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1. Which of the following best describes the logic of hypothesis-based science?
a. If I generate a testable hypothesis, tests and observations will support it.
b. If my prediction is correct, it will lead to a testable hypothesis.
c. If my observations are accurate, they will support my hypothesis.
d. If my hypothesis is correct, I can expect certain test results.
e. If my experiments are set up right, they will lead to a testable hypothesis.
2. Which of the following statements best distinguishes hypotheses from theories in science?
a. Theories are hypotheses that have been proved.
b. Hypotheses are guesses; theories are correct answers.
c. Hypotheses usually are relatively narrow in scope; theories have broad explanatory
d. Hypotheses must be supported by lots of evidence.
e. Theories are proved true in all cases; hypotheses are usually falsified by tests.
3. How do taxonomy and phylogenetic trees differ in purpose?
4. What are the two main types of cells?
a. bacteria and archaea
b. plant and animal
c. bacteria and protists
d. prokaryotes and eukaryotes
e. bacteria and eukaryotes
5. Prokaryotic cells are found in the domain(s) _____.
a. Bacteria and Archaea
b. Bacteria and Eukarya
c. Bacteria and Protista
d. Bacteria
e. Protista and Archaea
6. A theory is _____.
a. a poorly supported idea that has little backing but might be correct
b. a well-supported concept that has broad explanatory power
c. the same thing as a hypothesis
d. not correct unless it is several years old
e. a concept that, once established in the scientific literature, can be modified but never
rejected, even when new scientific methods produce data that don't fit
7. Biology is organized in a ________________, increasing in complexity each time you go
(up/down). As complexity of the organization increases, more characteristics are known,
which are called ________________________________. With this organization, we can use
_____________________________, in that we can look at simpler, smaller pieces of the
whole instead of studying the hugely complex field of biology at once.
8. How do endotoxins and exotoxins differ?
9. A node on a phylogenetic tree represents
a. convergence
b. divergence
c. regression
d. artificial selection
e. extinction
10. Where is a bacterial cell’s DNA found?
a. Mitochondria
b. Nucleus
c. Peroxisome
d. Nucleoid region
e. Capsule
11. Gram-___________ bacteria have many lipopolysaccharides on their cell wall, meaning
they are ___________ resistant to antibiotics which prevent peptidoglycan cross-linking.
a. Negative…more
b. Negative…less
c. Positive…less
d. Positive…more
12. Bacterial cells, but not eukaryotic cells, possess _____.
a. Photosynthetic pigments
b. A nucleoid with a circular chromosome
c. Membrane-enclosed organelles
d. Cell walls
13. Plasmids _____.
a. Often contain antibiotic resistance genes.
b. Are transferred from one bacterium to another.
c. Allow bacteria to survive adverse conditions.
d. All of the above.
14. Prokaryotes can either make their own energy, which are called __________________, or
get energy from outside sources, called __________________.
15. List reasons as to why bacteria are able to adapt so readily to their environment. How is
this bad for humans?
16. What are the 6 reasons prokaryotes are so successful?
17. Which type of bacteria are easier to treat with antibiotics? Why?
18. What are the two prokaryotic domains? How do they differ?
19. Domestication and artificial selection to yield new species is an example of what process?
20. In what way is it predicted that prokaryotes changed early Earth?
21.How do autotrophs and heterotrophs differ?
22. What are the different ways that antibiotics can treat bacterial infections?
23. Which of these methods would be most effective in treating gram negative bacteria?
24. Why wouldn’t you want to treat gram negative bacteria by the other method?
25. How do bacteria create genetic diversity?
26. How does a plasmid play a role in this?
27. What gene is essential for growing a sex pilus? Where is it located?
28. What type of plasmid is responsible for antibiotic resistance?
29. Describe the process of conjugation.
30. If the environment becomes unfavorable, some bacteria will become a
________________ until conditions become more favorable.
31. Gram positive bacteria have cell walls primarily composed of __________________.
32. About half of prokaryotes have a _______________ for locomotion.
33. Organisms are organized in a hierarchy of increasing complexity of characteristics which
are called __________________ ___________________.
34. Eukaryotes originated (before/after) prokaryotes. Eukaryotes differ from prokaryotes in
that they have _________________-_____________ ________________ and
_____________ ______________ __________________.
35. The origin of organelles is explained by the endosymbiont theory. What are its claims?
36. What conditions are likely to have been present for this endosymbiosis to occur?
37. What sort of evidence supports this theory?
38. What is a protist?
39. How do protist (and other eukaryotic cells) divide? How does that differ from
40. What were some problems that the first land plants probably encountered in moving to
land from water? Some benefits?
