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Jennifer Eddy- Tec 912 August 9, 2008
Magnets- Student Information Sites
Magnetism - Succeed in Physical Science: School...
Magnetism, Poles, Force, Repulsion, and Electric Fields
Dowling Magnets - Magnet Manufacturing
“The Attraction is Obvious”- Magnet Facts, Frequently Asked Questions, Other Magnetic Facts
How Magnets Work-Magnetic Domains
Magnetic Domains- Magnetized and Un-magnetized, Attracting and Aligning Domains, MiniLesson Review
A Review of Magnets and Magnetism-Basics
What is Magnetism?, History, Ferromagnetism, Diamagnetism, Para-magnetism, What are
Magnets Used For?, Additional Links
History of Magnets
NASA's KSNN™ - Why do magnets work?
Why Do Magnets Work?, Activity Links and Video Links
Frequently Asked Questions-Magnets
List of questions and answers to “Frequently Asked Questions”
HowStuffWorks "How Electromagnets Work" electro...
How Electromagnets Work?, Regular Magnets, “Quiz Corner” for an Electric Motor
Power Point for Magnets
Click on top entry that comes up and then a Power Point window will open to view this Magnet
Power Point Slide Show
Static Electricity
Static Electricity-Learn About Static Charge and Static Shock
Magnets Overview Sheet
Magnets - Investigate and understand that natural and artificial magnets have certain
characteristics and attract specific types of metals (2nd Grade) additional links
Magnetism —
Magnetism Defined, Magnetic Poles, Forces, and Fields, Magnetic Materials, The Basis of
Magnetism, Evolution of Electromagnetic Theory, Bibliography, additional links and activities
Key Ideas About Magnets-Summary Sheet
Operation Primary Physical Science, created by the National Science Foundation
HowStuffWorks "How Magnets Work"
How Magnets Work, excellent clear photos of experiments with lead filings and a variety of
Vocabulary for Magnetism
This site lists a variety of commonly used vocabulary words with the study of magnets
Magnetism - MSN Encarta
Magnetism, Introduction History of Theory, Electromagnetic Theory
NOVA | Magnetic Storm | Impact on Animals | PBS...
“Would a dramatic change in the Earth's magnetic field affect creatures that rely on it during
Electricity- Making a Lemon Battery
Here's how to make electricity from a lemon! This experiment is safe, but electricity can be
dangerous. Never play with electricity!
Permanent Magnets
Permanent Magnets and the Earth
What is a Magnet? Detailed and very supportive
What is a Magnet?, Magnetic Poles, Care of Magnets, Magnets At Work, Electromagnets,|
Building With Magnets, Types Of Magnets, Magnet Game Page, Resources
Magnetism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Advanced article detailing history and theories
Floating Paperclips Experiment
Experiments with Magnetic Levitation, Floating Paper Clips
NASA Explores: Just For Fun
Type in magnets in the search box and it will lead to a multitude of informational articles
Permanent Magnet Types for Sale: Neodymium …
This is a site that sells magnets but it shows and describes the different shapes, sizes and types of
permanent magnets
Magnet University
This is a site that sell magnets with a wealth of information; Magnets FAQ,
Pull Force Calculators, Electricity, Magnetism, Types of Magnets,
History of MagnetismMagnetic Levitation, Linear Acceleration, Using Magnets To Treat Pain,
Maxwell's Equations,Magnetic Personalities, Magnetic Orientation, Magnetic Sculpture,
Bismuth, Ferrofluid, MSDS, Glossary, Links
Floating Magnets
Visuals that show an explain experiments with circle/ ring magnets interacting with other
What is Magnetism?
Basic overview of what magnetism is and kid friendly pictures to explain the topic
Electricity and Magnetism
Electricity and Magnetism site that lists a variety of experiments for children to create
Planetary Magnetism
This site offers a multitude of options for children, teachers, and parents to learn about the solar
system and the connection with magnetism
Lead Filings-Pictures and Activities
Students experiment with magnetism creating magnetic force fields that can push or pull their
iron filings
Magnet Man - Cool Experiments with Magnets
This web site is devoted to magnetism and the cool experiments you can do with permanent
magnets and electro-magnets
Grade 2 Science Resources- Magnet Sites
Scroll down to the second topic heading and you will find the topic of headings and a variety of
site resources that children can click and connect to for information
Fun Facts About Magnets (10)
This site list the top ten facts about magnets and show a picture of a
loadstone with a nail and lead filings
Magnetism – “Factbites”
This site takes you to a listing of possible links that teach about magnets with short summaries of
the articles
Magnets- Interactive Sites
QUIA - 3rd Grade SOL 2.2 Magnets Millionaire Game
QUIA Interactive Magnetic Millionaire Game, (geared to 3rd grade)
QUIA - Magnets concentration vocabulary quiz
Magnets-Vocabulary Concentration Game (geared for 2nd grade)
Magnets and Springs
Interactive site that has children build and create “Magnets and Springs”
Kids' "Magnetic Poetry Page- FUN
This page is a fun interactive way to work with magnetic words to create poetry on any topic
such as magnets
Electricity and Magnetism Scavenger Hunt
Electricity and Magnetism, Use the underlined sites to find the answers to the questions and this
is a time consuming activity if students actively click and research the sites that are
This is an interactive site that has children play a spinner game to work with and build an
Einsteinonline- Interactive Quiz
This is an interactive site that has children listen to a read question and then click on the answer
for each question, it is bright and colorful
Magnets Quiz- Interactive Quiz (Geared for early, foundational understanding)
Energy Quest RoomStudents, move the mouse over the objects in the room to find the places you can go.Parents and
teachers, click the apple on the desk.
