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Cornell Notes
 I can explain the role of “majority rule” in
the origins of democracy in Ancient Greece.
 I can compare democracy in Athens to
democracy in the US.
 I can identify characteristics of limited and
Class Period:
unlimited government
Essential Questions: 1. What was the role of “majority rule” in the origins of democracy?
2. How were the democracies of Athens and the U.S. different and how are they similar?
3. What are some characteristics of limited and unlimited government?
Connections to Notes:
I. Governing Ancient Greece
O The first leaders of Greece were likely __________ who were
O After the Dark Ages of Greece, _________________were ruled by
O Aristocrats: members of rich and powerful families
O Aristocrats_______________ most of the____________________,
owned horses, _________________, and
O As city-states became richer from trade the __________________ of
O The middle class wanted more say in the ___________________and
could now afford __________________________________________________.
O The middle class began to ___________________ aristocratic rulers
and replaced them with _________________.
O ________________: a ruler who took power by force
O The ___________________ usually _______________ tyrants, but
eventually some become too ___________________________.
O Some city-states begin to overthrow tyrants and
O _________________: a form of government in which citizens
govern themselves
O Democracies use the principal of __________________________.
O Majority rule: the practice that more than half of a
group can ___________________________________________ on the
whole group
II. Athenian Democracy
O Democracy was most fully developed in _____________.
O Athens was a ______________________________, meaning
__________________could vote on government policies
O Athenians used _______________________before issuing
O Who could vote?
O _______________ who had two parents who came from
O Women, slaves, and men with non-citizen parents
III. U.S. Democracy
O The United States is a_________________________________, all citizens
____________________________________ to create and vote on
government policies.
O States elect representatives to go to Washington D.C.
O These representatives make decisions about laws based
upon the needs of the people in their state
O The US also uses _______________________.
O Who can vote?
O Citizens over ______________________.
O Anyone _________ in the United States or U.S. territory is
a citizen of the U.S.
O Immigrants can ________________________________________.
IV. Differences Between Athenian and American Democracy
O 1. ________________________________________
O 2. Direct democracy VS. Representative Democracy
O 3. The US allows people to_______________________________, Athens
did not allow this.
V. Similarities in Athenian and American Democracy
O 1. ___________________________.
O 2. Citizens are granted the_____________________ as part of the
governmental process.
O 3. The Government is made up of _______________________who run
the city-state/country on a daily basis.
VI. Unlimited Government
O ____________________________: a form of government in which
those of authority do not have to follow the same laws as
everyone else.
O _______________________________________ are usually unlimited
O Examples:
O 1. The King creates taxes that people have to pay, but he
doesn’t have to pay them
O 2. Only the King makes laws
O 3. Laws only apply to certain people
O 4. People can be put in jail without trial
VII. Limited Government
O ____________________________: a form of government in which
everyone, including the people of authority (leaders), must
obey the laws.
O ________________ are usually limited governments.
O Examples:
O 1. Trial by jury (people vote to decide if a person is
guilty of a crime)
O 2. Elected officials make laws
O 3. Search Warrants (People must have a reasonable
cause to search someone’s personal belongings)
O 4. Everyone pays taxes (Even the leaders!)
VIII. Questions
1. List the four types of government used in Ancient Greece:
2. What is the difference between a limited and unlimited
3. If you had to start your own society, what type of government
would you want to start? Why?
Summary (3 to 5 sentences)