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Exam Review
1st 9 Weeks
Define Regionalism & Realism & Naturalism
Literary Terms – Simile, Metaphor, Irony, Personification, Autobiography, Biography, Indirect
& Direct Characterization, Internal & External Conflict, theme, setting, Dynamic & Static
Tone & Mood – define and apply while annotating a poem
Annotate a poem
“Lucinda Matlock” & “Fiddler Jones” – questions 503 & test
“The Outcasts of Poker Flat” – questions 515 & test
“The Story of an Hour” – questions 551
“Richard Cory” & “Miniver Cheevey” – questions 571
Nouns & Verbs – notes & identify
The Great Gatsby – chapters 1-7
How did Lucinda Matlock spend her life?
A. playing
B. caring for her family
C. working at the factory
What were her joys and sorrows?
A. family/losing children
C. dancing/working
B. working/family
D. fiddling
What was Lucinda’s tone in the first part of the poem?
A. confused & unsure
B. serious & reprimanding C. happy & satisfied
What was her tone in the last part of the poem?
A. confused & unsure
B. serious & reprimanding C. happy & satisfied
Who are the “sons and daughters” that Lucinda Matlock accuses of being degenerate?
A. society’s misfits
B. those of her children who survived her
C. later generations who complain about life
D. young people who refuse to contribute to society
Fiddler Jones suggests that what comes to mind when one hears the wind in the corn depends on
A. where one’s interests lie.
B. how close one feels to nature.
C. how hard the wind is blowing.
D. whether or not one is a farmer.
Fiddler Jones was unsuccessful as a farmer because
A. he hated farming.
C. he let fiddling interfere with farm chores.
B. he had no skill at farming.
D. the weather rarely cooperated with him.
To Fiddler Jones, “a pillar of dust / Or whirling leaves” was a reminder of
A. dancing.
B. how short life is.
C. lost opportunities.
D. the dangers of dry weather.
The region for “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” was
A. North
B. South
D. West
C. East
Which of the following does NOT describe the setting for the story?
A. Rocky Mountains
B. snowy
C. log cabin
D. cold
During which season did the story take place?
A. winter
B. spring
C. summer
D. fall
Who is the author of this story?
A. Mark Twain
C. Bret Harte
D. Richard Cory
C. $15,000
D. $20,000
B. Willa Cather
How much was this author paid for 12 stories?
A. $5000
B. $10,000
What type of films were made from this author’ character types?
A. Romantic
B. Western
C. Comedy
D. Horror
The methods a writer uses to reveal the personality of a character are called
A. sequence
B. generalization
C. analyzing
D. characterization
When the writer makes a direct statement about a character
A. direct characterization
B. indirect characterization
C. dynamic characterization
When a writer reveals a character through what other characters think or say or what that character says or thinks
A. direct characterization
B. indirect characterization
C. dynamic characterization
Characters who grow and change during the story are known as
A. dynamic
B. static
Characters who remain basically the same throughout the story are known as
A. dynamic
B. static
Uncle Billy endangers the campers by taking their
A. food
B. savings
C. weapons
D. means of transport
The reason that Mr. Oakhurst is banished from Poker Flat is that he
A. is a bad influence
B. is a cheat
C. won a great deal of money
D. has no support
Mr. Oakhurst responds to Tom Simson’s innocence by
A. pitying him
B. being annoyed by him C. taking advantage of him
D. feeling protective of him
What does the story suggest is most responsible for the change in the Duchess and Mother Shipton?
A. Piney’s view of them
B. the seriousness of the situation C. Mr. Oakhurst’s gentlemanly attitudes
The story suggests that Piney and the Duchess die as a result of
A. starvation
B. freezing
C. suicide
D. broken hearts
The story suggests that Mother Shipton dies as a result of
A. starvation
B. freezing
C. suicide
D. broken heart
The story suggest that John Oakhurst dies as a result of
A. starvation
B. freezing
C. suicide
D. broken hearts
The Great Gatsby
How does Nick describe himself at the beginning of Chapter 1?
A. judges others
B. does not judge others
C. engaged
D. not engaged
How does the tone of Nick’s description of Tom reveal Nick’s feelings about Tom?
A. negative feelings
B. positive feelings
What does the green light symbolize for Gatsby?
A. money
B. hope and distance
C. love
What is significant about the puppy episode?
A. it was cute
B. it was $10
C. it was another one of Tom’s possessions
D. purity
Why do you think Tom got so mad at Myrtle for saying Daisy’s name?
A. He did not want to hurt her.
B. He did not want people to find out he was married.
C. He was protecting Daisy’s name.
D. He wanted Myrtle to know his power.
What is “owl eyes” surprised about in Gatsby’s library?
A. it was so big
B. the books were real
C. the books were fake
What is ironic about Jordan’s comment about large parties?
A. large parties are too big
B. large parties do not have enough food
C. large parties are intimate
D. small parties are intimate
What does Nick discover about Jordan later that summer?
A. She is honest.
B. She is dishonest.
What role do automobiles seem to play so far?
A. safety
B. carelessness
What is Gatsby’s real name?
A. Jay Gatsby
What is Daisy’s voice full of?
B. James Gatsby
C. James Gatz
D. Jay Gatz
D. regret
A. softness
B. motherhood
C. money
D. greed
NOUN – A word used to name a person, a place, a thing, or an idea
Persons – carpenter, tourists, team, John Smith
Places – cities, forest, Santa Fe
Things – telescope, birds, Liberty Bell
Ideas – justice, power, Buddhism
Common noun – names any one of a group of persons, places, things, or ideas.
-aren’t capitalized (except to begin a sentence or a part of a title)
Proper noun – names a particular person, place, thing, or idea
-always capitalized
Abstract noun – names an idea, event, quality, or concept
Concrete noun - names a material or tangible object or phenomenon--something recognizable
through the senses.
Compound noun – Two or more nouns combined to form a single noun
Collective noun - A noun (such as team, committee, or family) that refers to a group of individuals
VERB - a word used to express action or a state of being.
Action verbs express physical or mental activities. Examples of action verbs are “write” and
“remember.” There are 2 types of action verbs:
Transitive – action verbs that take an object
Intransitive – action verbs that do not take an object
Linking verbs connect subjects with a word that identifies or describes. Examples of linking verbs
are: “ am, is, are, grow, look”
A verb phrase has a main verb and at least 1 helping verb. An example of a verb phrase is “will be