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Rome Scavenger Hunt
Use pages 208-256 to look for the answers to these questions.
1. The name of the twins who “founded” Rome that were raised by a wolf
2. The name of the hill where Rome was built__________________________.
3. The name of the river along which Rome was built ___________________.
4. The ______________________ were Italy’s first highly civilized people.
5. They mined for________________________________.
6. A weapon that the Etruscans had that no one else did _________________.
7. The way people are classed refers to _______________________.
8. These people were in the upper class________________________. These were in
the middle class_____________________________, and __________________
made up the lower class.
9. The gods were modeled after the ________________ gods.
10. People who can predict events are called ______________________. They can
read _____________________, which are signs.
11. The _____________________ were tombs beneath the ground.
12. __________________________ was the first Etruscan ruler of Rome.
13. What served as models for gladiatorial
14. 3 things the Etruscans did to advance
15. At the head of the Roman Republic were _______________________. In a
republic, people ___________________________________.
16. The Senate was made up of
17. What were Tribunes?
18. Who was the Carthaginian leader who attacked the Roman Army?
19. The wars with Carthage were called ______________________________.
20. Who was the first reformer of Rome? ______________________________.
21. Who was Rome’s first dictator? ___________________________________.
22. In 60 B. C., power in Rome passed to ______________________________.
23. Who was in the Triumvirate after Julius Caesar died?
24. Who was Rome’s first emperor? ___________________________________.
25. What was the Pax Romana? ________________________________________.
26. 3 reasons why Rome