41. The closest relatives to plants are _____________________, which are a type of what?
42. What traits are unique to land plants?
43. How are mosses ecologically important (be general)?
44 . Which of the following characteristics of plants is absent in their closest relatives, the
charophycean algae?
a. phragmoplasts
b. cellulose in cell walls
c. alternation of multicellular generations
d. a rose-shaped structure that makes cellulose
e. flagellated sperm
45. Which of the following characteristics do mosses, liverworts, and hornworts share?
a. reproduction in gametangia; embryos
b. vascular tissues, true leaves, and a waxy cuticle
c. seeds
46. Which of the following is diploid?
a. the archegonia of a moss
b. a cell in the gametangia of a moss
c. a cell that is part of the stalk of a moss sporophyte
d. a spore produced by a sporophyte
47. In moss, _____ produce sperm.
a. sporangia
b. antheridia
c. embryos
d. archegonia
48. The sperm produced by mosses require _____ to reach an archegonium.
a. wind
b. light
c. moisture
d. the development of a flower
e. animals
49. In the moss life cycle _____ cells within a sporangium undergo _____ to produce _____
a. diploid ... meiosis ... haploid
b. haploid ... mitosis ... haploid
c. diploid ... mitosis ... diploid
d. diploid ... mitosis ... haploid
e. haploid ... meiosis ... haploid
50. Plants undergo alternation of generations in which _____.
a. the sporophyte generation alternates with the gametophyte generation
b. the vascular generation alternates with the nonvascular generation
c. male plants alternate with female plants
d. antheridia alternate with archegonia
e. all of these occur
51. Fertilization in moss occurs when sperm swim from a(n) _____ to a(n) _____.
a. antheridium ... sporangium
b. sporangium ... antheridium
c. antheridium ... archegonium
d. archegonium ... antheridium
e. sporangium ... archegonium
52. The gametophyte generation of a moss _____.
a. produces spores
b. is dependent on the sporophyte
c. is haploid
d. is rarely encountered, compared with the sporophyte
53. In mosses, haploid _____ directly produce buds that grow into gametophores.
a. archegonia
b. antheridia
c. spores
d. gametophores
54. Mosses are limited mostly to moist environments because _____.
a. their pollen is carried by water
b. they lack vascular tissue
c. they have swimming sperm
d. their seeds do not store water
e. they desiccate easily
55. What’s so important about the development of branched sporophytes?
56. What is vascular tissue used for?
57. How are ferns important to humans?
58. The sporophyte, which is (haploid or diploid?), houses ____________________,
grouped into clusters called __________, in which ________________ are produced.
59. Diagram/Discuss alternation of generations. Indicate which is haploid and which is
diploid. Include the words: gametophyte, sporophyte, zygote, gametes, mitosis, meiosis,
antheridia, archegonia, sporangia, fertilization, spores, sori
60. Fill out the following table, comparing and contrasting the life cycles of the plants.
Ferns and Allies
Seed plants
Dominant stage
gametophyte size
Vascular tissue?
Is a life stage
Dispersal of sperm
61. The male gametophyte is found within the _____________________. The female
gametophyte is found within the _____________.
62. Cycads are dioecious, meaning ___________________________________________.
63. Scientific observations and theories are NOT which of the following?
a. Subjective
b. Falsifiable
c. Quantitative
d. Reproducible
e. All of the above accurately describe scientific observations and theories
64. Which term best explains why a multicellular organism, such as a lion, can carry out
many more functions than a single cell in its body?
f. Phylogeny
g. Emergent properties
h. Endosymbiotic relationships
i. Reductionism
65. Horizontal gene transfer
j. Is a process by which prokaryotes can gain new genetic information
k. Results in the formation of a zygote
l. Is incapable of creating new diseases
m. None of the above correctly describe horizontal gene transfer
66. The evolutionary tree of life shows relationships between organisms based on
molecular data and gene sequencing. Thus, this tree of life is a product of:
n. Taxonomy
o. The 5 kingdom system
p. The 3 Domain system
q. Phylogeny
67. Pick the correct order in which these events occurred, starting with the earliest and
ending with the most recent
r. Prokaryotes, Oxygen in atmosphere, Eukaryotes, Land plants
s. Oxygen in atmosphere, Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Land plants
t. Prokaryotes, Land plants, Oxygen in atmosphere, Eukaryotes
u. Oxygen in atmosphere, Prokaryotes, Land plants, Eukaryotes
68. Mitochondria are believed to have originated by a(n) _______ relationship between a
prokaryote and an early eukaryote.
