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Civil War Test
Match each item with the correct statement. (2 points each)
___ 1. Destruction of everything in an army’s advance that
could be used to help the enemy.
___ 2 Dead and wounded.
a. abolitionist
___ 3. One who would like slavery to be ended.
c. casualties
___ 4. Document freeing enslaved people in areas under
under Confederate control.
___ 5. President Lincoln’s _____ redefined the ideas of
freedom and equality in the United States.
___ 6. Site of Robert E. Lee’s surrender of the Confederacy.
d. contraband
___ 7. Property seized from an enemy during wartime.
g. Gettysburg Address
___ 8. This makes it a crime to help people escaping from
h. total war
b. Appomattox Court House
e. Emancipation Proclamation
f. Fugitive Slave Act
North or South? Put an A beside the following statements if it refers to the North; a B if it refers to the
South. (2 points each)
___ 9. Capital was Richmond.
___10. Had varied economic resources.
___11. Nicknamed “Johnny Reb”.
___12. Produced only a few staple crops.
___13. Had 22,000 miles of railroads.
___14. Was fighting a defensive war.
___15. Appealed to Great Britain and France for aid and recognition.
___16. Had the largest population.
___17. Their leading general was Robert E. Lee.
___18. They had superior military leadership.
___19. Had the largest army.
___20. Jefferson Davis was their president.
___21. Referred to as the Confederacy.
___22. Had first all-black regiment
Multiple Choice: 2 points each
23. At the start of the war, the South’s basic strategy could be summarized as:
a. prepare and wait
b. rely on railroads
c. blockade the North
d. invade and attack
24. Which of the following was an advantage the Confederacy had over the Union?
a. better generals
b. a larger population
c. numerous manufacturing plants
d. extensive mineral resources
25. During the Civil War, the North tried to ruin the southern economy by:
a. destroying southern coal mines
b. spreading a disease that destroyed the cotton harvests
c. blockading the southern coast
d. flooding the European market with cotton
26. Which of the following statements about the Civil War is true?
a. it was the bloodiest war in our nation’s history
b. nearly every family in the country lost a soldier in the war
c. it was the last war with navies of wooden ships
d. all of the above
27. Lincoln’s main concern when the Civil War began was:
a. strengthening the Northern industries
b. freeing the slaves
c. restoring the Union
d. being reelected
28. The North had all of the following advantages during the Civil War EXCEPT:
a. aid from Great Britain and France
b. more miles of railroad track
c. a large variety of crops
d. more factories than the South
29. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation had all of the following effects EXCEPT:
a. increasing Southern anger towards the North
b. freeing all slaves in the United States at once
c. increasing black enlistment into the Northern army
d. ending any chance of European nations recognizing the Confederacy
30. The first shot of the Civil War was fired at:
a. Bull Run
b. Fort Sumter
c. Fort Donelson
d. Gettysburg
31. All of the following were Union war strategies EXCEPT:
a. seize control of the Mississippi River
b. fight a defensive war
c. seize Richmond
d. blockade the South
32. What was one result of the 1860 election of President Lincoln?
a. secession of the Southern states
b. the immediate ending of slavery
c. an attack on Harper’s Ferry
d. resumption of the slave trade in the North
33. The Civil War began in ____ and ended in _____.
a. 1775; 1780
b. 1842; 1845
c. 1861; 1865
d. 1880; 1884
34. The Dred Scott decision stated that slaves:
a. were the property of their owners and not citizens of the US
b. were free when living in a free territory/state
c. should be made American citizens and have the right to vote
d. become free when the owners died
35. Seceding states believed that they had to leave the Union in order to:
a. protect their property and their way of life
b. have a stronger voice in United States government
c. form an alliance with England
d. remove President Lincoln from office
36. What risk did a soldier face if he survived being wounded in a Civil War battle?
a. dying from disease/infection
b. being forgotten
c. losing his pay
d. being dishonorably discharged
37. All of the following were slave states which remained loyal to the Union EXCEPT:
a. Kentucky
b. Delaware
c. Virginia
d. Maryland
38. A new weapon used during the Civil War was:
a. iron clad ship
b. musket
c. cannon
d. mustard gas
39. Which of the following events increased tension between the North and South before the Civil War?
a. Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
b. “Bleeding Kansas”
c. Kansas-Nebraska
d. All of the above
40. One of the major hardships faced by the Confederacy during the war was a(n):
a. food shortage
b. oversupply of labor
c. lack of cotton
d. lack of prisoners