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Propaganda Research Webquest:
Adapted from Propaganda Unit project created by Casey Wise found at:
How do feel about this poster on? Are you insulted, offended, or maybe encouraged?
How do you think it made the men who were not part of the military during World War I
feel? Is its affect different for boys than girls? This poster is a form of propaganda.
Propaganda surrounds you all the time in television commercials, billboards, magazines,
posters, brochures, etc. How do you know what is fact and what is opinion? The
military used propaganda extensively during World War I and World War II to convince
people to join the service or support the troops and cause. Politicians use it in their
political ads to persuade you to vote for them. Sales people use propaganda to get you
to buy their products instead of someone else's. How many times have you gone to
McDonalds for supper after you saw a commercial for a Big Mac?
The power of persuasive propaganda is evident in its continuous use and success at
persuading you to buy into what the authors/creators are saying. In this Webquest you
will learn what propaganda is and how to spot it.
You will start your project by researching the term propaganda. What is it? How is it
used? Are there different types of propaganda techniques? The answers to these
questions will be key to successful completion of your projects.
Use the following websites to research the word “propaganda”. Answer
these questions to help guide your research.
Hand in when finished.
The Websites:
Propaganda Critic
What is Propaganda - Slide Presentation
Propaganda Techniques
Don't Get Stuck! - PowerPoint presentation
Propaganda - Another PowerPoint Presentation
1. What does the word propaganda mean?
2. Explain the following types of propaganda techniques:
Name Calling:
Plain Folks:
3. Give an example of each technique listed above.
Name Calling:
Plain Folks:
4. In what ways do people use propaganda?