a. Parasitic
b. Opportunistic
c. Endosymbiotic
d. Commensualistic
69. Malaria has a complex life cycle that includes two different hosts. It is a
a. Plasmodium in the Ciliate group
b. Plasmodium in the Apiocomplexan group
c. Plasmodium in the Dinoflagellate group
d. Trypanosome in the Kinetoplastid group
70. The Endosymbniont Theory is NOT supported by which of the following?
v. Plastids, mitochondria, and prokaryotes replicate in a similar manner
w. Antibiotics block protein synthesis in both mitochondria and prokaryotes
x. Mitochondrial and prokaryotic DNA are similar in structure
y. Eukaryotes are more complex than prokaryotes
z. None of the above
71. Protists are prokaryotes.
aa. True
72. Oomycetes are important decomposers in fresh water. They exhibit what kind of
bb. Absorptive (fungus like)
cc. Autotrophic (plant like)
dd. Heterotrophic (animal like)
ee. Mixotrophic
73. In a certain area of the Pacific, yellow and green sunlight penetrate the water down to
50m. I have discovered a new photosynthetic protist that lives 75m below the surface of
the water. This organism must belong in the clade
1. Chlorophyta
2. Stramenopila
3. Rhodophyta
4. Charophycea
5. Plantae
74. Walking in a forest I find a plant whose dominant stage is the gametophyte, it must be
1. Angiosperm
2. Gymnosperm
3. Pterophyte
4. Bryophyte
75. All seed plants
1. Are heterosporous
2. Are homosporous
3. have fruit
4. more than one of the above
76. Pollination is the same as fertilization.
a. True
b. False
77. Which of the following are true about angiosperms?
1. Are oogamous
2. Provide 80% of the human population’s calories
3. Are the most diverse phyla of kingdom Plantae
4. All of the above
78. Double fertilization results in:
1. The formation of a diploid zygote
2. The formation of a triploid endosperm
3. The formation of a new gametophyte
4. A & B
5. A, B, & C
69. Multicellularity is thought to have arisen due to serial endosymbiosis.
a. True.
b. False
70. Which of the following statements about alternation of generations is FALSE?
1. All plants undergo alternation of generations
2. Spores are produced by meiosis
3. Eggs and sperm are produced by meiosis during plant alternation of generations
4. A diploid sporophyte produces spores
5. During this process a haploid gametophyte produces gametes
71. Which feature is NOT shared in common between Carophyceans and land (true) plants?
Cellulose in cell walls
Flagellated sperm
Alternation of generations
Peroxisome enzymes
B and C only
72. Flagellated sperm which must swim through external water to fertilize the egg are present
in all the following Phyla EXCEPT:
1. Bryophyta
2. Anthophyta
3. Pterophyta
4. Lycophyta
5. A, C, and D
73. A life cycle that can be described as heteromorphic alternation of generations with a
dominant gametophyte generation characterizes:
1. Bryophyte
2. Gymnosperm
3. Angiosperm
4. Pterophyte
5. None of the above
74. One trend that occurred during the evolution in the kingdom Plantae was:
1. Production of fruit then seeds
2. Reduced dependence on pollinators
3. Reduction in size of gametophyte stage
4. Reduction in size of sporophyte stage
5. Elimination of meiosis
75. All seed plants can be described as
1. Heterosporous with dominant gametophyte stage
2. Heterosporous with dominant sporophyte stage
3. Homosporous with dominant gametophyte stage
4. Homosporous with dominant sporophyte stage
5. None of the above accurately describe seed plants
76. All plants have all of the following EXCEPT:
1. Cellulose in their cell walls
2. Apical meristems
3. Alternation of generations
4. Lignin in their cell walls
5. All plants have all of the above features
77. In all plants spores are __and produced by ___; gametes are __ and produced by ___
1. Haploid, mitosis; haploid, mitosis
2. Haploid, meiosis; haploid meiosis
3. Diploid mitosis; haploid, mitosis
4. Haploid, meiosis; haploid, mitosis