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Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychology
1. What is psychology defined as today?
2. Who is the founder of psychology?
3. Who first utilized the Scientific Method as used by psychologists?
4. What is a theory?
5. What psychological perspective emphasizes the interaction of the brain and body in behavior?
6. What is another name for a physician?
7. What do functionalists believe?
8. Which perspective of psychology suggests self-esteem, human ability, growth, and free will
determines behavior?
9. Which perspective emphasizes the learning of observable responses?
10. Who first suggested consciousness was too subjective and the focus of psychology should only
by observable behavior?
11. What is structuralism?
12. What is applied research?
13. What is the psychodynamic perspective?
14. Who said our actions based on rewards & punishments help shape future behavior?
15. What are some of the ethical concerns raised by research involving the use of human
16. Name the different types of descriptive research.
17. What is the only form of research that can determine cause and effect?
18. What is random assignment?
Chapter 2: Biopsychology
19. What chemicals does the nervous system rely upon for communication?
20. What is the endocrine system?
21. What is the somatic nervous system?
22. What is the autonomic nervous system and what are some responsibilities of it?
23. What is the peripheral nervous system?
24. What is the electrical message running through an axon?
25. What condition does an extra 21st chromosome cause?
26. What is the correct sequence in transmission of a neural impulse/action potential?
27. Which part of the neuron receives impulses from organs or other neurons?
28. What is the purpose of the myelin sheath?
29. What does the endocrine system regulate in the human body?
30. Which neurons carry messages from the central nervous system (CNS) to glands and muscles?
31. Due to Phineas Gage’s accident, what do we know about the frontal lobes?
32. Which region of the brain is responsible for vision? Hearing?
33. What are neurotransmitters?
34. What role is the limbic system most well known for?
35. Almost all messages going into and out of the brain go through which structure?
36. Which part of the brain communicates directly with the endocrine system?
37. Which gland is considered to be the “master gland”?
38. What is epilepsy?
39. What is the main purpose of the hypothalamus?
Chapter 3: States of Consciousness
40. What is introspection?
41. Who is considered to be the founder of behaviorism?
42. According to Freud, what are dreams?
43. During which stage of sleep do your eyes dart around momentarily behind the lids?
44. What is disrupted when we experience “jet lag?”
45. In the very beginning, what did psychology focus on?
46. In the first half of the 20th century, what did psychology shift its focus to?
47. What is cognitive analysis?
48. What are hallucinations?
49. Which machine is used to measure brainwaves while people sleep?
50. Which stage of sleep involves sleep spindles?
51. At what stage of sleep do sleepwalking and sleep talking often take place?
52. In some cases, hypnosis can be successful in relieving what?
53. What is another term for hallucinogen?
54. What are some of the causes of hallucinations?
55. What is drug tolerance?
56. What is meditation?
57. How is alcohol classified?
Chapter 4: Developmental Psychology
58. What have psychologists concluded about the nature-nurture controversy?
59. What are some of our innate abilities that help promote survival?
60. Name some examples of maturation.
61. What are teratogens?
62. According to Piaget, most children are egocentric during which stage?
63. What is the correct sequence of stages in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
64. What is the name of the area that aids motor speech in the cerebral cortex?
65. Why do adolescents experience identity crises?
66. Who gains influence in the adolescent world?
67. What is overextension? Be able to provide an example.
68. Who felt that children are, “active thinkers?”
69. What famous psycholinguist suggested that language is innate?
70. What is telegraphic speech?
71. What is accommodation? Assimilation?
72. Name the first stage of prenatal development.
Chapter 13: Psychopathology
73. What is psychopathology?
74. What is the DSM-V?
75. What is the medical model of mental disorders?
76. What are the 6 possible indicators of classifying psychological abnormality?
77. In the 14th and 15th centuries, how was ‘madness’ viewed?
78. What are extremely low levels of serotonin and Vitamin D a symptom of?
79. What is Dissociative Disorder?
80. What is Dissociative Fugue?
81. What is Dissociative Identity Disorder?
82. What is Mania?
83. What is a Panic Attack?
84. What is Psychotic Disorder?
85. What are Mood Disorders?
86. What is Unipolar Disorder
87. What is Bipolar Disorder?
88. What is Schizophrenia?
89. What is Neurotic Disorder?
90. What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
91. What are Phobic Disorders?
92. What is Social Phobia?
93. What is an Antisocial Disorder?
94. What is an Anxiety Disorder?
95. What are Somatoform Disorders?
96. What has been called the “common cold of psychopathology,” because almost everyone has
experienced it?
97. What is a delusion?
98. What are characteristics of someone suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder?
99. What did Freud believe about phobias?
List the types of schizophrenia and their definitions.
What does the behavioral perspective say about the cause of abnormal behavior?
What does the cognitive perspective say about the cause of abnormal behavior?
What does the humanistic perspective say about the cause of abnormal behavior?
Briefly describe The Rosenhan Study: On Being Sane in Insane Places.
Where does the term “insanity” apply?
What is the most unfortunate consequence of diagnosing mental disorders?