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Biology 20 – Kingdom Animalia – Chordata, Amphibians and Reptiles Notes
Phylum Chordata
 The phylum Chordata is divided into 3 subphyla.
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
 All of these subphyla at some point in their life _____________________
Characteristics of Phylum Chordata
 ____________ symmetry; segmented body; _____________________;
well-developed _____________________.
 ______________________________ present at some stage in life cycle.
 ____________________________; anterior end of cord usually enlarged
to form _________________.
 _________________________ present at some stage in life cycle.
 ______________________, usually projecting beyond the anus at some
stage but _____________________________.
 Ventral ___________, with dorsal and ventral blood vessels; ________
circulatory system.
 Complete and complex ______________ system.
 A cartilaginous or bony ________________ present in the majority of
members (vertebrates).
8 Classes of Chordates
 Urochordata - _______________________________
 Cephalochordata - ____________________________
 Cephalaspidomorphi – _________________________
 Myxini – _________________________
 Chodrichthyes – ____________________________
 Osteichtheyes – _____________________________
 Amphibia – _________________________________
 Reptilia – _________________________________
 Aves - ________________________
 Mammalia
Subphylum Urochordata
• At first glance, you might mistake this creature for a sponge.
Biology 20 – Kingdom Animalia – Chordata, Amphibians and Reptiles Notes
Adult tunicates look like small sacs (about 3 cm tall) and are ___________
• Lacking three of the four distinguishing hallmarks of the chordates, it
would seem impossible for these animals to be placed in phylum Chordata.
• However, tunicates begin life in a larval state, which have _____________
• Therefore, these immobile animals with tadpole-like larvae are considered
• Urochordate larvae have a _____________ that extends from just behind
__________________________________ (rather than from head to tail;
Urochordata means "tail-cord")
• Many urochordates are more commonly referred to as ________________
• Contain ______________________________________
• The body of an adult tunicate is quite simple, being essentially __________
_____________________ that form two siphons through which water
enters and exits. Water is filtered inside the sack-shaped body.
Subphylum Cephalochordata
• Lancelets are common bottom-dwelling animals that possess ___________
• They dig into the sand and lie with their anterior end protruding from the
• Unlike the urochordates, the _____________ extends along the entire
length of their body.
• This structure imparts _____________________________ and permits
more coordinated ________________________________.
• The most common member of this group is Amphioxus.
• Adult lancelets show four characterisitc chordate characteristics. Dorsal
hollow nerve chord, notochord, post-anal tail and pharyngeal gill slits.
• Lancelets are not filter feeders. Food enters their digestive system directly
after entering the pharynx.
Class: Amphibia
 ________________________________
 Feet, if present, lack _________________________
 Use ______________________________ for respiration.
 Response - well developed _______________ with advanced brain (ear
drums, good olfactory nerves)
Biology 20 – Kingdom Animalia – Chordata, Amphibians and Reptiles Notes
 Excretion - kidney’s > urinary ducts > cloaca (no anus) Some excretion
through skin.
 Feeding - ___________________________
 Reproduction - _________________________. Eggs lack multi-cellular
______________________. Usually lay eggs in water or moist places.
 Change from aquatic ___________________________________
 Movement - well developed ____________ system (strong limbs) and
 Respiration - ______ allows gas exchange (O2, CO2) using lungs
and/or gills
 Circulation – ______________________; ___________________heart
(___ atria, ___ ventricle)
– 2 Loop System (like humans)
• ______________ circulation – carries blood from the ________ to the
_____________ and back to the _______________.
• ______________ circulation - carries blood to the ________________
Order: Anura
Order: Urodela
Order: Apoda
– ________________
– ________________
– Caecilian
– ________________
– ________ present
– _______________
– ________________
– ____ for respiration
– _______________
– No larval stage
Class Reptilia
Characteristics of Reptiles
 Body covering of ________________________________________.
 Limbs if present are good for _________________________________
 Feet with _____________________
 ______________________ – Temperature _____ with the environment.
 ______________ - Contains a ____________ supply for the developing
embryo and can be _____________. Must be fertilized ____________,
has a ________________________.
 Respiration with ____________________
 _________________ (3 chambered heart) – increases the division of
________________ and ________________ blood.
 Large complex __________________. Larger _____________ of brain
than amphibians.
 Excretory system – __________________________________.
Biology 20 – Kingdom Animalia – Chordata, Amphibians and Reptiles Notes
 External development – ____________; mothers do not nourish young.
 Strong ____________________________.
 Well developed digestive system. (_____________________________
 Most live on _________________ but some species are ____________.
4 Orders of Reptiles
 Order _______ – Horny epidermal scales. Includes _______________.
Eg. ______________________________________________________
 Order ________ – Bodies with 2 bony shells. Eg. _________________
Eg. ______________________________________________________
 Order _______________ – Alligators, crocodiles, caimans and gavials.
 Order Order Sphenodontia (Formerly known as Rhynchocephalia) tuatara
Order Squamata
 Only _____ of the known ________ species of snakes are venomous.
 Snakes are more helpful than harmful because they _______________
 Snakes and some lizards have ________________________________.
 The forked tongue picks up odour bearing particles and they are
identified by the ___________________________________________.
Venomous Snake Characteristics
 ________________________ Eyes
 Pit Vipers have a __________________________.
 Pit Vipers have a “pit” underneath each eye used as a ______________.
 Some have unique characteristic marks such as the ________________.
Many snakes are constrictors that wrap around and suffocate their prey.
Snakes can swallow animals larger than themselves because the structure
of their jaw ___________________________________.
The ribs are unattached at one end which allows the body cavity to
The teeth are pointed backward so that prey does not pop out of the mouth.
The windpipe is projected forward so that breathing is not blocked.