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What was the relationship between a
lord and a vassal?
The lord would give land to a vassal
 In return the vassal was expected to
fight for the lord
 It was an honorable relationship
What was a vassal’s obligation to his
Vassal provide about 40 days of military
service per year
 Gave lord advice when asked
 Made payments to the lord on certain
What power did the Church have?
Church had great authority since many
Church officials had high government
How did feudalism become a
complicated system?
Kings had vassals who themselves had
 The same noble might be a vassal to
several different lords
Describe the code of Chivalry
followed by the knights.
Knights were expected to defend the
Church and defenseless people
 They had to treat captives as honored
guests [no throwing them in dungeons]
 It also implied a desire to fight for glory,
not material reward
Describe the rigid feudal class
Lesser lords
What was the relationship between
the lord and the serfs (peasants tied
to land)?
Serfs worked the land for the lord in
exchange for housing, land and protection
 Serfs also had to pay several different kinds
of taxes to the lord
 Serfs provided lord with share of crops and
provide labor to the lord
Why did serfs rarely have to leave
the manor?
The manor was self-sufficient
 It produced almost everything needed for
daily life
Why were serfs willing to accept the
harsh lives?
Acceptance was part of Church
 They believed God had decided their
position in life and they would be
rewarded in heaven