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SS 8
- High Middle Ages
- Unit Final
High Middle Ages Unit Final
Part I - Multiple Choice
On the scantron card provided choose the BEST response.
1. William the Conqueror originally came from;
a. Great Britain
b. France
c. Normandy
d. Hastings
e. Gaul
2. William the Conqueror successful invaded and conquered England in 1066 at the battle of;
a. Britain
b. Hastings
c. Halibut
d. Vassal
e. Westminster
3. William introduced ______________ to England.
a. horses
b. keels
c. the caste system
d. the feudal system
e. rice
4. The feudal system was based on;
a. land, loyalty and religious faith
b. money
c. allegiances
d. mounted cavalry
e. those little sprinkles you find on doughnuts
5. Which social organization preserved learning during the Middle Ages?
The nobles and kings.
The monks and priests of the Church.
The merchants and business people.
The traveling musicians and actors.
6. Which of the following best describes the feudal system?
Knights fighting in tournaments.
Lords making the peasants work for them.
Fighting using medieval weapons.
Small landowners giving service to larger landholders in exchange for
7. What promise would a vassal make to his lord?
help him fight in war when he was called.
supply him with food.
farm his land.
educate the village people and children.
8. What promise would a lord make to his vassal?
pay him taxes.
protect him.
supply him with good land.
keep him supplied with paid-working peasants.
9 . How were serfs different from free people?
Serfs were farmers.
Serfs rented their land from the lord of the manor.
Serfs were protected by the lord.
Serfs could not leave the manor without the lord's permission.
10. In addition to taxes the lord profited from his land by having serfs work on his;
a. castle
b. horses
c. demesne
d. tables
11. Which of the following religions played an important role in the social and political makeup of the European middle ages?
a. The Catholic Church
b. The Roman Catholic Church
c. Islam
d. Judaism
e. Doaism
12. The big three religions in the world are;
a. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam
b. Judaism, Christianity and Doasim
c. Islam, Judaism and Shinto
d. Judaism, Christianity and Islam
e. Muslim, Islam and Judaism
13. Commoners made up approximately _____ % of the population during the middle ages.
a. 60
b. 70
c. 80
d. 90
e. 100
14. A serf was considered to be;
a. the lord’s property
b. friends of the freeholders
c. happy-go-lucky
d. in charge of their own lives
e. excellent pastry chefs
15. Another name for a church tax was;
a. penance
b. tithe
c. tat
d. surcharge
16. The worst thing a church official could do to a person was to;
a. shake their finger at them
b. threaten them with excommunication
c. bore them with long sermons
d. make them wear silly clothes
17. Church courts were often thought to be too;
a. meddlesome
b. holy
c. bright
d. lenient
18. A lord could only be charged in a;
a. Royal court
b. Church court
c. Common court
d. Medieval court
19. Pope Urban II called for a holy war against the ____________ in the holy land.
a. people
b. Jews
c. Muslims
d. Catholics
e. all of the above
20. Another name for a holy war was a;
a. shrine
b. crusade
c. saint
d. jihad
21. The first group of people that went to the holy land to fight was called the;
a. 1st Crusade
b. 2nd Crusade
c. 3rd Crusade
d. People’s Crusade
e. all of the above
22. In order to protect themselves against attack. Nobles often;
a. prayed
b. made castles
c. fished
d. organized peace talks
23. The term used for surrounding a castle and trying to starve the inhabitants out is;
a. siege
b. fortification
c. moating
d. trial by ordeal
24. The following weapon is called a;
a. Trebuchet
b. Portcullis
c. Battering Ram
d. Ballista
25. The following castle part is called a;
a. Trebuchet
b. Portcullis
c. Battering Ram
d. Ballista
26. She ruled over both France and England and gave birth to two future Kings of England.
Joan of Arc
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Mary of Rose
Queen Elizabeth
27. King Richard the Lion-Hearted got his name after fighting in the;
Battle of Hastings
Battle of Canterbury
The Crusades
Clash of the Titans
28. This was King Richard’s mean and evil younger brother.
King Henry
King John
King Charles
King Kong
29. The powerful Barons of England forced the evil King brother of Richard the
Lion-Hearted to sign this charter which, for the first time ever, limited the
power of a King.
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
Bill of Rights
Magna Carta
30. Everybody knows that Social Studies is a course that not only challenges the
mind and develops intellect, but it is also interesting, fun and entertaining.
a. True
b. False
Part II - Short Answers
Name: _____________
1. In your own words, describe how William the Conqueror conquered England. (3 marks)
2. In your own words describe what a Manor was. (3 marks)
3. Describe how the Church supported the King. (2 marks)
4. When the Christians returned from the Middle East after their crusades what did they
gain from their defeat? (2 marks)
Part III - Map Work
On the following Map color AND label the following countries and water bodies
(you will be marked out of 8 for correct labeling and out of 5 for neatness)
England (Red)
Spain (Yellow)
France (Green)
Holy Roman Empire (Grey)
Atlantic Ocean (Blue) North Sea (Blue) Black Sea (Blue)
Mediterranean Sea (Blue)