patrick Haney
Photo by Outesticide
Examples of Parasitism
leaves of plants.
Many types of insects feed on the _______
This keeps the plant from performing ______________
and producing the glucose that it needs to grow.
Leaf cutter ants
dine together
The word commensalism means to _______________.
It was named this
because it originally described the relationship between animals that ate the
“leftovers” of another animal’s hunt. Vultures may eat the remains of animal
killed by a lion. Since the lion is done with its meal, the vulture is
not hurting and _____________
not helping the lion by eating the meat. The word
has since become to mean any relationship between two species where one is
helped and the other is ______________.
not affected
Photo by Magnus Kjaergaard
Examples of Commensalism
Some organisms rely on larger animals for ______________.
They ride on the backs of the larger animals without affecting
Mites ride on the back of
the animals in any significant way. _______
larger insects without hurting the insects or helping them.
Photo by Saleem Hameed
Examples of Commensalism
Some organisms use
another organism as
housing Orchids
trees so
grow on ______
that they can gain
water and
the _______
nutrients that they
need. They do not
help or hurt the trees
on which they live.
Photo by Dirk van der Made
Examples of Commensalism
Some species use the
creation of another species
that is already _______.
Hermit crabs use the shells of
gastropods to protect
dead __________
themselves. Since the
gastropod is already dead, it
is not helping it or harming it
to have its shell used by the
hermit crab.
Photo by Patrick Haney
Examples of Predation
predator and
Predation describes the relationship between a __________
its _______.
It is important to distinguish predation from
parasitism. Parasites may make their host sick, but they do not
kill and _____
eat their host. That is what predators do. We
just _____
will spend quite a bit of time discussing predators and their prey
in the second semester.
Photo by Rakesh Kumar Dogra
Photo by Luca Galuzzi
Examples of Predation
We show the predatory relationship in food chains and
prey to the
food webs by drawing an arrow from the ______
predator This shows the flow of ________.
energy Energy
that was in the ______
food is given to the ________
predator as it
Photo by Luca Galuzzi
Draw an arrow from the prey to the
predator in each of the relationships
shown on your notes.
Decide whether the following relationships represent
mutualism (M), commenalism (C), parasitism (P) or
predation (X).
Predation (X)
Mantis eating a bee
Decide whether the following relationships represent
mutualism (M), commenalism (C), parasitism (P) or
predation (X).
Mutualism (M)
Photo by Nick Hobgood
Clownfish find shelter in an anemone
while chasing away its predators
Decide whether the following relationships represent
mutualism (M), commenalism (C), parasitism (P) or
predation (X).
Parasitism (P)
Tapeworms live in the intestines of
animals stealing valuable nutrients
Decide whether the following relationships represent
mutualism (M), commenalism (C), parasitism (P) or
predation (X).
Commensalism (C)
Photo by Joaquim Alves Gaspar
Mites travel on the back of a fly.
Decide whether the relationships on
our notes represent mutualism (M),
commenalism (C), parasitism (P) or
predation (X).
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