PowerPoint Presentation - Magnet Quiz-InteractiveGeared for 3rd and 4th graders
Magnet Teacher Resource
NASA Explores K-4 Lesson: Attract or Repel?-Teacher Lesson Plan- To demonstrate how
magnets repel and to predict their attraction, Level K-4
Electricity and Magnets Teaching Theme- LessonA variety of teacher resources from lessons to bulletin board ideas
Magnets and Electromagnets- Teacher Lesson Plan-Magnets and Electromagnets: Scientists use
electromagnets to steer Jefferson Lab's electron beam around the accelerator. In this experiment,
students learn what affects the strength of an electromagnet
Levitating Magnet - Picture - MSN Encarta -Pictorial Example of a “Levitating Rock”
Magnetism-Background Informational File- The Magnetosphere, Magnetic Field Lines,
Electromagnetic Waves The Things That Work Unit...- Background Informational File- Pdf file
for a magnet video that can be found in the library or on United Streaming Background Informational File- Pdf file for a magnet video
that can be found in the library or on United Streaming
What is a Magnet Manual Support-Background Informational File
Magnet- Background Informational File on “Magnets” (geared for upper elementary
school/middle school)
Compass - MSN Encarta- Background Informational File on the compass (geared for upper
elementary school)
Magnetism – pictures and illustrations -Background Informational File Magnetism- Pictures and
Illustrations for Alexander graham Bell’s Telephone- Levitating Magnets, Magnetic Compass,
and Mass Spectrometer
Exploring Magnetism-Web Directory – Background Information File
Magnetic Levitation Train - Picture - MSN Encarta- Background Informational File-Magnetic
Levitation train such as the one used at Disney that students can connect to for the lesson
Electromagnet - MSN Encarta- Background Informational File
Magnetic Compass - Picture - MSN Encarta- Background Informational File- Magnetic Compass
and photo
Albert's Experiment- Induced Magnetism- Performing Classroom Experiment- One of Gilbert's
Experiments: Induced Magnetism
Interactive & Videos- Interactive Teacher Resource
Magnet Links to Use in an Elementary Classroom- Collection of 11 additional links for students
NASA Explores - Teacher resources- Teacher Lesson Plans: Type magnets into the search
engine for multiple lessons and activities
Static Tubes- Teacher Lesson Plan on “Static Tubes”
Magnet WebQuests
Magnets WebQuestGeared to 1st grade
WebQuest- Magnetism and ElectricityGeared to 1st grade
Magnet WebQuestBasic WebQuest which uses Kidspiration or Inspiration software, Geared to foundational
learning, geared to 1st and 2nd grade
Magnets WebQuestGeared to 2nd Grade
Wonderful World of MagnetsGeared for 2nd grade
Wonderful World of Magnets WebQuestGeared to 2nd and 3rd Grade
Magnets WebQuestGeared to 3rd Grade
Geared to 3rd grade
Push and Pull A Magnetic WebQuestGeared to 3rd grade
Magnet WebQuest-Magic or MagnetsGeared to 3rd grade, includes lesson plan
Magnets, What's the Attraction?-WebQuest –
Geared to 3rd -5th grade, includes lesson plan
Welcome to the WebQuest About MagnetismGeared to 3rd -5th grade
Electricity and Magnetism WebQuestGeared to 4th grade
Professor's Magneto Missing MagnetGeared to 4th and 5th grade
Make the Connection-WebQuest Electricity/MagnetsGeared for 4th and 5th graders
Super Teacher Repels Evil Villain Magnet ManGeared to 5th grade, includes lesson plan
Mystery of Magnets WebQuest Geared to 5th grade
Electricity/MagnetismGeared to upper elementary and middle school students, listing of various informational sites and
multitude of WebQuests
Glencoe Science: WebQuest Building a LocomotiveGeared to upper elementary and middle school children
Electricity and Magnetism WebQuestGeared to 5th and 6th grade
Magnets- Assessment Tools
Rubistar Magnet WebQuest RubricCollaborative Work Skills: Magnet WebQuest
Magnet Portfolio “Set-Up”Outstanding sequencing piece for k-5, portfolio piece for each grade level to be place in a
WebQuest Links- How to Design WebQuest and WebQuestsTeacher resource